Scholar Achievements

Kathleen '04 Scholar
"Major accomplishments: Marching in the Rose Parade. Getting gold cup for getting competition points in music festivals."

Justin '03 Scholar
Justin was selected for the 2004 Paralympic Swimming Team and will compete in Athens.

Michael '04 Scholar
"I participated at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ State Solo/ Ensemble Contest as a member of our percussion ensemble. I played the timpani and the ensemble earned a rating of excellent."

Ashley '04 Scholar
"I am very proud of the service hours I have. I have so many more hours than most of the other students. My goal is to earn 250 hours by next year so I can graduate with a silver cord. Another thing I am proud of is is I work hard on all my subjects. I never give up even when I get poor test scores. I have trouble on tests, but I keep working hard with all of my schoolwork."

Russell '04 Scholar
"A 4.0 grade point average for second semester."

Alex '04 Scholar
"[I earned a] personal fitness merit badge for scouts—a hard merit badge requiring that I do exercises for 12 weeks and show that I improve during those 12 weeks."

Makenna '04 Scholar
"During this last semester I earned all As and one A-."

Michael '97 Scholar
"I was recently selected as a delegate from Colorado to the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston."

Garrett "Bud" '04 Scholar
"This year I qualified to go to the DECA International Career Development Conference in Nashville, TN by passing through the area and state competitions."

Tracy '04 Scholar
"Moving out of resource classes at school and still getting good grades."

Maryann '04 Scholar
"I just got inducted into the National Honor Society at my school. I went downhill skiing for the first time this winter."

Andrew '04 Scholar
"My accomplishment for the year was getting 7th in King County for javelin and alternate to State Solo and Ensemble Competition."

Amanda '04 Scholar
"This year I got two pride inside awards and got into the National Honor Society."

Lukas '04 Scholar
"My biggest accomplishment was making it into the highest concert band at my school."

Julie '04 Scholar
"I went to my first concert (Sugar Ray and Matchbox 20). I was in the front row and Mark McGrath, the lead singer of Sugar Ray, came down and kissed me twice. Then they sent me a little package for my birthday about a month later. Sugar Ray rocks!"

Vishal '04 Scholar
"Event planning: in my school leadership class I planned staff versus student basketball game, a dance, and a middle and high school talent show."