Staff Mentors

My name is . I have a husband, Dave, and a son, Travis. I have Bachelors and Masters degrees in mathematics and a Ph.D. in higher education. I am an Assistant Director within Computing & Communications and a Research Assistant Professor at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I am particularly interested in how computers can help people with disabilities achieve high levels of independence, productivity, and participation. I'm also interested in how the Internet can be used to create a community...and, of course, I'm very interested in the DO-IT participants. Oh, by the way, I direct the DO-IT project!

When not serving as the head technical nerd for DO-IT, I manage the Adaptive Technology Lab at the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´. I have a wife, Louise, who is a pediatric ICU nurse and a son, Zane. Apart from work and family, any spare time is spent working with my search and rescue dog.

My name is Marvin Crippen and I work for DO-IT. I help Dan out with technical support, work on the DO-IT World Wide Web homepage and help make computer and science labs accessible. I also work in the ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´'s Adaptive Technology Lab. If you're on campus, come by and see me.

My name is Kristin Otis and I am a Counselor/Coordinator for DO-IT. I grew up in Madison, Wisconsin and am the youngest of five children. During my freshman year of college, I discovered that I had a learning disability. This was an incredible turning point in my life. I learned that I COULD learn, although I didn't completely breeze through college, I did get through! I graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1993 with a BS in Communicative Disorders. Before DO-IT, I worked as a speech and language specialist in southern California. Now I live in Seattle and I am thrilled of being a member of the DO-IT team.