Summer Camps Host Indoor IT Fun
School's out, the sun is shining, the birds are calling, and summer is beckoning kids to enjoy the great outdoors. So why are some kids spending precious hours of their vacation indoors? Those who attend summer camps that host DO-IT Campers are learning valuable skills that will help them excel in school and work, and they're having fun!
Each summer, DO-IT staff teach children and youth with disabilities at existing camping programs how to send electronic mail, use the World Wide Web for fun and education, explore other Internet tools, and create World Wide Web pages. Campers also have opportunities to participate in college and employment workshops and network with peers and adult mentors over the Internet.
Activities at camps vary depending on the campers served and the program needs of the sponsoring camp organizations. Most are residential camps where campers stay for a week or more. In some settings campers are scheduled into the computer lab for short Internet sessions while other campers choose to swim, hike, boat, and do crafts; others offer an intense camp session for those who especially wish to learn about the Internet, employment, and college. Some are for young learners; some are for teens; some serve a mix of ages. What all offerings have in common are active learning, full inclusion, and fun.
DO-IT Campers have been active in ÌÇÐÄÔ´´, California, Colorado, Oregon, and Minnesota. More recently, a gift from Microsoft extended DO-IT Campers to programs in Wisconsin, Maryland, and Florida. Since 1995, more than 3,000 children and youth with disabilities have learned to use powerful technologies that will help them reach their academic and career potential! Here's what a few satisfied Campers have to say about their experiences:
"I had a great time. I learned new things and met new people."
"I learned how to edit movies on a computer. I didn't know I could do that."
"Interviewing with an employer and with the professor helps you learn what to expect once you're involved and in an actual interview."
"Taking apart a computer was great—most definitely."
"If it wasn't for DO-IT, I wouldn't have gone to college."
If you would like more information about DO-IT Campers, including host organizations, contact DO-IT.