Summer Study '01: What Did the Phase I Scholars Do?
DO-IT Phase I Scholars participate in a two-week, live-in Summer Study session on the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ campus in Seattle, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. They learn about college life; surf the Internet; interact with peers, staff, and mentors; and have fun. Below, '01 Phase I Scholars share some of their experiences. Note that, reluctantly, some articles were edited to make them short enough to include in this publication.
College Food
By Sarah and Matt
During DO-IT we ate in many different places. We ate at By George, Terry Hall cafeteria, and Subway. We also had boxed lunches. By George has a wide variety of choices, but the food is not as good as Terry Hall cafeteria. The cafeteria always has a pasta option. This is nice for someone who is a vegetarian or someone who has trouble chewing. Subway has really good food also. The bread was soft and fresh. The boxed lunches, though, were not very good. Eating college food was an interesting experience.
The Benefits of E-mail
By Brandon and Jeff
E-mail is really great. It allows you to communicate with people all over the world. The people you are talking to do not even have to know you have a disability, which is another good feature about it. You can easily keep in contact with pen pals, friends, and relatives without expensive long distance phone charges! E-mail is wonderful and we love it—we are really grateful to have it.
Sheep Heart Surgery
By Brandi and Alicia
When the Phase I Scholars came to the Odegaard Undergraduate Library (OUGL), room 220, to perform surgery on sheep hearts, they didn't know what to expect. We sure didn't expect to see how gross the sheep hearts were, and we all didn't expect to be grossed out when the instructor brought the entire lungs, heart, and esophagus of a sheep!
Fifty percent of the Phase I Scholars were not all that eager to perform surgery on the sheep hearts, but the other fifty percent were eager to get started. Even though some of us didn't want to touch the sheep hearts, we went ahead and did it anyway. We replaced valves in the hearts and poked in the arteries with tubes to allow air to pass through another way. We even got a chance to cut the heart in half and explore it!
Some people thought the surgeries were awesome—like Jeff who said, "I thought it was AWESOME!" Some didn't think they were too great—like Rachell who said, "I thought the sheep hearts were gross!" —and sign language interpreter Gary who said, "I lost my appetite when Brandi waved the heart in my face and said, 'Want it for lunch?'"
The Henry Art Gallery
By Chris, Caleb, and Michael
On Thursday, August 2, 2001, DO-IT Scholars experienced the sights and sounds of the Henry Art Gallery. The main feature was listening to sounds and matching the sounds with the object that made it or vice versa. Our tour guides made our experience interactive by answering questions and explaining the works of art in vivid detail. There was something for everyone to experience at the art gallery. If a Scholar had a visual impairment, they were still able to listen to the sounds and feel some of the works of art. DO-IT Scholars with hearing impairments were able to see the visual art. Our time spent at the Henry Art Gallery showed the DO-IT Scholars that even though we have limitations, there is still a place for us in the arts.
By Christopher and Steven
On Sunday, August 5, 2001 the Phase I and II Scholars went to the Experience Music Project (EMP) in downtown Seattle. We left at about 10 o'clock and, upon arrival, set off to experience music. We headed up to the sound lab to play some music in its jam labs. When we got up there we had so much fun we decided to make a CD. This is how the infamous G Droppers were formed. Travis Burgstahler and his friend Andrew joined the group along with Kasey, Mike, and Matt. It was a fun experience for all of us.
The displays were really cool. We especially enjoyed the Jimi Hendrix Museum. The guitar display was really cool and we'd like to know how they assembled it. The EMP ride was really fun. The screen was rounded, and there were speakers set up all around the room. The seats were set up on a platform and moved so we felt like we were actually flying through space. The ride guided us through the movie. It was realistic and interactive. We recommend the EMP to everyone because it is a very interactive and entertaining experience.
Dorm Life
By Brad and Jacob
Dorm life has its advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages are that you're closer to class than if you live off campus. It's a smaller transition into life on your own. It's easier to be a part of social clubs and other groups. Finally, there is no one but yourself to tell you what you need to do. Staying in a dorm while in college is a good life—the dorm even provides food for you.
Dorm life also has its disadvantages. You can end up with a roommate whom you don't get along with. Good food is hard to find. You have to do your own laundry. Also, the rooms can be small. In some colleges the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and in some colleges it's the other way around. You should check out a few before you decide to live in a dorm. Be sure to find a place that's accessible to you, whatever your needs are.
Microsoft Tour
By Matt
Bill Gates founded the Microsoft Corporation in 1975. Microsoft produces a wide range of software products for computers. Microsoft's most successful product is the Windows operating system software line. In the year 2000, Microsoft made revenue of $23 billion.
On August 3, 2001, the DO-IT Phase I Scholars visited Microsoft in Redmond, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´. We arrived at Microsoft around 10:30 a.m. We started at Microsoft Studios, where we learned about careers in computer-related fields, accommodations, and access at Microsoft. We heard from disabled employees at Microsoft who talked about their own experiences. After that ended, we went to lunch and to see the soon-to-be-released X-Boxâ„¢. We watched an awesome X-Box video and then we saw the real thing (I now want an X-Box). One of the Microsoft employees gave us a tour of the Microsoft Studios, where we saw two sound stages and the control room. When the tour was over, we went to the Microsoft Museum. The Scholars played with Microsoft games and tried some electronic appliances. It was a lot of fun going to Microsoft and seeing all of the cool new gizmos.