Summer Study 1997 - Tuesday, August 5
Two of the DO-IT Interns (Shawn Latham and Mike Kuntz) have been assigned the task of summarizing the day's events. Here they are so far. We'll add new info each day.
Yesterday, the Phase I Scholars arrived in Seattle from all over country. After the Scholars were picked up at the airport or dropped off by their parents, they registered and were given a DO-IT treasure--the DO-IT T-shirt. DO-IT Staff, Interns, Mentors, and Scholars and their parents spent several hours getting to know one other.
After the introductions and a brief meeting, we went to the annual barbecue and participated in a exciting activity where the Scholars and Interns were paired up. The groups were given a list of quotes. They had to go around and ask questions to determine which Scholar, Intern, or staff had made the quote. Several examples were, "I have a pierced bellybutton," and " I accidentally shaved off my eyebrows."
After dinner, we went up to the dorm and the DO-IT Interns talked about their success in the community and college. By then, most of us were tired and were ready for bed. ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ half of the Scholars stayed up a little longer to watch a movie or chat with their new friends. At 11 pm, the lights were out!
Registration (McCarty Residence Hall Lobby)
- Pick out a t-shirt, fasten your name with tape and get autographs from the 19 other Phase I Scholars.
Introduction for Scholars and Parents (McCarty Library)
Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Director
- Welcome - Program goals, schedule, expectations.
- McCarty Residence Hall rules and emergency procedures (RA).
- Scholars introduce themselves and guests.
- Video: College - You Can Do It!
- "This is your life" - your first assignment: In pairs, match Scholars, Interns and staff with their little-known life experiences.
BBQ (McMahon Residence Hall Deck)
Intern/Mentor/Ambassador Success Panel (McCarty Library).
Movie (McCarty Library).
All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Residence Hall.