Summer Study 2000 - Tuesday, August 8
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
Phase II: Meet in HUB 106B to walk to workshops.
Finding Your Rainbow (HUB 106B), Graham Allan, Professor Forestry and Chemical Engineering
- If you don't know where you're going, you'll never know when you arrive. Start setting your goals now!
Phase II Workshops:
- The Game of Life and Image Processing (Sieg Hall 228) Richard Ladner, Professor, Computer Science, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´
- Virtual Reality (Fluke Hall) Suzanne Weghorst, Assistant Director for Research, Human Interface Technology Lab
- Making Science Labs Accessible to Everyone (Bagley 133) Greg Stefanich, Professor, University of Northern Iowa
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Speech Craft (HUB 209AB) Ann Kaiser, Public Speaker & Comedian
- Improve your public speaking skills, and learn how these skills can help you in life.
Lunch with DO-IT Advisory Board Members and Guests (HUB 108)
Keynote Speaker: Dave Dittrich, Senior Security Engineer, Computing and Communications, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´
- Dave Dittrich supports the Unix workstation administrators on campus. He is most widely known for his work in producing technical analyses of the Trinoo, Tribe Flood Network, Stacheldraht, shaft and mstream distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack tools. Dave has spoken at various user groups and computer conferences from Seattle, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ to as far away as Darwin, Australia
More Internet Tools, plus Internet Scavenger Hunt (HUB 106B), Dan Comden, Doug Hayman
- Use your new search skills in a fun Internet Hunt. If you and a partner are the best hunters, you'll win a valuable prize!
Phase II: You Can DO-IT! Interview Strategies (HUB 209AB) Sara Lopez, Laura Vujovich
- Prepare for the practice interview session by reviewing strategies used to let an employer learn about your skills, experiences, and necessary accommodations.
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den, outside 106B)
Test Taking Strategies (HUB 108) Lyla Crawford, DO-IT Counselor Coordinator
- Learn tips and techniques for taking tests.
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
!!DO-IT Mentor/Ambassador Night!! (HUB 108)
- Pizza for all!
- What's a Mentor? What's an Ambassador?, Sheryl Burgstahler
- 7:00 The Coats!!!
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
- Volleyball (Meet in McCarty Lobby)
- Games, Visiting (McCarty Entrance Lounge)
- Video (McCarty Small Lounge)
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.