Summer Study 2002 - Wednesday, August 7
Early Morning Campus Walk/Jog (optional)
- Meet at McCarty Main Entrance Lobby if interested (3rd Floor, Lobby Level)
Breakfast (Haggett Hall Cafeteria, Kitchen Level)
Phase I Open Computer Lab (OUGL Collab2, 1st Floor)
Phase II Meet in McCarty Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor, Lobby Level) to depart for Phase II Workshops.
Phase I: Web Portfolio Computer Lab
Building your Resume (OUGL Collab2, 1st Floor) Michael Richardson, DO-IT Project Coordinator/Counselor
- Write a resume to knock the socks off any employer!
Phase II Workshops:
- The Game of Life and Image Processing (Sieg Hall 228) Richard Ladner, Professor, Computer Science Professor, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´
- Human Interface Technology Lab (Fluke Hall 215) Suzanne Weghorst, Assistant Director for Research, Human Interface Technology
- Computer Usability Testing (LUTE Lab, Engineering Library) Microsoft and UW Technical Communications Department
- National Park Service: Working with Students and Visitors with Disabilities (Sieg Hall 231) Mike Dedman, Educator, National Park Service
Phase I Snack Break (Outside OUGL Main Entrance, 1st Floor)
Phase I: Web Portfolio Computer Lab
Building Your Resume (OUGL Collab2, 1st Floor) Michael Richardson, DO-IT Project Coordinator/Counselor
Phase I & II Depart to HUB for Advisory Board Luncheon
Lunch with DO-IT Advisory Board Members and Guests (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor)
- Keynote Speaker: Dr. Kent Cullers, Director of Research and Development at the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute, Mountain View, CA.
Phase I: Extending the Senses: A Lesson in Experimental Physics (HUB Room 106B) Dr. Kent Cullers, Director of Research and Development at the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute.
- The natural intent of physics, at least experimental physics, is to extend the senses into new realms. The remarkable synthesis of the 21st century is the unification of enabling technologies and new scientific technologies. Through this power, people of various abilities can share the Universe.
Phase II: Space Food and Nutrition; Building and Using the Space Station. (HUB Room 209AB) Dr. Robert Phillips, Professor Emeritus, Colorado State University, NASA Life Sciences Outreach and Education
- Learn about the latest and greatest space technology.
Phase I and Phase II Snack Break (HUB Room 106B, 1st Floor)
Phase I: Space Food and Nutrition and Building and Using the Space Station. (HUB Room 209AB) Dr. Robert Phillips, Professor Emeritus, Colorado State University, NASA Life Sciences Outreach and Education
- Learn about the latest and greatest space technology.
Phase II: Effective Interview Strategies: First Impressions Count! (HUB Room 106B) Michael Richardson, DO-IT Project Coordinator
Dinner (Haggett Hall Cafeteria, Kitchen Level)
Meet in McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby to depart for Career Panel at HUB.
Career Panel (HUB Room 108, 1st Floor) Moderator: Scott Bellman, DO-IT Project Coordinator/Counselor
- Learn more about what it takes to be successful in school and on the job from professionals with disabilities in a variety of career fields
Evening Dorm Activities
- Outdoor sports activities take place on Denny Field outside across from McCarty Hall (Meet in McCarty Hall Main Lounge, 3rd Floor, Lobby Level)
- Computer simulations and games (McCarty Hall Room 284, 2nd Floor)
- Visiting, board games, crafts & more (McCarty Hall Main Lounge or 3rd Floor Lounge)
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.