Summer Study 2010 - Thursday, July 22
Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
- Schedule, rules, evaluations, "buddy" system, Q & A, and newsletter projects.
Phase I: Welcome (Hansee Hall, Austin Room) , DO-IT Director
- Self-determination: goal setting, self-advocacy, and other strategies for success.
Phase I: Taking Charge! (Hansee Hall, Austin Room) Kayla Brown, DO-IT Program Intern
Phase I: Snack Break Snack Break (Hansee Hall, Austin Lobby)
- Learn the "recipe" for successful group learning.
Phase I: Group Soup! (Hansee Hall, Austin Room) Kurt Sahl, UW Center for Instructional Development and Research
Phase I: Connect With Your Lunch Bunch Introduction (Hansee Hall, Austin Room) , DO-IT Director
- Work with Scholars who have disabilities similar to your own.
Phase I: Lunch with Planning Groups (McMahon Cafeteria, basement)
- Learn more about the field of biotechnology and careers in biotech.
Phase I: Biotechnology (Hansee Hall, Austin Room) Theresa Britschgi, Seattle Biotechnology Research Institution BioQuest Science Education Director
Phase I: Snack Break (Outside Hansee Hall, Austin Room)
- Get ready to go to college and learn how to request and receive the accommodations you need.
- View video: College: You Can DO-IT
Phase 1: College: You Can DO-IT! (Hansee Hall, Austin Room) Dyane Haynes, Director, UW Disability Resources for Students
- Check-in and chat about DO-IT workshops, assignments, daily events, Phase II, Ambassadors, internships, and questions and answer.
Phase I: Staying Connected (Hansee Hall, Austin Room) , DO-IT Program Director
Phase I: Dinner (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level, Ground Floor)
Phase I Meet in front of McMahon Hall to depart for U Village.
- Meet in front of McMahon Hall to depart for University Village in groups.
- Hang out at the U-Village outdoor mall. Travel in groups of 3 or more, each with an intern or staff member.
- Pick up a treat with your Starbucks card!
Phase I: Village People!
Phase I: Meet in front of Ravenna Gardens to return from U-Village to campus. Riders who want to ride back to the dorm in the van, meet at Ravenna Gardens.
- Outdoor sports activities (Meet in McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby, 3rd Floor, Lobby Level to go to Denny Field outside across from McCarty Hall).
- Visiting, board games, crafts & more (McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby or McCarty Library).
- Relax in your room to store up energy for another busy day tomorrow.
Evening Dorm Activities
- Time to finish up your evening routine and head to your room.
Flush and Brush!
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.