Summer Study 2014 - Wednesday, July 23
Phase I & II: Breakfast (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level)
Phase I: Meet in McMahon Hall Main Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor) to walk to HUB, Room 145.
Lead Staff: Lyla
Phase II Reel Grrls & Neurobiology Group: Meet in McCarty Entrance Lobby (3rd Floor, Lobby Level) to depart for Phase II Workshop.
Neurobiology: Staff with walking group at 8:30 and noon: Debra
Phase II: Workshops
- Disability and the Media! By Reel Grrls (HUB, Room 307)
- Monica Olsson, Outreach and Access Coordinator, Reel Grrls Staff: Tina
- Exploratory Neurobiology: Bugs, Mice and Brains! (Kincaid Hall, Room 248)
- Martha Bosma, Associate Professor, Biology, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´
Phase I: Web Design and Development (HUB, Room 145)
Terry Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
Lead Staff: Lyla
- Be part of the DO-IT webdev team! Collaborate with other Phase I Scholars to design and build the 2014 DO-IT Summer Study website in this five-part workshop.
Phase I: Snack Break (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I: EXO Labs (HUB, Room 145)
Doreen Eatough, EXO Labs
Lead Staff: Sean
- Play with every day items in accessible microscopes.
Phase I & II: Lunch (HUB, Husky Den, Lower Level)
Lead Staff: Sean
- Have lunch with fellow Scholars in the Husky Den.
- Computer lab is open from 12:00-1:15 in HUB 145. Great time to work on newsletter article, accessibility review, evaluations, check email or just hang out in the lab.
Phase I & II: Travel in group to Russell Hall
Lead Staff: Tami
Phase I & II: Scholarship Secrets (Russell Hall, Second Floor)
David Coven, Facilitator, Scholarship Junkies
Lead Staff: Scott
- Learn about real-life costs of attending college and tips on how to pay for it.
Phase I & II: Snack Break (Russell Hall, Second Floor)
Phase I & II: Sensorimotor Neural Engineering (Russell Hall, Second Floor)
Eric Chudler, Ph.D., & Lise Johnson, Ph.D. Center for Neurotechnology; and Eran Klein, Ph.D., Ethics and Neuroscience
Lead Staff: Scott
- Learn how scientists are working on communications between the human brain and a wide variety of computer devices!
Phase I & II: Travel in group to Dinner
Lead Staff: Sean
Phase I & II: Dinner (McMahon Hall Cafeteria, Down to Dining Level)
Lead Staff: Tami
Phase I & II: Meet in front of McMahon Hall to depart for the Career Panel and Trailblazer Awards.
Phase I & II: DO-IT Trailblazer Awards and Career Panel (HUB, Room 334)
Sheryl Burgstahler, DO-IT Program Director and Founder and Scott Bellman, DO-IT Program Manager
Lead staff: Scott
- Meet DO-IT Mentors and special guests.
- Ask questions and learn more about what it takes to be successful in school and on the job from professionals with disabilities in a variety of career fields.
- Meet the DO-IT Trailblazers and hear from and about them.
Evening Dorm Activities
Lead Staff: Lyla
- Outdoor sports activities (Meet in McCarty Hall Main Entrance Lobby, 3rd Floor, Lobby Level to go to Denny Field outside across from McCarty Hall).
- Visiting, board games, crafts & more (McCarty Hall Lobby or Lounges)
- Relax in your room to store up energy for another busy day tomorrow.
Flush and Brush!
• Time to finish up your evening routine and head to your room.
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in McCarty Hall.
Dorm Staff: Noah, Lyla