Summer Study 2018 - Tuesday, July 31
Phase I & II: Breakfast (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
- Meet up with a group in the Lander Hall 4th Floor Lobby between 7:00 and 8:00 to go down to breakfast.
Phase I: Meet outside in courtyard between Lander and Maple (see map) to to walk to HUB, Room 145.
Phase II: Meet outside in courtyard between Lander and Maple (see map) to to depart for Phase II Workshop.
Phase II: Workshops
Exploratory Neurobiology: Bugs, Mice and Brains! (Kincaid Hall, Room 248, Health Sciences T366 and Hitchcock, Biology Library 220) Martha Bosma, Associate Professor, Biology, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´; Kelly Duong, Hiro Watari, Jesse Miles, Kirsten Gilchrist, Chris Vong, Undergraduate Students and Graduate Students, Neuroscience, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´
Let’s Do Video! Video Storytelling with Rooted in Rights (HUB, Room 238) Courtney Cole, Peter Rand, Vanessa Link, Jordan Melograna, Clark Matthews, Rachel Miyazaki, Vilissa Thompson, Rooted in Rights
Phase I: Web Design and Development (HUB, Room 145) Terrill Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
- Be part of the DO-IT webdev team! Collaborate with other Phase IÂ Scholars to design and build the 2018 DO-IT Summer Study website in this five-part workshop.
Phase I: Snack (HUB, Room 145)
Phase I: Concepts in Oceanography: Global Warming, and the Arctic! (HUB, Room 145) Michael Steele, Senior Principal Oceanographer, Polar Science Center/Applied Physics Laboratory, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´
- Explore the polar sciences.
Phase I & II: Lunch (HUB, Husky Den, Lower Level)
- Have lunch with fellow Scholars in the Husky Den.
- Computer lab is open.
Phase I: Web Design and Development (HUB, Room 145) Terrill Thompson, DO-IT Technology Specialist
- Be part of the DO-IT webdev team! Collaborate with other Phase I Scholars to design and build the 2018 DO-IT Summer Study website in this five-part workshop.
Phase II: First Impressions (HUB, Room 214) Tami Tidwell, DO-IT Program Coordinator
- Discuss resumes, disability disclosure and elevator pitch while preparing for mock interviews.
Phase I & II: Snack Break (HUB, Room 250)
Phase I & II: We Did It, So Can You! (HUB, Room 250)
- Phase II Projects are presented.
Phase I & II: You can DO-IT: Transporation and Campus Navigation (HUB, Room 250) Alicia Teasley and K Wheeler, Office Assistant, DO-IT, recent graduate in Law, Societies, and Justice and Disability Studies, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´, and '13 Ambassador
- Transportation and navigating your campus are big parts of the college experience; in this workshop we will learn about navigating a college campus and look at the accessibility of different transportation options.
Phase I & II: Dinner (Lander Hall, Local Point, Ground level)
At 7:00, Phase I & II: Meet in Lander Hall Lounges.
Phase I & II: Mini Me: Express Yourself (Lander Hall Lounges)
- Make a paperdoll that represents you for our DO-IT art installation.
Evening Dorm Activities
- Visiting, board games, crafts, and more (Lander 4th Floor Lounge).
- Hang out in your dorm room or go to bed early to get some rest.
Flush and Brush!
- Time to finish up your evening routine and head to your room.
Goodnight! All Scholars must be in their rooms in Lander Hall.