Summer Study 2019 - Friday, July 26
Phase I & II: Breakfast (Willow Hall, Center Table, Ground level)
- Check in with Lead Staff then go meet up a group on the Willow Hall 5th Floor between 7:00 and 8:00 to go down to breakfast. Check in with Lead Staff if you do not plan to go to breakfast.
At 8:30: Phase II: Meet outside Willow Hall Center Table to depart for Phase II Workshops.
Phase II: Workshops
Robotics: Human Centered Robotics (Gates Center, Room G-60) Maya Cakmak, Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´;Ìý²Ñ²¹°ù³ÜÌý°ä²¹²ú°ù±ð°ù²¹,ÌýPostdoc, Robotics, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´
- Robots will soon be integrated in our daily lives just like our laptops or smartphones. But what will they do for us? In this workshop we will discover different types of robots, explore their potential use for making people's lives easier, and learn how to program them. By the end of the week our robots will have a whole new set of useful capabilities, all taught by you!Â
Lights, Camera, Advocacy: Digital Storytelling and Disability (HUB, Room 250) Courtney Cole, Peter Rand, Vanessa Link, Rachel Miyazaki, Vilissa Thompson, Rooted in Rights​
-  Got something to say? Work with staff from Rooted in Rights to produce a creative, fully accessible video that advocates for disability rights. You will experience the filmmaking process from start to finish. We will discuss effective storytelling, brainstorm topics, work on story structure, and write scripts. Then, we will use a simple set of tools to shoot a professional video. You will learn the basics of Adobe Rush and edit your own video. Finally, you will ensure video accessibility and of course, share them online via social media!
Phase I: Pack Up (Willow Hall, 5th Floor)
- Pack-up but leave belongings in room.
At 10:15: Phase I: Meet in Willow Hall, 5th Floor to depart for HUB.
Phase I: What comes next? (HUB, Room 145) Tami Tidwell, DO-IT Program Coordinator
- Discuss Phase II expectations; share Phase II project ideas.
Phase I & II: Lunch (HUB, Husky Den, Lower Level)
At 1:15: Phase I & Phase II Scholars meet in in HUB, Lyceum Room for Closing Ceremonies
Phase I & II: Closing Ceremonies (HUB, Lyceum Room) Scott Bellman, DO-IT Program Manager
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- Phase I Website and ClassesÂ
- Phase I CertificatesÂ
- What comes next for Phase I GradsÂ
- Phase II Workshop ReportsÂ
- Recognition of Phase II Workshop Organizers and Instructors
- What comes next for Phase II GradsÂ
- Intern CertificatesÂ
- What comes next for Phase III GradsÂ
- Recognition and introduction of individual DO-IT staffÂ
- Good byes
Phase I & II: Back to Willow Hall to Finish Packing and Dorm Check-out (Willow Hall, 5th Floor)
- Make sure to:
- check your room for left-behind items,
- grab your laptop and bag, and
- turn in your keys to the Willow Front Desk.
See ya in cyberspace!