Summer Study 2020 - Thursday, July 16
Phase 1:
Accessible Technology Demonstrations and ATC Tour: See what assistive technology and apps college students use and how they use them, and tour the Access Technology Center.
- Experience new assistive technologies that help with access, organization, note taking, writing and composition.
- Learn from past Scholars what it is like to request an accommodation and what you might expect.
- Discover resources for increasing accessibility of Microsoft apps and using the built in capabilities of Windows.
Phase 1:
Capture Your DO-IT Experience: This class will introduce three different activities that you will work on over the next two weeks to capture your experiences and share them with your friends, parents, each other, and the wider community. These activities include writing a newsletter article; collecting and creating designs, photos, and other "visual" artifacts; and creating a graphic element to go on your web page as a Summer Study retrospective or "vision board."
- Newsletter Article
- Think about what aspect of Summer Study you have enjoyed or are looking forward to. Any classes you're looking forward to? Any topics that mean a lot to you? Decide on a topic you'd like to cover and start creating a structure for your article.
- Goal by end of Summer Study: All students submit at least one paragraph on an approved topic of their choice.
- Visuals
- Think about some different images you'd like to share about your experiences here at DO-IT. Take photos of yourself, draw a cool photo, or take a screenshot of a session. In this section, we will learn how to take screenshots and find visuals.
- Goal by end of Summer Study: All students upload at least one photo with their newsletter article and submit at least one photo to be featured in the DO-IT yearbook, Snapshots.
- Summer Study Web Page "Vision Board"
- Each Scholar is learning how to create and design your own web page. Learn how to find and design graphics that can bring your page to life. In this section, we will learn how to use some tools to edit or design graphics to showcase your experience here.
- Goal by end of Summer Study: Create a graphic collage or set of photos to represent either your experiences here with DO-IT or to show what you're thinking about for your future.
Phase 1:
Watch a Movie: Join DO-IT Staff in watching a movie! Choices will be sent out beforehand so we can choose something we all want to watch together.