Careers /doit/programs/brochures/brochure-category/1730/all en AccessCAREERS Projects: Increasing Career Success for People with Disabilities /doit/accesscareers-projects-increasing-career-success-people-disabilities <!-- THIS FILE IS NOT USED AND IS HERE AS A STARTING POINT FOR CUSTOMIZATION ONLY. See for details. 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After copying this file to your theme's folder and customizing it, remove this HTML comment. --> <div class="field field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden"> <div class="field-items"> <div class="field-item even" property="content:encoded"><div class="dnd-atom-wrapper type-image context-sdl_editor_representation atom-align-right" contenteditable="false"> <div class="dnd-drop-wrapper"><!-- scald=5728:sdl_editor_representation {"link":"","linkTarget":""} --><div class="image"><img typeof="foaf:Image" src="/doit/sites/default/files/uploads/images/Student_using_headset%20copy.png" width="400" height="344" alt="A student uses a headset to speak on his computer." title="A student uses a headset to speak on his computer." /></div><!-- END scald=5728 --></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> Thu, 02 Apr 2020 00:15:18 +0000 eol 8713 at /doit An Accommodation Model /doit/accommodation-model <!-- THIS FILE IS NOT USED AND IS HERE AS A STARTING POINT FOR CUSTOMIZATION ONLY. 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How to Present Yourself Well Online /doit/lets-impress-how-present-yourself-well-online <!-- THIS FILE IS NOT USED AND IS HERE AS A STARTING POINT FOR CUSTOMIZATION ONLY. See for details. 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You need a career-seeking strategy and a little experience to keep from being just another resume in a stack of hundreds.</p></div> </div> </div> Mon, 07 Apr 2014 23:30:16 +0000 teasler3 89 at /doit Increasing the Representation of People with Disabilities in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics /doit/increasing-representation-people-disabilities-science-engineering-and-mathematics <!-- THIS FILE IS NOT USED AND IS HERE AS A STARTING POINT FOR CUSTOMIZATION ONLY. See for details. 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