Engaging Individuals with Disabilities in an Engineering Research Center
This video describes ways that Engineering Research Centers can increase accessibility for individuals with disabilities, including universal design, accessible information technology, accessible engineering labs, and more.
Making Engineering More Accessible to Faculty with Disabilities
Equal Access: Universal Design of Your Syllabus
A course syllabus provides an opportunity for an instructor to share key information about the topics that will be covered, course objectives, assignments and due dates, assessments, behavioral expectations, and resources. It is important that it is welcoming and accessible to everyone. As research has shown, diversity in abilities, backgrounds, and interests of students is the norm. In order to make their syllabus appropriate for every student, an instructor can employ techniques underpinned by the Universal Design (UD) Framework.
Equal Access: Universal Design of Campus Services
As increasing numbers of people with disabilities pursue educational opportunities at all levels, the accessibility of libraries, computer labs, teaching and learning centers, and other campus services increases in importance. The goal is simply equal access; everyone who needs to use your services should be able to do so comfortably and efficiently.
Checklist for Making Informal Learning Accessible to Students with Disabilities

Disability-Related Videos
Listed below are video collections that share personal stories of individuals with disabilities and universal and other inclusive design strategies that make the world more inclusive of people with disabilities.Â
DO-IT Videos
DO-IT Videos promote the success of people with disabilities, particularly in school and work settings. DO-IT Videos play in a custom accessible media player with audio description and transcripts provided. Enter a search term to locate content of interest to you.
Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Education: A Universal Design Toolkit
Published by Harvard Education Press, we announce Sheryl Burgstahler's new book, Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Education. Details about the book can be found in  by professor Alan Hurst. Frédéric Fovet published
Equal Access: Universal Design of Informal Learning
Design Projects That Serve Veterans with Disabilities: A Promising Practice in Teaching How to Design Assistive Technology
At North Dakota State University, engineering students design assistive technologies for veterans with disabilities. Students’ projects must be cost-effective, have a long lifespan, be robust, and be technologically superior to existing options.