Engaging Individuals with Disabilities in an Engineering Research Center
This video describes ways that Engineering Research Centers can increase accessibility for individuals with disabilities, including universal design, accessible information technology, accessible engineering labs, and more.
Case Study: Ana
My name is Ana, and I am a Hispanic woman in a STEM field. I was born in El Paso, TX but raised in Cd. Juarez, Mexico. I graduated from the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and a master’s degree in chemistry. I started my Ph.D. in environmental engineering in August 2016 at Arizona State University (ASU) and joined Dr. François Perreault’s research group. Our research focuses on the application of nanotechnology for water treatment.
Case Study: Beatriz
I identify as Hispanic/Latinx. For me it has been very hard to find my place and identity within STEM research fields, as there isn't always a lot of support for underrepresented groups. It can be hard to get a research position in STEM/engineering for Hispanic/Latinx students. I think there needs to be more support from professors, head researchers, and departments to make sure there are opportunities for people from all backgrounds. I have generally had to go outside of my department to find opportunities for myself.
Disability-Related Videos
Listed below are video collections that share personal stories of individuals with disabilities and universal and other inclusive design strategies that make the world more inclusive of people with disabilities.Â
DO-IT Videos
DO-IT Videos promote the success of people with disabilities, particularly in school and work settings. DO-IT Videos play in a custom accessible media player with audio description and transcripts provided. Enter a search term to locate content of interest to you.
Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Education: A Universal Design Toolkit
Published by Harvard Education Press, we announce Sheryl Burgstahler's new book, Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Education. Details about the book can be found in  by professor Alan Hurst. Frédéric Fovet published
Bringing ERCs into the INCLUDES National Network (2019)
This publication shares the proceedings of the ERC-INCLUDES Capacity Building Institute (CBI) held April 3-5, 2019 and contains practices for making both ERCs and INCLUDES projects more accessible and inclusive.
Increasing the Participation of People with Disabilities in Engineering Research Centers (Dec 2017)
This CBI, which was held on December 6-8, 2017, provided a forum for sharing interventions and strategies that promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities in ERCs.
Broadening Participation in Engineering to Include People with Disabilities
This video showcases students and educators discussing careers in engineering for people with disabilities. Learn how educators can make engineering more welcoming and accessible.
Creating Accessible Documents
Regardless of whether documents are created in Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, or another format, there are right and wrong ways to create documents in order to ensure people with disabilities can access them.