UW Computer Use Ethics Review
Most DO-IT participants are new guests to the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ computer community. Guests of the system must abide by the UW Ethics Statement listed below. If you have any questions, direct them to doit@u.washington.edu or call (206) 685-DOIT (685-3648).
Everyone within the UW community who uses a computer has the responsibility to use the resources in an ethical and legal manner. This means that users agree to abide by the following conditions:
- The integrity of the systems must be respected
- The privacy of other users must not be in intruded upon at any time. For example, do not send e-mail to someone who has requested that you do not.
- The rules and regulations governing the use of equipment must be respected.
- No one will obtain unauthorized access to other users' accounts and files.
- The intended use of all host accounts, typically for research, instruction and administrative purposes, must be respected.
In conclusion, ÌÇÐÄÔ´´ policy prohibits account theft, file theft, violations of informational privacy and/or penetration or harm to operating systems. If abuse of computer systems occurs, those responsible for such abuse will be held legally accountable.