
Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology

Integrating Accessibility and Disability into the Computing Curriculum

Speaker(s): Richard Ladner, Amy Ko, Kristen Shinohara, Devorah Kletenik, Rachel F. Adler, Michael Moore, William Bares, Regine Gilbert, Meg Ray, Deborah Sturm, Elissa Weeden, Elaine Short, Kathy McCoy, Debra Yarrington, Paula Gabbert, Yasmine Elglaly, Catherine Baker, Joel Ross, Jennifer Mankoff
Date: Mar 02, 2022
Grant: AccessComputing
In this SIGCSE affiliated session, faculty shared about how they have integrated accessibility and disability topics into their computer science (CS) courses. There are certain courses, such as web or app design and development and human-computer interactions, that should be addressing accessibility because of the human-facing nature of software. Less obvious are courses, such as intro CS, computer vision, natural language processing, data compression, software engineering, and others, that can also have accessibility and disability content.