What technology can be helpful for teaching students with invisible disabilities?

Date Updated

At the Pathways to Success for Students with Invisible Disabilities Capacity Building Institute (CBI), held at from April 8 – 9, 2013, a panel of Landmark faculty members discussed several different technologies that can be helpful to students with invisible disabilities, including learning disabilities, attention deficits, and autism spectrum disorders. Listed below are some panelist suggestions.

  • is classroom management software that allows the image from any computer in the classroom to be displayed on the instructor's monitor or projected.
  • is a program that can help students take notes and organize a variety of related documents into one easy to access location. Educators can also use the program to create a notebook of classroom materials such as syllabi, reading lists, study guides, lecture notes, and more, that students can then access anytime.
  • Cloud storage through your school, , or can be used to share PowerPoint slides, OneNote notebooks, or other documents with students quickly and easily.
  • pens are smart pens that create an audio recording while a student writes notes. Students can go to a specific point in the recording by touching the pen to their notes. These can be useful for anyone, not just students with learning disabilities.
  • is speech recognition software that allows students to type by talking to the computer.
  • is mind-mapping software that allows students to brainstorm and organize concepts.
  • statistical software can be used for data analysis and modeling.

To read the full proceedings of this CBI, consult the .

Other resources focused on technology and individuals with invisible disabilities include: