Where can I find a guide to Section 508 resource documents?

Date Updated

The provides information to assist government agencies in making informed decisions about electronic and information technology (E&IT) acquisitions to assure compliance. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended in 1998, requires that E&IT that Federal agencies develop, maintain, procure, or use be accessible to people with disabilities, according to standards developed by the .

The guide has 6 technical sections:

  • Software applications and operating systems
  • Web based information and applications
  • Telecommunications products
  • Video and multimedia products
  • Self contained, closed products
  • Desktop and portable computers

Each section begins with a summary that provides general information about the E&IT to which the section applies. It provides examples to help users understand the types of E&IT products and services included. Each section summary also provides general information about accessibility as related to E&IT included in the section category, as well as discussing issues of interoperability between the E&IT and related assistive technologies.

A reference page for each individual technical provision of each technical section of the Section 508 Standards is provided in this reference guide. Each reference page provides information designed to help clarify the particular requirement and make it more operational by answering three questions;

  1. What does this requirement mean?
  2. How can I tell if this requirement is met?
  3. Where can I get additional information?

This Quick Reference Guide has been reviewed with the Access Board staff and the Office of Federal Procurement Policy's Section 508 Working Group. The developers of the guide intend to issue updated versions from time to time to incorporate comments or other changes as necessary. Any feedback you have about the guide should be directed to forumstaff@aticorp.org.

Additional information about Section 508 can be found at:

  • The
  • The