Where can I find training materials for making science, technology, engineering, and mathematics instruction accessible?
Making Math, Science, and Technology Instruction Accessible to Students with Disabilities is a resource designed to help preservice and inservice educators fully include students with disabilities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) instruction. The materials can be used for individual instruction and to deliver training to preservice and inservice teachers at all academic levels. Engaging videos are included.
This product is divided into two parts. The content in Part I can be used for individual study and reference by educators who want to learn about accessible instruction in the areas of mathematics, science, and technology. Part I includes an overview of key issues, how to make physical adaptations to classrooms and labs for general access and safety, information on assistive technology, how to design accessible electronic resources, sample Student Abilities Profiles, and resources.
The materials in Part II can be incorporated into standard curriculum courses for preservice teachers or used for teacher inservice offerings, preconference workshops, conference presentations, or presentations in a school or district. Included are scripts, videos, visual aids, and handouts for use in presentations on topics related to the full inclusion of students with disabilities in STEM courses.
The materials can be viewed and downloaded from the Internet or purchased in notebook form.
Much of the content of these materials is duplicated in other publications, training materials, and web pages published by DO-IT at the ÌÇÐÄÔ´´; most can be found within the comprehensive website at http://www.washington.edu/doit/.