Who is the Foundation for Science and Disability?

Date Updated

(FSD) is a nonprofit organization whose members work to

  • promote the integration of scientists with disabilities into all activities of the scientific community and of society as a whole and
  • promote the removal of barriers in order to enable students with disabilities to choose careers in science.

Most members of FSD are scientists, engineers, and other science-related professionals who have disabilities of all types. However, having a disability is not a prerequisite of membership. Membership in FSD is open to all persons interested in the goals and objectives of FSD.

In an effort to achieve the goals of FSD, members may be asked to

  • act as consultants for various programs and activities of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and other scientific, governmental, industrial, or educational institutions needing information about successful scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and technologists with disabilities;
  • render opinions for legislative action;
  • provide assistance to industry, rehabilitation agencies, academic institutions, and others seeking aid in clarifying or removing unfavorable factors or conditions involving persons with disabilities; or
  • facilitate educational programs designed to involve youth, college students, and preprofessionals with disabilities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.

In addition, FSD has established a Science Graduate Student Grant Fund, available to fourth-year undergraduates who have been accepted to a graduate or professional school in the sciences and who have a disability and to graduate science students who have a disability. Awards of $1000 each are made to qualified students in any field of mathematics, science, medicine, technology, or engineering. Awards are given for an assistive device or instrument or for some other special need.