Workforce Investment Act (WIA) One-Stops: A Promising Practice in Providing Employment Placement Services
The (WIA) compliments the (ADA) by assuring that people with disabilities are served alongside other job-seekers at . One-Stops are designed to provide effective, core and intensive training and services to individuals who need assistance finding employment. Recognizing that placing someone in an employment position requires shared responsibility among many organizations - educators, trainers, employment placement offices - One-Stops make sure that all relevant organizations are represented in one place.
While the One-Stop idea is not specifically set up for those with disabilities its goal is to serve this population conveniently and efficiently. Knowing that all required entities can be found in one place relieves people with mobility impairments and other disabilities from communicating needs to separate agencies and traveling to several locations.
WIA services are governed by a set of principles that are mandated by the Act. They are as follows:
- Universal Access. Any individual is entitled to one-stop service, helping them in their decision-making process and also assistance in actual job searches.
- Streamlining Services. Available services should be in one location and patrons should be given easy access to them.
- Increased Accountability. The system’s evaluation is based on customer satisfaction and success directly.
- Empowering Individuals. Customers should feel as though they have the ultimate control over their decisions and services. They will be provided with as much information as possible in order to ensure their confidence in a decision.
- State and Local Flexibility. There is a particular amount of flexibility in services depending up on the needs and available participants in a particular community.
You can use the to find a Career One-Stop Center near you.
Source: Smits, S.J. (2004). Disability and Employment in the USA: the quest for best practices. Disability & Society, 19(6), 647-662.