UW Research

Forms and Templates

Forms, templates, and worksheets from the Office of Research.
Media type Name Updated Subject Owner Download
Controlled Information Categories Controlled Information Categories for Classified or Restricted Research ORC [Download]
docx Delayed Onset Human Research (DOHR) Determination Request 10/08/2021 Delayed Onset Human Subject Research HSD [Download]
docx WORKSHEET Department of Defense (DOD) 03/02/2023 Department of Defense HSD [Download]
docx Department of Defense Supplement 03/02/2023 Department of Defense HSD [Download]
docx Department of Energy Supplement 03/02/2023 Department of Energy HSD [Download]
docx WORKSHEET Department of Justice 06/01/2023 Department of Justice HSD [Download]
docx Emergency Use, Device Notification 02/01/2024 Device Emergency Use HSD [Download]
docx Devices Supplement 01/26/2023 Devices HSD [Download]
docx Emergency Use, Drug or Biologic Notification 03/28/2024 Drug or Biologic, Emergency Use HSD [Download]
docx Drugs, Biologics, Botanicals, Supplements – Supplement 01/26/2023 Drugs, Biologics, Botanicals HSD [Download]