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A E 501 Analytical Methods for Aerospace Engineering (4)
Applications of analytical and mathematical methods for aerospace engineering, including: ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, linear algebra, vector calculus, integral theorems, complex analysis, optimization, and probability. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: A.

A E 510 Linear Systems Theory (4)
Covers theoretic methods for state-space linear systems including linearization of nonlinear systems, time-varying and time-invariant linear systems, discrete time and continuous time representations, canonical state space representations, linear system stability, time evolution of systems, controllability, and observability. Course overlaps with: TECE 551. Prerequisite: A E 501. Offered: W.

A E 511 Classical Control Theory (4)
Covers theoretic methods for linear systems in the frequency domain including nonlinear and linear systems; linearization of nonlinear systems; stability, controllability, and observability of linear systems; linear system representations in frequency and time domains; dynamic system response in time and frequency domain; and frequency domain control design. Prerequisite: A E 501. Offered: Sp, odd years.

A E 512 Dynamics, Stability, and Control of Vehicles (4)
Covers stability derivatives; effects of stability derivatives on flight characteristics; dynamics of rigid bodies in air, space, and underwater applications; responses to control inputs and external disturbances; handing qualities; control system components; sensor characteristics; stability augmentation systems; guidance and navigation; human factors; effects of limited communication; and multivehicle systems. Prerequisite: A E 501. Offered: Sp.

A E 513 Multivariable Control (4)
An introduction to control of systems with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. Topics to be addressed include: successive single loop design comparison; Lyapunov stability theory; full state feedback controller design; linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) methods (development, incorporation of noise, design, analysis); separation principle; stability robustness; introduction to H-infinity control. Course overlaps with: E E 548/A A 548/M E 548. Prerequisite: A E 510 Offered: A, odd years.

A E 514 Estimation Theory (4)
Development of computational tools for estimation and filtering of state variables from sensor measurements. Methods are presented for both linear and nonlinear systems. Topics include discrete and continuous system structures for both linear and nonlinear dynamical systems with notice; rigid body dynamics; least squares; Bayesian estimation; Kalman filtering; extended Kalman filtering; unscented Kalman filtering; particle filtering; smoothing. Course overlaps with: E E 549/A A 549/M E 549. Prerequisite: A E 510 Offered: A, even years.

A E 519 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering: Controls (4, max. 8)
Current research and advanced special topics in the area of aerospace engineering - controls. Prerequisite: A E 501.

A E 520 Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics (4)
Flow kinematics and dynamics, inviscid and viscous flows, incompressible and compressible flows, shock-waves, boundary layers, vorticity, and turbulence. Prerequisite: A E 501. Offered: Sp.

A E 521 Aircraft Propulsions (4)
Aircraft propulsion (propellers, turboprop, turbojet, turbofan, ramjets). Aerodynamics of gas-turbine/air breathing engine components (inlets, compressors, turbines, afterburners, nozzles). Engine design methodology and measurement (ground vs flight, thrust/drag accounting). Prerequisite: A E 520 Offered: A, odd years.

A E 522 Rocket Propulsion (4)
Covers rocket propulsion (nozzle gas dynamics, non-ideal flow effects); rocket vehicle performance; chemical rockets (solid, liquid propulsion, components and design); physical; and performance characteristics of rockets; and mission requirements; Introduction to electric thrusters. Prerequisite: A E 520. Offered: W, even years.

A E 523 Aircraft Noise (4)
Covers noise characterization; federal aircraft noise regulation; interrelationship between the engine types and noise; aircraft noise generation, propagation, and radiation; noise measurements; and methods for noise reduction. Prerequisite: A E 520. Offered: A, even years.

A E 524 Computational Aerodynamics (4)
Panel methods, finite volume method, grid generation, CFD and its applications to aerodynamics. Course overlaps with: A E 543. Prerequisite: A E 520 Offered: W, odd years.

A E 529 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering: Fluids (4, max. 8)
Current research and advanced topics in the area of aerospace engineering - fluids. Prerequisite: A E 501.

A E 540 Mechanics of Solids (4)
Covers general concepts, theory, and application of solid mechanics; mechanical behavior of elastic, plastic and viscoelastic solids; fracture of aerospace structural materials. Prerequisite: A E 501. Offered: ASp.

A E 541 Finite Element Analysis (4)
Covers theory and application of the finite element methods; element types, stiffness matrix and solution procedures; and solution of elasticity, thermal conduction, and other practical problems in aerospace engineering. Prerequisite: A E 540. Offered: W, odd years.

A E 542 Fatigue and Fracture in Aerospace Structures (4)
Covers theory of failure for metallic aerospace structures; fatigue properties, fatigue load spectrum, fatigue crack propagation, fracture mechanics, damage tolerance, fretting and corrosion fatigue, design applications, and case studies. Prerequisite: A E 540. Offered: Sp.

A E 543 Structural Vibrations (4)
Foundations of linear structural dynamics and vibrations of continuous and discrete systems: Physical phenomena, equations of motion, analytical and numerical solution methods, test methods. Course overlaps with: A A 553. Prerequisite: A E 540 Offered: A, odd years.

A E 544 Additive Manufacturing (4)
Introduction to Additive manufacturing (AM), development of AM technology, generalized AM process chain, designing for AM vat photopolymerization process, powder bed fusion, extrusion-based systems, sheet lamination process, composite laminates, automatics tape laying, designing laminated composites. Project-based examination of model parameters and designing and building an aerospace structure. Prerequisite: A E 540. Offered: W, even years.

A E 549 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering: Structures (4, max. 8)
Current research and advanced special topics in the area of aerospace engineering - structures. Prerequisite: A E 501.

A E 550 Mechanics of Composite Materials (4)
Covers the analysis and design of advanced composite materials for aerospace structures including material properties, micromechanics, anisotropic elasticity, theory of laminated plates, bending and buckling, and fracture of composites. Prerequisite: A E 501. Offered: W.

A E 551 Aerospace Composite Design I (4)
Introduction to advanced stress analysis methods of composite structures made of beams, laminates, sandwich plates, and thin shells; stress and buckling analyses of solid and thin-walled composite beams; shear deformable theory for bending of thick laminated plates; and stress and fracture mechanics analysis of bonded joints. Prerequisite: A E 550. Offered: A, even years.

A E 552 Aerospace Composite Design II (4)
Introduction to concepts of certification by analysis supported by test evidence in aircraft structures, emphasizing regulatory agency requirements and industry approaches. Subjects include allowable approach, bolted and bonded joints, damage resistance and tolerance, specialized test methods, and inspection techniques. Prerequisite: A E 550. Offered: Sp, odd years.

A E 553 Advanced Composite Structural Analysis (4)
Covers advanced stress analysis methods of composite structures made of beams, laminates, sandwich plates, and thin shells; stress and buckling analyses of solid and thin-walled composite beams; shear deformable theory for bending of thick laminated plates; and stress and fracture mechanics analysis of bonded joints. Prerequisite: A E 550. Offered: Sp.

A E 554 Manufacture of Aerospace Composites (4)
Fundamentals of composite materials manufacturing and processing, emphasizing modern aviation industry practices. Discussions of auto and out-of-the-autoclave processing of carbon fiber composites, test methods, tooling, secondary processing, commercial processes, and several other topics related to manufacturing of composites. Emphasis on aircraft structures, but applicable to all high-performance lightweight structures. Prerequisite: A E 550. Offered: Sp, even years.

A E 559 Special Topics in Aerospace Engineering: Composites (4, max. 8)
Current research and advanced special topics in the area of aerospace engineering - composites. Prerequisite: A E 501

A E 597 Introduction to Aerospace Systems Engineering (4)
Covers complete aeronautics and astronautics systems engineering cycle. Reviews major sub-systems present in every aeronautics and astronautics system. Emphasizes how these sub-systems interact with each other and provides an understanding of the effect of performance measures at both the system and sub-system level. Prerequisite: A E 512. Offered: S.

A E 598 Aerospace Engineering Colloquium (1, max. 30)
Covers the latest research in aerospace engineering. Includes current trends in professional aerospace engineering (e.g., manufacturing, systems, etc.) and professional development for aerospace engineers (e.g., project management, job searches, etc.). Lectures and discussions led by guest speakers. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.