Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
BPSD 520 Research Seminar (1, max. 30)
Group conferences on graduate student research. Prerequisite: BPSD graduate student or permission of instructor.
BPSD 540 Literature Review (2)
Emphasizes critical evaluation of original articles in the literature. For first-year graduate students in biochemistry and students of other science departments, with permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with BIOC 540; A.
BPSD 541 Literature Review in Biomolecular Structure and Design (2)
Emphasizes critical evaluation of original articles in literature from all fields relevant to biological physics, structure, and design. Emphasizes scientific writing and oral presentations. Prerequisite: first year BPSD student or permission of instructor. Offered: W.
BPSD 542 Literature Review in Biomolecular Structure and Design (2)
Emphasizes critical evaluation of original articles in literature from all fields relevant to biological physics, structure, and design. Emphasizes scientific writing and oral presentations. Prerequisite: first year BPSD student or permission of instructor. Offered: W.
BPSD 599 Introduction to Research in Biomolecular Structure and Design (3-6, max. 24)
Students work with one of the research groups within the Biological Physics, Structure and Design program. Minimum two rotations must be in a different laboratory. Prerequisite: BPSD student or permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.