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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

C ENV 190 Introductory Topics in Environment (1-5, max. 15)
Covers topics related to all areas of the environment.

C ENV 401 FieldNotes - An Undergraduate Journal (2, max. 6)
FieldNotes, an undergraduate journal connecting UW with the greater Puget Sound community, highlights student-led environmental research and outreach. FieldNotes, publishes two issues annually, features research communications, community features, and vivid imagery to ensure multi-faceted storytelling. Provides a platform for students to actively learn and engage in science communication. Offered: W.

C ENV 410 MESA Introductory Tutor Training Workshop (1)
Tutor skills and cultural competence training designed to prepare tutors to work in small groups with Seattle middle and high school students in math and science. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: ASp.

C ENV 420 MESA Introductory Tutor Training Seminar (1-2)
Second course in the tutor training program. Continued development of tutoring skills and cultural competence training designed to prepare tutors to work in small groups with Seattle middle and high school students in math and science. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AW.

C ENV 425 MESA Tutoring Practicum (1-3, max. 15)
Trained MESA tutors work in small groups with Seattle middle and high school students in math and science. Develop tutoring skills, share best practices, and problem solve through online interactions with the MESA tutoring program. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

C ENV 430 MESA Advanced Tutor Training Seminar (1-2)
Advanced tutor training program. Continued development of tutoring skills and cultural competence training designed to prepare tutors to work in small groups with Seattle middle and high school students in math and science. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

C ENV 490 Special Topics in Environment (1-5, max. 15)
Covers topics related to all areas of the environment depending on curricular needs and interests of students and faculty.

C ENV 500 Communicating Science to the Public Effectively (3)
Teaches emerging scientists how to effectively communicate their research to the public. Uses lessons and tools such as group discussion, feedback, and practice. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

C ENV 555 Teaching Right: Best Practice Pedagogy in Environment Courses (1, max. 3)
Examines best practice pedagogy with peer support for graduate students serving as teaching assistants in the College of the Environment. Faculty mentor students in creating inclusive classrooms, implementing evidence-based teaching, using technology to support pedagogy, and best practices for teaching and learning. Designed to help students thrive in their teaching assistant positions and facilitate their growth into better instructors. Offered: AWSp.

C ENV 590 Special Topics in Environment (1-5, max. 15)
Covers topics related to all areas of the environment depending on curricular needs and interests of students and faculty.