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CESG 501 Structural Mechanics (4)
Governing equations of bar and beam elements; vector-based direct stiffness formulation for 3D trusses and frames; the weak form, virtual work, and minimum potential energy methods; buckling and collapse modes; introduction to 3D elasticity and the finite element method. Offered: A.

CESG 502 Structural Dynamics (4)
Lagrange's equations. Free vibrations of linear, single, and multiple degree of freedom systems. Damping. Mode superposition. Forced vibrations by time history and by response spectrum methods. Free and forced vibrations of continuous systems. Wave propagation in rods and beams. Non-linear response of single and multiple degree of freedom systems. Non-linear response of continuous systems. Prerequisite: CESG 501 or permission of instructor. Offered: W.

CESG 503 Advanced Structures I (3)
Introduction to the finite element method for modeling civil structures at the graduate level. Formulation of line and continuum elements using virtual work and the principal of minimum potential energy. MATLAB programming of the finite element method. Use of commercial software to model real structures. Prerequisite: CEE 456 or CEE 501 Offered: W.

CESG 504 Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics (4)
Extension of the matrix methods of structural analysis and structural mechanics to the solution of static and dynamic continuum elasticity problems by use of finite element approximations. Discussion of convergence and bounding and extension to investigation of stability and finite deformations. Prerequisite: CEE 501 or permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.

CESG 505 Engineering Computing (3)
Applied computing in civil and environmental engineering contexts, including physical systems modeling, graphics and visualization, and data management. Program development using contemporary tools and strategies. Computer architecture fundamentals, theoretical and practical issues affecting memory use and performance. Offered: A.

CESG 506 Nonlinear Analysis of Structural Systems (3)
Formulation, solution, and interpretation of nonlinear numerical models of structural systems. Material and geometric nonlinearities for truss, beam, and frame systems. Resultant-based material laws. Large deformations. Solutions procedures, arc-length methods. Introduction to parameter identification. Course overlaps with: TECE 555. Prerequisite: CEE 501. Offered: Sp.

CESG 507 Structural Stability (3)
Covers concepts and fundamental principles of mechanics of equilibrium states and their stability properties; analysis of the stability and critical loads of columns; beams, and frames with various boundary conditions and loads; application of design formulas; and approximate method to calculate elastic and inelastic buckling loads. Prerequisite: CEE 501. Offered: W.

CESG 508 Materials Modeling (3)
Behavior of materials used in civil engineering structures. Yield and failure surfaces. Physical and phenomenological models of plastic and viscoelastic behavior. Fracture mechanics. Fatigue models and predictions. Damping and friction. Behavior of anisotropic and composite materials. Offered: S.

CESG 509 Reliability and Design (3)
Introduction to theory of structural reliability and its application to design procedures in civil engineering, including probability theory; assessment of uncertainties; code specification and the related concept of risk and the influence of socioeconomic factors; loads, load combinations, and probabilities of damage. Offered: AS.

CESG 521 Advanced Reinforced Concrete (3)
Behavior and design of reinforced concrete members and structures. Members subject to torsion and torsion combined with flexure and shear; members with small shear span/depth ratios, slabs. Prerequisite: CEE 452 or equivalent. Offered: A.

CESG 522 Analysis and Design of Prestressed Concrete (3)
Provides an introduction to prestressed concrete. It will focus primarily on flexural members, but will also include axially loaded members. First, the concept of prestressing will be discussed, followed by analysis and design under service loads, then analysis for strength. The discussion will be restricted to statically determinate members.. A design project may also be included as part of the course. Prerequisite: CEE 452 or equivalent senior course on Reinforced Concrete; recommended: A course in statics and one in mechanics of materials. Offered: W.

CESG 523 Advanced Structural Systems (3)
Examines structural design of floor systems for buildings, including one-way and two-way slabs, strip method, yield line theory, prestressed concrete slabs. Lateral load resisting systems for buildings. Prerequisite: CEE 453; CEE 502. Offered: Sp.

CESG 524 Advanced Steel I (3)
Factors influencing strength and serviceability of steel structures; LRFD limit state design procedures. Use of theories of plasticity and stability in development of design methods and specifications, bolted and welded connections, temperature effects, and affect of different fabrication methods on behavior of structure. Prerequisite: CEE 501. Offered: W.

CESG 526 Earthquake Engineering I (3)
Earthquake mechanism and ground shaking, response spectra, linear elastic methods for prediction of behavior, displacement prediction methods for inelastically behaving structures, modeling and solution schemes, earthquake design philosophy, capacity design. Reinforced concrete, steel, and base-isolated structures. Prerequisite: CEE 501, CEE 502. Offered: Sp.

CESG 527 Earthquake Engineering II (3)
Performance-based design, development of fragility curves, characteristics and effects of ground-shaking records, design methods, passive and active control, dynamic inelastic time history analysis, design of parts, system detailing, soil-structure interaction, repair and retrofit of structures. Prerequisite: CEE 515. Offered: A.

CESG 528 Wind Engineering Design (3)
Wind effects on structures, including atmospheric boundary layer flow; bluff body aerodynamics; structural dynamics and aeroelasticity; development and use of the ASCE Standards; estimation of along-wind, across-wind, and torsional response of tall buildings; design strategies for avoiding wind-induced discomfort. Fundamentals of wind tunnel testing. Offered: A.

CESG 529 Bridge Engineering (3)
Design of bridges. Includes the design of decks, joints, girders, columns and foundations to resist gravity loads and earthquakes. Prerequisite: CEE 452, CEE 453 (or equivalents) Offered: S.

CESG 561 Advanced Soil Mechanics (4)
Flow of fluids through soils, soil consolidation and consolidation equation, normal and overconsolidation, settlement and rebound, rate of settlement, analytical and numerical solution of consolidation equation. Mitigation of settlement problems. Stresses in soils, yield and failure, failure criteria, shear strength of soils, laboratory and field strength tests, shear strength of different soils under drained and undrained conditions. Prerequisite: CEE 367 or equivalent introductory geotechnical engineering course Offered: A.

CESG 562 Advanced Geotechnical Laboratory (5)
Soil and site investigation, classification and engineering properties of soils and rock as determined by standard and advanced test procedures and equipment. Evaluation of test data. Report writing. Prerequisite: CEE 367 or equivalent. Offered: A.

CESG 563 Physicochemical Aspects of Soil Behavior (3)
Study of soil formational processes, minerology, soil-fluid-electrolyte interactions, clay mineral chemistry, inter-particle forces and stresses, conduction phenomena, time-dependent changes, soil fabric, chemical admixtures, electro-osmosis, particle characteristics, and their effects on macroscopic soil engineering behavior including soil strength, stiffness, and volumetric changes. Prerequisite: CEE 367 (or equivalent course). Offered: A.

CESG 564 Computational Geomechanics (4)
Introduction to geotechnical modeling, applied finite elements and soil constitutive modeling. Basic introduction to finite elements as applied to geotechnical problems. Development, implementation and calibration of constitutive models for soils including Von Mises, Drucker Prager, Mohr-Coulomb and Cam-Clay. Offered: W.

CESG 565 Soil Dynamics (3)
Vibratory motion, dynamics of linear single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems, dynamics of nonlinear SDOF systems, dynamics of multiple-degree-of-freedom systems, wave propagation, dynamic soil properties for linear, equivalent linear, and nonlinear analysis, ground response analysis, soil-structure interaction.

CESG 566 Slope Stability and Landslides (3)
Covers slope processes and mass wasting; landslide characteristics, features and terminology; limit equilibrium slope stability analyses; effects of water on slopes; slope stability and landslide investigations; and design and stabilization of slopes; and landslide risk assessment. Prerequisite: CESG 561. Offered: W.

CESG 567 Advanced Foundation Engineering (3)
Design and analysis of shallow and deep foundation systems and earth retention structures. Seismic effects, pile interactions, and other related topics. Site investigation, quality control, and construction methods. Offered: Sp.

CESG 568 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (3)
Basic seismology (plate tectonics, elastic rebound, intensity and magnitude), ground motions and their prediction, deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, soil liquefaction, seismic slope stability, seismic lateral earth pressures, mitigation of geotechnical seismic hazards by soil improvement. Prerequisite: CEE 525 or permission of instructor; recommended: CESG 561 and CESG 565. Offered: Sp.

CESG 569 Geological Engineering (3)
Includes study of (i) geologic, geomorphic, and tectonic settings, (ii) rock types, characteristics, and identification; (iii) rock and rock-mass strength assessment, (iv) stereonets and their application to civil engineering problems in rock, (v) rock-slope stability and runout assessment, and (vi) discrete element numerical modeling. Recommended: CEE 367 or equivalent. Offered: Sp.

CESG 570 Geosystems Engineering (3)
Advanced geotechnical engineering topics not covered elsewhere in the graduate curriculum: design of earth and rockfill dams and levees; geosynthetics engineering; soil and site improvement methods; environmental geotechnics; lateral earth pressures and retaining systems; emerging topics in geotechnics. Offered: Sp.

CESG 571 Geotechnical Case Histories (3)
Geotechnical engineering, exposing successes and limitations of current geotechnical practice and exploring state-of-the-art solutions. Lectures by local practitioners and experts; visits to relevant sites. Offered: W.

CESG 599 Special Topics in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (1-5, max. 20)
Special topics in structural and geotechnical engineering offered occasionally by permanent or visiting faculty members. Offered: AWSpS.