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Ctr for Stdies in Demography and Ecology

Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

CSDE 501 Population Studies Seminar Series (1, max. 18)
CSDE affiliates and visitors present current research projects. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

CSDE 502 Population Studies Proseminar (1/2, max. 15)
Professional training in demography and populations studies. Includes ethics in population research, human subjects review, proposal application and writing. CSDE faculty research specialization, and research preparation and presentation. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: ASp.

CSDE 513 Demography and Society (3)
Overview of the social, economic, cultural, geographic, and historical study of population processes and the field of demography. Examines the historical roots of the discipline. Reviews theories, methods, major contributions, and contemporary directions related to population growth, composition, and trends. Examines fertility, mortality, and migration as it relates to critical questions in the social and health sciences and policy. Offered: jointly with SOC 513; A.

CSDE 533 Research Methods in Demography (3/5)
Basic measures and models used in demographic research. Sources and quality of demographic data. Rate construction, standardization, the life table, stable population models, migration models, population estimation and projection, measures of concentration and dispersion, measures of family formation and dissolution. Offered: jointly with CS&SS 533/SOC 533; W.

CSDE 555 Population Metrics in Global Health (4)
Presents a conceptual framework in which to understand and assess the health of populations. Appropriate methodological tools and techniques from demography, epidemiology, and related disciplines are presented together in this broader context. Offered: Sp.

CSDE 595 Special Topics in Population Studies (1-5, max. 10)
Examination of current substantive and methodological topics in demography. Content varies according to recent developments in the field and interest of the instructor.

CSDE 600 Independent Study or Research (1-10, max. 60)
Provides graduate students with the opportunity to receive credit for hands-on demographic research projects completed under the supervision of a CSDE staff or affiliate faculty member. Includes independent and collaborative research time and regular check-ins with the faculty or staff supervisor. Students may propose a research project or apply to work with a CSDE researcher on an existing project. Offered: AWSpS.