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DIS ST 230 Introduction to Disability Studies (5) SSc, DIV
Introduces the field of disability studies. Focuses on the theoretical questions of how society predominantly understands disability and the social justice consequences. Examines biological, social, cultural, political, and economic determinants in the framing of disability. Offered: jointly with CHID 230/LSJ 230.

DIS ST 235 Representations of Disability in Popular Culture (5) SSc, DIV
Social construction of 'disability' reflected in and shaped by popular culture. Examples from sports coverage, film, television, fashion, and art both by and about disabled people. Ways in which disability representations in the media reify, problematize, and/or challenge marginalization of this social status. Offered: jointly with CHID 235/SOC 235.

DIS ST 300 Disability Studies in Education (5) SSc, DIV
History, theory, values, and assumptions about disability in educational systems and society. Focus on historical and theoretical foundations for defining disability; disability in public schooling; relationship between disability, social change, and equitable access to opportunity.

DIS ST 332 Disability and Society (5, max. 15) SSc
Analyzes disability representations in literature, film, and other cultural texts; social science approaches to disability marginalization and empowerment; intersectionality of disability with other markers of diversity and identity. Offered: jointly with CHID 332/LSJ 332; AWSpS.

DIS ST 335 Sex, Gender, and Disability (5) SSc, DIV
Examines ways that disability, sex, and gender are connected as socially constructed categories. Topics include the ways in which the sexuality of people with disabilities is experienced and represented, the intersection of disability and gender inequality, and how the field of disability studies relates to and can transform other theoretical approaches to gender and sex. Offered: jointly with CHID 335/GWSS 335.

DIS ST 337 Social Construction of Madness and Mental Health in the United States (5) SSc
The construct of "mental health" and mental "un-health" from a sociological perspective. How categories such as mental illness, intellectual and developmental disability, cognitive impairment, and Mad Studies developed in the United States. Offered: jointly with CHID 337/SOC 337.

DIS ST 346 Disability in Global and Comparative Perspective (5) SSc, DIV
Examines the meaning, politics, and experience of disability globally and locally in order to understand what is universal and what is particular to the disability experience in a diverse world. Human rights, inclusive development, and social movements approaches addressing the marginalization of disabled persons explored throughout. Offered: jointly with JSIS B 346/LSJ 346.

DIS ST 360 Redesigning Humanity: Disability in Speculative Fiction (5) SSc, DIV Joanne Woiak
Developments in speculative fiction representing disability and disabled people, with attention to intersectionality, contemporary social issues, technology, bioethics, and texts in which disabled and multiply-marginalized authors write themselves into the future.

DIS ST 384 Topics in Disability Rights and Inequalities (5, max. 15) SSc, DIV
Theoretical, empirical, and comparative aspects of disability rights in connection with topics such as human rights, healthcare, and technology. Analyzes how law and policy address exclusion of disabled people and may perpetuate inequalities and marginalization.

DIS ST 402 Topics in Disability History (5, max. 10) SSc, DIV
Analysis of topics in the histories of disabled people, disability activism, society's perceptions of disability, and connections with other social movements and categories. Recommended: DIS ST 230/CHID 230/LSJ 230. Offered: jointly with HSTCMP 402; AWSpS.

DIS ST 419 Disability in the Arts (5) SSc/A&H, DIV
Examines how the expressive capacities of the arts capture, complicate, and transform the experience of disability. Recommended: DIS ST 230, LSJ 230, or CHID 230. Offered: jointly with CHID 419.

DIS ST 421 History of Eugenics (5) SSc
Examines the history of ideas, policies, and practices associated with eugenics and human genetics from the late nineteenth century to the present in American society and other national contexts. Offered: jointly with B H 421.

DIS ST 430 Topics in Disability Studies (1-5, max. 15) SSc
Theoretical, critical, analytical, or comparative examination of an issue or issues in Disability Studies. Topics vary. Prerequisite: either DIS ST 230/CHID 230/LSJ 230, DIS ST 332/CHID 332/LSJ 332, DIS ST 433/CHID 433/LSJ 433, or DIS ST 434/CHID 434/LSJ 434. Offered: jointly with CHID 430/LSJ 430.

DIS ST 433 Disability Law, Policy, and the Community (5) SSc, DIV
Addresses the history of legal rights of disabled people, U. S. disability policy, and the role of community activism and other forces in policy development and systems change. Introduces the existing social service system that affects disabled people. Offered: jointly with CHID 433/LSJ 433.

DIS ST 434 Civil and Human Rights Law for Disabled People (5) SSc, DIV
Expands knowledge of civil and human rights for disabled people. Examines the American perspective (ADA) as well as various international models including the United Nations' International Human Rights treaties as they relate to disabled people. Offered: jointly with CHID 434/LSJ 434; A.

DIS ST 435 Advanced Seminar in Disability Studies (5, max. 10) SSc
Provides an opportunity to review foundational principles and do independent research on a topic in the field of disability studies.

DIS ST 437 Crime, Law, and Mental Illness (5) SSc, DIV
Explores experiences of those with mental illness in the criminal justice system and involuntary civil commitment system. Emphasis on societal responses including the emergence of therapeutic courts and specialized police training. Examines how courts, legislature, and communities balance public safety and civil liberties. Offered: jointly with CHID 437/LSJ 437.

DIS ST 499 Independent Study (1-5, max. 15)
Supervised independent study in disability studies. Recommended: completion of two courses related to disability studies.

DIS ST 501 Seminar on Critical Disability Studies Foundations (5)
Overview of critical disability studies as developed in the United Kingdom and the United States. Changing role of disability as a socially constructed status during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; dominant theoretical models; tenets of research methodology and scholarship ethics; ableism in higher education.

DIS ST 502 Topics in Disability History (5, max. 10)
Analysis of topics in the histories of disabled people, disability activism, society's perceptions of disability, and connections with other social movements and categories. Recommended: DIS ST 501 or equivalent. Offered: jointly with HSTCMP 502; AWSpS.

DIS ST 503 Seminar on Writing Disability Studies (1/2, max. 10)
Skills and strategies for writing and publishing in disability studies. Includes writing, revision, and presentation of students' work; also, evaluation of other students' writing. Analyzes academic communication in the range of methods, perspectives, and content of interdisciplinary disability studies.

DIS ST 535 Graduate Seminar in Disability Studies (1-5, max. 15)
Study of topics in disability studies at the advanced level. Specific topics vary.

DIS ST 600 Independent Study or Research (1-5, max. 15)
Independent study or research in disability studies with faculty supervision.