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DXARTS 198 Digital Arts Seminar (1-5, max. 10) A&H
Topics vary and are announced during the preceding quarter. Taught by UW faculty and visiting artists, engineers, scientists, and humanities scholars.

DXARTS 200 Digital Art and New Media: History, Theory, and Practice (5) A&H
Investigates and illuminates Digital Art and New Media from a creative, theoretical, and historical perspective. Towards an exploration and discovery of the future of art, examines the paradigm shifts implicit in the inception and expansion of media art, as well as the dynamic core ideas that underscore digital art practices in the early twenty-first century. Course overlaps with: ART 280. Offered: AWSpS.

DXARTS 295 Creativity as Research: Experimentation and Play (5) A&H
Examines creative research in the arts and the natural overlap with research in other fields. Individual and collaborative projects explore research through the lens of digital art, dance, science, and theater. Offered: jointly with DANCE 295/DRAMA 285; A.

DXARTS 430 Algorithmic Processes in the Arts (5) A&H
Basics of computer programming and algorithmic thinking in digital arts. Emphasis on experimental art forms where building of custom software is integral to realizing an artistic vision.

DXARTS 450 Digital Video Foundations (5) A&H
An introduction to experimental video art. Provides a theoretical and practical foundation for creating video for installation, performance, or screen. Students attend lectures and complete assignments to create original video works. Workshops include hands-on introductions to digital video production: cameras, lenses, sound, lighting, motion control, and non-linear editing. Course overlaps with: BISIA 344.

DXARTS 451 Experiments in Video Art I (5) A&H
Introduces real-time video software for the creation of immersive installations, multimedia performance, and video art. Workshops demonstrate advanced compositing, multi-channel video, time delay, and live-image processing. Students explore the intersections of experimental video and contemporary art through individual projects, discussions, and critiques.

DXARTS 452 Experiments in Video Art II (5) A&H
Students work on individual projects while exploring such research topics as robotic camera motion, computer vision, interactivity, and video integration with physical I/O systems. Prerequisite: DXARTS 451. Offered: W.

DXARTS 460 Digital Sound (5) A&H
Foundations of digital sound for digital arts applications. Project-based course focused on creating experimental sound compositions. Overview of the history of electronic music and analysis of important works from its canon. Acoustics, psychoacoustics and digital sound theory. Digital signal processing and recording techniques. Multi-track, recording, editing, mixing, and mastering using Digital Audio Workstations (DAW). Offered: Sp.

DXARTS 461 Digital Sound Synthesis (5) A&H
Introduction to software sound synthesis techniques. Project-based course focused on creating experimental sound compositions framed by context of the Western Art Music Tradition. Includes acoustics and psychoacoustics; virtual synthesizers; wavetable synthesis; additive synthesis; ring, amplitude, and frequency modulation synthesis; granular synthesis; and noise and subtractive synthesis. Offered: jointly with MUSIC 401; A.

DXARTS 462 Digital Sound Processing (5) A&H
Introduction to digital sound processing techniques. Project-based course focused on creating experimental sound compositions framed by context of the Western Art Music Tradition. Includes digital effects; delay lines; introduction to digital filtering; FIR and IIR filters; reverberation; virtual-room acoustics and sound location; time-domain transformation of sound; andgranulation and time stretching. Prerequisite: DXARTS 461/MUSIC 401. Offered: jointly with MUSIC 402; W.

DXARTS 463 Advanced Digital Sound Synthesis and Processing (5) A&H
Advanced sound processing and synthesis techniques. Includes sound time warping; analysis-synthesis techniques; linear predictive coding; the phase vocoder; frequency-domain sound transformations; introduction to physical modeling. Prerequisite: DXARTS 462/MUSIC 402. Offered: jointly with MUSIC 403; Sp.

DXARTS 470 Sensing and Control Systems for Digital Arts (5) A&H
Covers basic electronics for integrating sensors and actuators into art installations and performance. Includes real-time systems programming and design using simple software tools for controlling video and audio as well as hardware tools for data I/O to control electromechanical and sensing devices.

DXARTS 471 Mechatronic Art, Design, and Fabrication I (5) A&H
Part one of three-quarter studio sequence exploring mechatronic art systems. Includes mechanics, electronics, software, advanced fabrication methods and real-time audio/video processing. Offered: A.

DXARTS 472 Mechatronic Art, Design, and Fabrication II (5) A&H
Part two of three-quarter studio sequence exploring mechatronic art systems. Includes mechanics, electronics, software, advanced fabrication methods and real-time audio/video processing. Prerequisite: DXARTS 471. Offered: W.

DXARTS 480 Introduction to Data Driven Arts (5) A&H
In contemporary digital culture, diverse media can be understood as data - from text and images, to recorded sound and speech. Introduces tools for collecting, processing, and organizing archives of multimedia. Establishes a foundation for artistic experimentation with machine learning and artificial intelligence systems. Involves working creatively with data from text and images, recorded sound and speech. Offered: A.

DXARTS 481 Data-Driven Art I (5) A&H
Art made using information, algorithms, patterns, datasets, searches, and metadata. Media - images, video, sound, text - as data indexable, searchable, and part of larger systems. Implications and possibilities of artists using such systems, looking at dynamic, algorithmic based approaches to composing with highly distributed collections of data. Offered: W.

DXARTS 482 Data-Driven Art II (5) A&H
Further develops skills and concepts required to make art, using machine learning and Big Data. Combines technical instruction in Python with discussion of ethical, aesthetic, and creative possibilities of data science. Topics include histories of data-driven art, technical applications using NLP, GANs, Classification Systems, Datasets, and hands-on systems-based art projects. Prerequisite: DXARTS 481. Offered: Sp.

DXARTS 485 Material and Cultural Bias in Algorithmic Systems (5) A&H
Project based course which examines the merging of data science, and arts and design practices. Draws from a range of theoretical texts and artistic works, combining textile and statistics literatures. Emphasizes mingling of ideas, multiple interpretations, and translations to critically represent, express, and challenge biased datasets and skewed machine learning systems. Offered: jointly with HCDE 485.

DXARTS 490 Special Topics in Digital Arts and Experimental Media (3-5, max. 15)
Taught by UW faculty and visiting artists, engineers, scientists, and humanities scholars.

DXARTS 491 Senior Thesis I (5-) A&H
Introductory course of the senior thesis sequence. Includes weekly seminars, selection of a thesis topic, and contract with an appropriate faculty adviser. Majors and senior standing only. Offered: A.

DXARTS 492 Senior Thesis II (-5-) A&H
Second course of the senior thesis sequence. Majors and senior standing only. Prerequisite: DXARTS 491. Offered: W.

DXARTS 495 DXARTS Production Studio (3-15, max. 30) A&H
Intensive, large-scale, collaborative, experimental media-based art projects. Examples include major interactive art installations, cinematic works, live computer music performances, and mechatronic or telematic collaborations. Topic vary.

DXARTS 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 12)
Supervised independent work on projects and research. Offered: AWSpS.

DXARTS 500 Research Studio (3, max. 30)
Covers recent advances and current trends in digital arts and experimental media research. Students discuss and demonstrate their own ongoing research and creative projects. In-depth examination of new artwork and research by pioneering figures in the field. Prerequisite: DXARTS graduate student.

DXARTS 505 Research Techniques in Digital Arts (3)
Digital arts research resources; structuring and strategizing research as part of artistic development; standards for writing and publishing; ethics and approach to technology transfer, and issues such as patenting. Prerequisite: DXARTS doctoral student.

DXARTS 517 Psychology of Audio and Visual Perception in the Arts (5)
Processes behind sound and image perception, with emphasis on cognition and practical applications for artists. Includes cross-modal theory and synaesthesia. Prerequisite: DXARTS graduate student.

DXARTS 528 Real-Time Digital Image Processing (5)
Theory, aesthetics, and practice of real-time video manipulation/performance systems. Theory and high-level programming of image synthesis and processing.

DXARTS 552 Advanced Topics in Digital Video (5)
Covers recent advances and current trends in digital video research. May include in-depth examination of new artwork and research by faculty, students, and visiting professionals. Prerequisite: DXARTS 450; and either DXARTS 451 or DXARTS 452.

DXARTS 565 Spectral Modeling of Sound (5)
Theory and practice of sound modeling in the spectral domain. Custom-designed software for spectral modeling and re-synthesis. Implementation of software tools for spectral analysis, transformation, and synthesis. Emphasizes the development of new software tools and the production of experimental sound compositions. Prerequisite: DXARTS 463.

DXARTS 567 Sound in Space (5)
Theory and practice of spatial sound. Spatial hearing mechanisms. Stereo microphone techniques. 3D sound field capture and reconstruction using first and high order ambisonics. VBAP, WFS, and other advanced sound spatialization techniques. Introduction to aural architecture and spatial audio composition with emphasis on the production of experimental sound pieces and installations. Prerequisite: DXARTS 463.

DXARTS 569 Real-time Digital Sound Processing (5)
Introduction to real-time digital sound processing techniques. Includes: foundation of real-time systems; integration; reactive environments in performance and installation work; interfaces; communication protocols (MIDI, TCP); feature detection; pitch tracking; transient detection; time-domain processing techniques; frequency-domain processing techniques; algorithmic processes. Prerequisite: DXARTS 463.

DXARTS 571 Telematic Art I (5)
Focuses on the production of artworks that make use of real-time information networks. Topics include Internet art, database-driven art, and telematic installation art. Prerequisite: either DXARTS 470, DXARTS 473, or permission of instructor.

DXARTS 598 Advanced Topics in Digital Arts and Experimental Media (3-5, max. 21)
Covers recent advances and current trends in digital arts and experimental media research. Various topics may include in-depth examination of new art work and research by faculty, students, and visiting professors.

DXARTS 600 Independent Study or Research ([1-9]-)
Credit/no-credit only.

DXARTS 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
At least 27 hours of dissertation credit is required for the award of a Ph.D. in Digital Arts and Experimental Media. No more than 10 credits may be taken in any quarter, except summer. Credit/no-credit only.