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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

ECE 201 Introduction to Early Care and Education (2) SSc
Explores current and historical themes, research, and programs in the field of early care and education, offering students the opportunity to explore their own professional identities. Co-requisite: ECE 220. Course overlaps with: ECFS 200 and B EDUC 451.

ECE 220 Equity in Early Care and Education I (3) DIV
Drawing upon the history of multicultural education, social justice education, culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies, critical perspectives in early childhood education, and anti-bias education, this course supports professionals serving young children and families to develop skills needed to engage in equitable practices.

ECE 221 Equity in Early Care and Education II (1) DIV
Builds on foundations of critical pedagogy, social justice education, and culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies. Focuses on the intersections of identity (e.g., class, dis/ability, and gender), self, systems of power and privilege, and working with young children. Designed to better understand how art and children's texts can be used as tools for equity. Prerequisite: ECE 220.

ECE 222 Equity in Early Care and Education III (1) DIV
Builds on foundations of critical pedagogy, social justice education, and culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies. Focuses on the intersections of identity (e.g., race, ethnicity, language, and sexual identity), self, systems of power and privilege, and working with young children. Designed to better understand how art and children's texts can be used as tools for equity. Prerequisite: ECE 220.

ECE 307 Early Childhood Curriculum I: From Observation and Assessment to Planning (10)
Fosters the knowledge and skills needed to promote learning and development for young children through creating curriculum, including child observation, assessment, and planning. Helps transfer learning to early care and education settings and situations. First in a two-quarter series.

ECE 308 Early Childhood Curriculum II: Engaging Interactions and Individualizing (10)
Fosters the knowledge and skills needed to promote learning and development for young children through creating and implementing curriculum, including engagements and individualizing for all learners. Helps students apply learning to early care and education settings and situations. Second in a two-quarter series. Prerequisite: ECE 307.

ECE 320 Foundations of Indigenous Early Learning and Development (5) SSc, DIV
Explores the strengths and brilliance of Indigenous peoples, the community methods for fostering positive child development, and articulating a vision of a just, sustainable world. Cultivates the skill of ongoing reflective practice through a social transformation lens. Explores strategies for teachers to support children and families from Indigenous communities by adopting land and water education approaches that expand upon community lifeways.

ECE 322 Engaging Interactions and Environments: Instructionally Supportive Interactions (4) SSc
Importance of equitable high-quality early childhood education. Specific types of environments and responsive instructional interactions that support children's thinking, language, and problem-solving. One of a two-part series. Course overlaps with: ECFS 321. Recommended: child development course.

ECE 323 Engaging Interactions and Environments: Social and Emotional Support and Well-Organized Classrooms (3) SSc
Focus on importance of equitable high quality early childhood education, and specific types of environments and responsive instructional interactions that support children's social, emotional, and self-regulatory skills. Second of a two-part series. Course overlaps with: ECFS 321. Recommended: child development course.

ECE 330 Indigenous Early Learning Environments I: Designing with Lands, Waters, and Place (5) SSc, DIV
Examines elements important to the design of Indigenous learning environments for young children with an emphasis on cultural, seasonal, and outdoor learning environments. Covers the principles that transform indoor and outdoor physical space into engaging learning environments through deepening relationships with lands, waters, and place including human and more than human communities.

ECE 340 Indigenous Early Learning Environments II: Fostering Social Emotional Wellness (4) SSc, DIV
Focuses on the specific types of environments and interactions that support the development of Indigenous children's social-emotional wellness. Examines ways in which educators can design learning environments with children, families, communities, and the natural world to engage children in intentional activities that foster their positive growth and development.

ECE 401 Introduction to Research in Early Care and Education (5) SSc, RSN
Focuses on the kinds of knowledge, ways of knowing, and modes of inquiry relevant to early care and education. Through identifying and reviewing substantive research in their areas of interest, students locate ideas for inquiry within the research literature in early care and education. Course overlaps with: ECFS 401.

ECE 402 Social Policy in Early Care and Education (5) SSc
Seeks to deepen understanding of contemporary social issues and problems that impact families and young children. Discusses legislation and other policies from a local, national, and global perspective. Explores the complex web of social, private, and governmental organization that impact families and young children. Course overlaps with: ECFS 402.

ECE 419 Family and Community Engagement (5) SSc
Focuses on the key role that family and community contexts play in supporting development, as well as the key role early childhood programs can play in promoting family engagement. Participants examine interdisciplinary principles on how best to support a developing child's primary relationships through family engagement, and responsiveness to differences between families.

ECE 450 Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators (2)
Helps identify individual strengths, set professional goals, and practice necessary professional skills, such as job-searching, networking, and developing oral and written proficiency. Prerequisite: ECE 201.

ECE 456 Senior Project (10)
Synthesizes and demonstrates learning across the ECE major. Brings together research, theory, and hands-on practice in service learning in order to highlight overall degree competencies and promote development of a professional portfolio. Prerequisite: ECE 450.

ECE 470 Indigenous Family and Community Engagement: Partnering Toward Thriving Futures (5) DIV
Focuses on fostering early childhood teacher development around integrating Indigenous family and community knowledges into practices to support positive child development. Explores traditional Indigenous lifeways that foster healthy development in intergenerational, land, and water-based settings.