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HCSS 501 Educational Concepts for Healthcare Simulation Science (3)
Introduces foundational concepts in education, including adult learning theory and educational design. Topics include psychological safety, the role of emotion in learning and engagement, fundamentals of curriculum development, and modalities for evaluating teaching. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

HCSS 502 Teaching with Simulation (3)
Students develop effective curricula within the dynamic realm of healthcare simulation. Grounded in principles of medical education and adult learning theory, students explore various simulation modalities, including computer-based simulations, standardized-patient simulations, clinical immersions, and procedural simulations. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

HCSS 503 Advanced Assessment Techniques in Healthcare Simulation (3)
Covers designing, implementing, and evaluating tools for assessing student learning and performance in health professions education. Includes developing programmatic evaluation systems. Considers factors such as assessment validity and reliability, types of assessments for different applications, and practical approaches to program evaluation. Offered: Sp.

HCSS 504 Simulation Applications for Patient Safety and Continuous Quality Improvement (3)
Develops knowledge of patient safety and quality improvement concepts and techniques. Focuses on pragmatic techniques for analyzing events, assessing and triaging root causes, obtaining subject-matter expertise to map workflows, and thoughtful and effective project design and assessment. Analyzes systems issues experienced in their own practice, and uses human factors and quality improvement principles to develop pragmatic interventions. Offered: Sp.

HCSS 510 Fundamentals of Healthcare Simulation Science (3)
Provides background of the language and literature in the healthcare simulation science field. Focuses on the history of the field to build upon the past, assess progress, and accelerate innovation and research. Introduces students to academic and commercial healthcare simulation innovation. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

HCSS 520 Introduction to Research in Healthcare Simulation Science (1)
Students gain fundamental research skills, conduct literature searches, meet with members of their research team, and access online learning materials to support development as a researcher. Students learn to communicate research ideas and findings effectively through writing, presentations, and discussions. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

HCSS 521 Research Capstone I (1-)
Students gain fundamental research skills, conduct literature searches, meet with members of their research team, and access online learning materials to support development as a researcher. Students learn to communicate research ideas and findings effectively through writing, presentations, and discussions. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

HCSS 522 Research Capstone II (-2-)
Students gain fundamental research skills, conduct literature searches, meet with members of their research team, and access online learning materials to support development as a researcher. Students learn to communicate research ideas and findings effectively through writing, presentations, and discussions. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: Sp.

HCSS 523 Research Capstone III (-2-)
Students gain fundamental research skills, conduct literature searches, meet with members of their research team, and access online learning materials to support development as a researcher. Students learn to communicate research ideas and findings effectively through writing, presentations, and discussions. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: S.

HCSS 524 Research Capstone IV (-2-)
Students gain fundamental research skills, conduct literature searches, meet with members of their research team, and access online learning materials to support development as a researcher. Students learn to communicate research ideas and findings effectively through writing, presentations, and discussions. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

HCSS 525 Research Capstone V (-5)
Students gain fundamental research skills, conduct literature searches, meet with members of their research team, and access online learning materials to support development as a researcher. Students learn to communicate research ideas and findings effectively through writing, presentations, and discussions. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

HCSS 533 Cognitive Task Analysis (2)
Introduces a proven, structured methodology in support of requirements captured at the beginning of a development project to drive the development of educational content and development of specific assessment instruments. Demonstrates how cognitive task analysis translates into product requirements and engineering specifications. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

HCSS 540 Simulator Development for Healthcare (2)
Introduces the development process for complete healthcare simulation educational modules with special focus on the physical or virtual components that support the learning objectives. Delivers an understanding of the process that starts with high-level learning objectives, capturing and documenting detailed requirements that drive educational design, learner performance measures development, and simulator development. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.