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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

HSTRY 100 Advanced Placement (AP) History (5) SSc
Course awarded based on Advanced Placement (AP) score. Consult the Admissions Exams for Credit website for more information.

HSTRY 108 International Baccalaureate (IB) History (5) SSc
Course awarded based on International Baccalaureate (IB) score. Consult the Admissions Exams for Credit website for more information.

HSTRY 199 Foreign Study (3-5, max. 10) SSc
Lower-division history courses, for which there are no direct 糖心原创 equivalents, taken through the 糖心原创 Foreign Study Program.

HSTRY 201 History Lecture Series Colloquium (2, max. 8)
Students attend weekly lectures through the History Lecture Series, then discuss themes generated from the lectures. Students write reflective papers comparing, contrasting, and expanding upon themes presented. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

HSTRY 288 Seminar: Topics in History (5, max. 15) SSc
Introduction to the discipline of history. Emphasizes the basic skills of reading, analysis, and communication (both verbal and written) in history. Each seminar discusses a different subject or problem.

HSTRY 388 Colloquium: Introduction to History (5, max. 10) SSc
Introduction to the discipline of history for new or prospective majors. Emphasizes the basic skills of reading, analysis, and communication (both verbal and written) that are central to the historian's craft. Each seminar discusses a different subject or problem.

HSTRY 390 Colloquium in History and Science (5) SSc
Study in the history of science to bridge the gap between the natural sciences and the humanities. Students should have a strong background both in history and in a natural science.

HSTRY 395 Modern Historical Writing, Honors Seminar (5) SSc
New types of problems examined by historians and new techniques that have evolved for solution. Brief historiographical introduction, reaching back to the "scientific" historians of the mid-nineteenth century; continues by examining the impact on historians of new disciplines such as psychology, sociology, and economics, and of new techniques such as statistics and prosopography. Readings in the theorists and in those who followed their lead.

HSTRY 399 Advanced Foreign Study (3-5, max. 15) SSc
Upper-division history courses, for which there are no direct 糖心原创 equivalents, taken through the 糖心原创 Foreign Study Program.

HSTRY 489 Digital History (5) SSc
Offers a grounding in some key technologies relevant to research and teaching in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. Introduces an array of relevant technologies, including close and distant readings of texts, mapping and visualization, digital storytelling, content management and migration, and social media.

HSTRY 491 Honors Historical Method (5-) SSc
The purposes, materials, and techniques of historical scholarship. Theory, practice, and criticism. For honors students.

HSTRY 492 Honors Historical Method (-5) SSc
The purposes, materials, and techniques of historical scholarship. Theory, practice, and criticism. For honors students.

HSTRY 493 Senior Thesis in the History of Science (5, max. 10) SSc
Preparation of the senior thesis for the History and Science emphasis.

HSTRY 494 Colloquium in Historiography (5, max. 15) SSc
Advanced seminar examining central issues in historiography. Emphasizes reading, discussion, and writing.

HSTRY 495 History Internship (1-5, max. 10)
Off-campus independent fieldwork with a community agency in an apprenticeship or internship situation. Work to be jointly supervised by a member of the History Department and an on-site field supervisor.

HSTRY 498 Colloquium in History (5, max. 15) SSc
Each seminar examines a different subject or problem. A quarterly list of the seminars and their instructors is available in the Department of History undergraduate advising office.

HSTRY 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 15)

HSTRY 500 Perspectives on History (5)

HSTRY 570 Topics in Teaching History (3)
Topics include active learning, teaching writing, assessment, and course design. Designed for history graduate students working or planning to work as TAs or instructors. Students produce a teaching portfolio and conduct peer observations. Credit/no-credit only.

HSTRY 571 History as a Profession (3)
Prepares history graduate students for both non-academic and academic careers. Course required for second year graduate students in the department of history. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

HSTRY 572 Dissertation Prospectus Workshop (3)
Students will craft their dissertation prospectuses with their respective PhD chairs and committees, that must approve the prospectus before it is presented to the History Department. In addition to fulfilling a departmental requirement, students can use the prospectus as a component for future funding and employment applications. Credit/no-credit only.

HSTRY 595 Historical Practices (5)
Emphasizes the interrelatedness of theoretical issues and historical research. Students read works that encourage the rethinking of sources and their historical meaning and experiment with sources, methods, and questions in a set of practical assignments.

HSTRY 596 History Research Seminar (5-, max. 10)
Advanced historical research seminar. First in a series of two.

HSTRY 597 History Research Seminar (-5, max. 10)
Advanced historical research seminar. Second in a series of two.

HSTRY 598 Methods of Historical Research (5)
Exploration of new historical and scholarly techniques employed in historical research. Use of social science methodology and literary theory in the evaluation and interpretation of historical sources. Use of feminist theory, deconstruction, critical theory, and orality/literacy studies. Student research paper is based upon a chosen theoretical approach.

HSTRY 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)

HSTRY 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)