Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
LIS 501 History and Foundations of Libraries and Librarianship (3)
Introduces the history of libraries, major issues in contemporary library and information work, and types of libraries. Examines the role of libraries in society, the development of professional librarianship, and the role of librarians.
LIS 502 Foundations of Law Librarianship (1)
Introduces students interested in the legal information profession (i.e., law librarianship) to foundational concepts in the field. Topics typically covered include differences and similarities between private, academic, and government law libraries; the public interest mission; and inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility in the profession. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 505 Archival and Manuscript Services (4)
Overview of and fundamental training in historical and evolving principles, conceptual foundations, major professional institutions, key practices, and contemporary issues and concerns of archival studies and the American archival profession, as well as other fields interested in archives, records, and memory. Lecture, demonstration, and laboratory.
LIS 506 Introduction to Digital Preservation (4)
Explores fundamental concepts needed to preserve and manage digital collections. Students learn to assess a working archive and develop a digital preservation plan in a variety of environments. Topics include data integrity, organizational stakeholders, content management tools, preservation standards, building inclusive collections, and use of the latest technologies. Prerequisite: LIS 530.
LIS 508 History of Recorded Information (4)
Exploration of the history and ongoing transformation of recorded information within three broad spheres of human life: public communication, administrative and commercial operation, and personal communication.
LIS 510 Information Behavior (3)
Introduction to user-centered, information behavior. Theoretical and social justice foundations of information behavior, and people's specific behaviors regarding information need, creation, seeking and sharing, assessment, management, and use (impact). Synthesis of information behavior studies, construction of information world profiles, fieldwork, and application to designing effective information systems, services and policy.
LIS 511 Introduction to Programming for Information and Data Science (4)
Introduces fundamentals of computer programming as used for data science. Covers foundational skills necessary for writing stand-alone computer scripts, including programming syntax, data structuring, and procedural definition (functions). Includes programming environments (command-line) and version control. Emphasizes skills in algorithmic thinking, abstraction, debugging, and code reuse. Assumes no previous programming background. Course equivalent to: IMT 511.
LIS 512 Community Analysis (4)
Explores key concepts of offline and online community (broadly-defined: geographic, thematic, familial, etc.), methodological approaches for analyzing different aspects of community with emphasis on information needs, information sharing, and other information behavior concepts. Includes facilitating information behavior of all groups within a community and identifying how their needs interconnect. Offered: jointly with INSC 512.
LIS 513 Information and Migration (3)
Graduate reading seminar about the intersection between human migration and information practices and behaviors. What are the particular needs, behaviors and practices of immigrants, in the US or abroad? How is immigration changing social movements? How do refugees, undocumented migrants and DREAMers in the US change the discourse about immigration?
LIS 514 Indigenous Art is Indigenous Knowledge (4)
Examines the relationship between Indigenous art and Indigenous Knowledge (IK) for tribal groups in North America. Draws on theory from Indigenous studies, information science, art history, and museum studies to unpack the communicative properties of Indigenous art and artifacts as information ambassadors for tribal communities.
LIS 516 Youth Development and Information Behavior in a Digital Age (3)
Introduction to major theories of human development from birth through age eighteen and application of these theories to examine youth's information behavior and digital media use at various developmental stages. Explores new research on the impact of digital media tools and practices on youth development.
LIS 519 Information Science Study Abroad (1-8, max. 18)
International seminar, led by Information School faculty or researchers. Each addresses a specialized area of information studies. Topics vary. Some seminars may require language proficiency. See the UW Study Abroad website for information on specific offerings in any given year. Course equivalent to: IMT 519.
LIS 520 Concepts, Services, and Issues for Information Professionals (4)
Explores role of information professionals in mediating between individuals and resources in an ever changing information environment; including information production, distribution, selection, organization, and services to facilitate access to diverse users.
LIS 521 Principles of Information Services (4)
Helps students develop the skills and knowledge base to practice reference work. Students learn how to work with users to determine their information needs, while building their professional knowledge of strategies and resources that effectively meet user inquiries. Prerequisite: LIS 520.
LIS 522 Collection Development (3)
Methods of developing and managing diverse and equitable library collections in academic, public, and school libraries. Acquisition methods, budgeting, collection development policies, selection tools and criteria, selector responsibilities, collection evaluation, challenges to materials, trends, and ongoing inclusion issues in publishing, licensing, and accessing library materials in all formats.
LIS 524 Adult Reader Services in the Public Library (3)
Focuses on developing and performing readers' advisory services for contemporary adult fiction and non-fiction. Includes interpersonal and marketing skills necessary to promote reading including reading advocacy, readers' advisory interviewing, writing advisory annotations, presenting book talks, and conducting book discussion groups.
LIS 525 Genres for Adult Readers (3)
Reviews characteristics of the most popular genres of fiction, including speculative fiction, mystery/thriller/suspense, romance, westerns, and graphic fiction/memoir. Helps to develop practice in book talking, preparing annotated booklists, and making reading suggestions to library users.
LIS 526 Government Information: Production and Access (3)
Introduction to United States federal government information, its organization, preservation, uses, and users. Other topics include the public's right to know, the Federal Depository Library Program, government influence in our daily lives, and future directions in government information. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 527 Business Librarianship (3)
Exploration of information and data sources to shape business decision making and the practice of business librarianship. Emphasis on the business information landscape, collection development and the information needs of a diverse range of users in public libraries, academic libraries, and corporate and entrepreneurial settings.
LIS 529 Digital Humanities Librarianship (3)
Investigates the intersections between content and technology in humanities librarianship with a focus on information problems and resources in the fields of philosophy, religion, the arts, language, and literature.
LIS 530 Organization of Information and Resources (4)
Introduction to issues in organization of information and documents including: identification of intellectual and physical characteristics of documents; principles and practice in surrogate creation, including use of cataloging standards and selection of metadata elements; theory of classification and indexing languages; creation of controlled vocabularies; and ethical implications of knowledge organization.
LIS 531 Catalogs, Cataloging, and Classification (4)
Introduction to library cataloging and classification. Develops understanding of how cataloging ethics and systems inform information retrieval and affect diverse user experiences. Students learn to create effective user access and understand information discovery challenges. Includes practice in descriptive and subject cataloging and classification. Considers ethical issues in Machine Readable Cataloging (MARC) and in serving diverse groups. Prerequisite: LIS 530.
LIS 534 Indigenous Systems of Knowledge (3)
Explores Indigenous systems of knowledge (the philosophies and community practices of Indigenous peoples as they maintain connections to place, language, history, and ceremony) with an emphasis on knowledge organization practices in the context of libraries, archives, and information institutions.
LIS 536 Metadata for Interactive Media (3)
Explore new ideas and approaches for organizing and providing access to interactive media, particularly from a user-centered perspective. Design and conduct formative and evaluative user studies employing various qualitative and quantitative methods to determine information needs and seeking behaviors of various stakeholders in one or more interactive media domains.
LIS 537 Taxonomy and Indexing Construction (4)
Explores the design, construction, evaluation, and maintenance of controlled vocabularies and how users are integrated into the design process. Through development of a thesaurus, taxonomy, and ontology, prepares students to design index languages, plan and implement a design project, and evaluate indexing languages. Prerequisite: either LIS 530 or IMT 530. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 539 Metadata Design (3)
Covers application of and design principles around metadata schemas for collections of resources, incorporating issues of syntactic and semantic interoperability. Includes user needs assessment, selection and design workflows, and controlled vocabulary usage. Course framing includes coverage of ethical issues, project planning, decision-making, and future impact. Course equivalent to: IMT 539. Prerequisite: LIS 530 or permission of instructor.
LIS 540 Technology Fundamentals for Library and Information Science Professionals (4)
Introduces core technology concepts and practices (hardware, networks, programming, databases, data management, etc.), emphasizing context and practical use for delivery of library services to diverse populations. Ideal for those with little technical experience or for developing librarianship-based technical skills. Provides foundation for additional technical courses and professional work.
LIS 542 Information Structures Using XML (4)
Introduces the concepts and methods used to analyze, store, manage, and present information and navigation. Equal weight given to understanding structures and implementing them. Topics include information analysis and organizational methods as well as XML and metadata concepts and application.
LIS 543 Relational Database Management Systems (4)
Introduces relational database design, implementation, and management, with a focus on using relational database management systems (DBMS) to manage data in an organization. Topics include: data modeling tools and techniques, conceptual and logical database design, physical implementation, SQL, data management, and database administration. Course equivalent to: IMT 543.
LIS 544 Information Retrieval Systems (3)
Introduction to theory and models in information retrieval and the systems for storage and retrieval of unstructured information. Examines information retrieval architectures, processes, retrieval models, query languages, and methods of system evaluation, methods and tools for document analysis, interfaces, and usability.
LIS 545 Data Curation I: Fundamentals (4)
Examines principles, practices, and trends in the curation of digital research data. Provides a foundation in data management and data services for professional in institutions involved with data intensive research, scholarship, and innovation. Emphasizes data sharing, preservation, open access, metadata, and policy for development of reusable and accessible data resources.
LIS 546 Data Curation II: Advanced Topics (4)
Examines a broad range of issues in the field of data curation. Focus on recent advances and challenging problems in the curation of research data across disciplines and new trends in open data resources and services for the general public. Draws on practical research findings, case studies, and current public and private sector data initiatives to examine key challenges in the field, as well as practical solutions applied by data professionals. Prerequisite: either LIS 545 or permission of instructor.
LIS 547 Design Methods for Librarianship (4)
Focused on the human fabric of libraries - stakeholders, values, information technology, and policy - students develop theoretical knowledge and practical skills for design. Methods include futures workshops, scenarios, paper-prototyping, usability methods, among others. To conceptualize and steer design processes, the course includes an introduction to design methodologies and theory.
LIS 549 Beginning Web Development (4)
Teaches students how to build custom websites/applications from scratch, manage files in a version control system, and deploy them to publicly-accessible web servers. Focus is on client-side technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Existing basic programming knowledge is beneficial but not required. Course equivalent to: IMT 549.
LIS 551 Intellectual Freedom in Libraries (3)
Analysis of issues related to intellectual freedom, particularly to implications for libraries and librarians. Consideration of current legal climate, conformity versus freedom in modern world, librarian as censor, social responsibility and individual freedom, intellectual freedom of children, prospects for future.
LIS 553 Information and Social Justice (3)
Explores and debates the intersection between libraries, information, and social justice. Through sustained engagement with interdisciplinary theory, professional case studies, lesser-known histories, and artistic and cultural practices, students develop critical approaches to library and information science, learn to articulate a holistic and nuanced view of social justice, and define their own desires for the future of information science.
LIS 555 Data Sovereignty and Indigenous Knowledge Systems: Sovereign Rights, Protections, and Protocols (3)
Who owns, protects, and disseminates the knowledge systems and data among tribal communities? Explores how tribal nations in the US have established internal mechanisms and protocols to protect traditional knowledge from appropriation, exploitation, and misuse. Students engage multidisciplinary literature to examine the complexities tribes face when protecting their communities, and the efforts of tribal citizens to revitalize their knowledge.
LIS 556 Copyright for Information Professionals (3)
Covers concepts, laws, and issues related to the larger social context within which information is owned and controlled through copyright protections. Topics include the basics of international and U.S. copyright law, fair use exceptions, protections for educators and information professionals, licensing, copyright reform, and current issues in copyright.
LIS 558 Technology Law and Public Policy (2)
Survey of the varied domains of public policies that have been affected by the information revolution. Examines issues from personal data privacy to information warfare. Discusses the implications of the new public policies and whether it is feasible for states to enact different information policies. Applies concepts from various disciplines to the new policy choices caused by the information revolution. Course overlaps with: LAW E 553.
LIS 560 Critical Pedagogy and Instructional Design (3)
Develops foundational understanding of critical pedagogy as applied to instruction in libraries and other information settings. Covers current methods of designing effective, inclusive, and accessible learning opportunities for diverse users, as well as current assessment methods. Students iterate lesson or program plans and instructional presentations along with reflective work. Prerequisite: LIS 520.
LIS 561 Storytelling in a Digital Age (3)
Instruction in the art and technique of oral and digital storytelling for all ages. Addresses both traditional and contemporary modes of storytelling, including transmedia. Sources include personal and family stories, folktales, and literary stories. Also explores non-library storytelling: therapeutic storytelling, organizational storytelling, and storytelling for qualitative research.
LIS 563 Cultural History of Children's and Young Adult Literature (3)
Historical overview of the shifting social values of children's and young adult literature written in English from a variety of cultural perspectives. Examines the influence of movements such as Romanticism, Rationalism, and postmodernism, as well as changing trends over time.
LIS 564 Multicultural Resources for Youth (3)
Facilitates development of cross-cultural competence through authentic resources for children, tweens, and teens produced by or about ethnic minorities in the United States. "Issues" focus, providing knowledge in critical examination of various genres of multicultural resources as well as in strategies to use them.
LIS 565 Resources for Digital Age Children (3)
Introduces selection and evaluation of physical and digital resources used by public and school libraries for children, birth to age twelve. Applies theories from human development to the identification of developmentally and culturally appropriate collection acquisitions and provision of readers'/users' advisory and core library services.
LIS 566 Resources for Digital Age Teens (3)
Introduces selection and evaluation of traditional, digital, and transmedia resources used by public and school libraries for teens. Applies theories form human development, information behavior, and digital media research to the identification of developmentally appropriate selections and provision of readers'/users/ advisory for teens.
LIS 567 Libraries as Learning Labs in a Digital Age (3)
Application of theories and research on youth development to inform practice about programming and resources for youth. Create programs based on current research, including programming such as story times, book talks, and maker spaces. Recommended: LIS 516.
LIS 568 Information Literacy in a Digital Age (3)
Explores theories, process, and practical applications of information literacy. Examines the development of information literacy programs for libraries, community agencies, business, education, and other information settings. Explores the integral relationship between technology ad information literacy, and assessment and evaluation of programs.
LIS 569 Capstone I: Project Preparation (1)
Preparation for implementing a capstone project. Topics include choosing a project, team formation, professional communication with a project sponsor, identifying the scope of the project, assessing feasibility, developing a project charter and sponsor agreement. Prerequisite: completion of 30 credit hours. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 570 Research, Assessment, and Design (4)
Students recognize research and design opportunities, translate them into researchable frameworks, and conduct research in libraries and other information agencies. Covers problem definition, data collection and analysis, design and validation of alternative solutions, and reporting of results.
LIS 571 Grant Writing (2)
Covers all aspects of library and museum grant work, including determining community needs and planning, developing grant projects, researching the best funding sources and grant opportunities, and writing winning grant proposals. Students apply the concepts learned to discover grant opportunities and create a grant proposal. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 572 Introduction to Data Science (4)
Introduces a broad, non-technical overview of key concepts, skills, and technologies used in "data science". Provides a high-level introduction to common data science pipelines, such as experimental design, data collection and storage, basic analytics, machine learning, and data visualization, focusing on analyzing in real-world datasets using industry standard statistical packages. Course equivalent to: IMT 572.
LIS 574 Portfolio Retreat: Discovery (1)
Covers self-evaluation; reflection; professional communication; professional values, goals, and gaps; relationship building and mentorship. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 575 Portfolio Retreat: Development (1)
Covers self-evaluation of professional achievements; professional communication; professional values; career development; relationship building, and mentorship. Prerequisite: LIS 574. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 576 Low Bono Legal Research (3)
Hands-on research teaches students the methods and skills for performing ethical, thorough, and low-cost legal research in a small firm or solo practitioner setting. Through readings, weekly reflections, in-class experiential exercises, and multiple substantive research projects, students develop essential research skills for successful practice in a broad range of legal fields and settings. Course overlaps with: LAW E 586. Prerequisite: LIS 592/LAW A 599.
LIS 577 Participatory Design in Libraries (4)
Explores participatory design, a method focusing on engaging users in a democratic and collaborative process between users and designers to create new technologies and learning activities. Explores how to interact with stakeholders, the role of design techniques, and the different phases in co-design. Well suited for librarians, educators, and HCI researchers interested in understanding in design processes.
LIS 578 Research Seminar (1-4, max. 10)
Students work in teams under the supervision of individual faculty members to engage in research or design activities and learn through hands-on participation and study. Learning activities include data collection, data analysis, building prototypes, testing or evaluation, or dissemination activities. Course equivalent to: IMT 578.
LIS 579 Law Teaching Practicum I (3)
Develops knowledge and skills in instruction suited for working in a legal environment. Includes how to design a legal research course, use various types of instructional technology to engage different audiences, and effectively present and communicate legal information.
LIS 580 Management of Information Organizations (4)
Introduction to internal and external management issues and practices in information organizations, including critical assessment of institutional structures. Internal issues include organizational behavior, organizational theory, talent management, budgeting, service and operational planning, decision making and evaluation. External issues include organizational environments, advocacy, strategic planning, communication, and funding sources.
LIS 581 Marketing and Planning for Libraries (3)
Approaches to planning and marketing library products/services. Examines partnerships that can be forged between elements of marketing and appropriate futures strategies for libraries. Discusses marketing and planning as integrated processes with attention to short- and long-term goals and objectives. No particular library institutional setting is assumed.
LIS 582 Community Engagement Strategies in Information Science (3)
Introduces students to strategies for building and sustaining relationships with community partners and other organizations to provide innovative services possible inside and outside of libraries. Students examine case studies, consider partner resources and needs, evaluate outcomes, and develop partner-based services in order to achieve community impact.
LIS 583 Cross Cultural Approaches to Leadership (3)
Explores alternative leadership models as reflected in the literatures of multiple cultures. Examines ethical dimensions of leadership in the context of complex relationships among the peoples and agencies that comprise the global environment. Uses imagination in the application of cross cultural forms of leadership.
LIS 584 Trauma-Informed Care in Public Libraries (3)
Examines types and indicators of trauma, the trauma-informed approach to serving library patrons, how library staff experience and are affected by trauma in the workplace, how staff trauma can be prevented and mitigated through trauma-informed care, and factors that create resilient public libraries.
LIS 585 Future of Libraries (3)
Covers competencies needed to create, reimagine, and sustain future libraries that effectively respond to community needs. Through strategic foresight, students learn to think like a futurist and practice creative thinking, scenario planning, and organizational leadership. Prerequisite: LIS 520.
LIS 586 Public Libraries and Advocacy (3)
With a primary focus on public libraries, addresses the role and methods of advocacy at the national, state, and local level, highlighting landmark advocacy events and current day issues, including those that also pertain to school and tribal libraries.
LIS 587 Systems Librarianship (4)
Focuses on understanding the broad range of work in systems librarianship across multiple types of libraries. Includes (but is not limited to) project management, vendor relations, digital and e-resources integrations, and open-source solutions. Explores the intersections of library technologies with privacy, equity, accessibility, and social justice issues.
LIS 588 Special Librarianship (3)
Focuses on application and practice of special librarianship in corporate, non-profit, and government agencies. Emphasis on information management in these settings, understanding user needs and developing service approaches responsive to key clients and audiences, and effectively advocating for information services within an organization.
LIS 589 Academic Librarianship (3)
Explores the complexities of tradition and innovation as academic libraries redefine themselves, including changes in physical space, job titles, and the format of collections. Examines the multiple forces at work in academic libraries, from politics to technology, using the lens of social justice and equity.
LIS 590 Directed Fieldwork (1-5, max. 10)
Minimum of 50 hours, maximum 250 hours of professional, supervised fieldwork in a library or professional information setting. Fieldwork is a one quarter experience, however, may be repeated in a different setting with a different set of learning objectives for a subsequent quarter. Prerequisite: LIS 510 or LIS 547, LIS 520, LIS 530, and LIS 570
Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 591 Legal Informatics (3)
Examines the various types and formats of legal information. Analyzes how modern legal technology improves information retrieval and builds data insights. Topics include automated taxonomies, application programming interfaces (APIs), document automation, and large language models (LLMs).
LIS 592 Legal Research Methods (3/4)
Covers legal tools that answer more complex legal research problems, such as federal legislative histories, sources of administrative law, and specialized subject research. Federal emphasis. Builds on skills and techniques taught in LIS 591. Includes extensive work with online resources. Course overlaps with: LAW A 599.
LIS 593 Law Teaching Practicum II (2)
Under the supervision of a faculty member, students in the Master of Library and Information Science Law Librarianship Specialization, who already hold a JD, take primary responsibility for team teaching an online section of Legal Research Methods (for non-JD MLIS students) with other MLIS Law students. Prerequisite: LIS 579 and LIS 592/LAW A 599. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 594 Leadership and Management in Law Libraries (3)
Administration in law libraries, including organization, personnel and management issues (interviewing, hiring, firing), communications, library planning, and bookkeeping. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 595 Research and Writing in Law Librarianship ([1-5]-, max. 5)
Students select a topic in law librarianship in collaboration with the faculty member, research it fully, write a major paper, and present their paper. Topics may include historical trends, citation reform, digital media, user studies, etc. Prerequisite: law librarianship program students, or permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 596 Capstone II - Project Planning (2)
Analysis and preliminary design of an approved individual or group research or implementation project demonstrating professional-level knowledge and skills. Course overlaps with: IMT 596. Prerequisite: LIS 569. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 597 Capstone III - Project Implementation (2)
Implementation of a project demonstrating professional-level knowledge and skills based on a project plan developed in LIS 596. Completion of project deliverables and presentation of project results. Course overlaps with: IMT 597. Prerequisite: LIS 596. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 598 Special Topics in Information and Library Science (1-6, max. 18)
Seminar dealing with various topics in information and library science. Offered by visitors or resident faculty. Topics are changed from quarter to quarter. May not be offered every quarter. Prerequisite: determined by specific course.
LIS 599 Portfolio (3)
Culminating experience for the Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) degree. Topics include: (1) creation of a professional website that reflects goals, values, and mastery of professional skills; (2) preparation and delivery of a professional presentation; (3) engagement in reflections on learning and future plans; and (4) participation in a peer review process. Prerequisite: LIS 574; LIS 575; and completion of 30 credit hours. Credit/no-credit only.
LIS 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.