Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
NSG 505 Applied Occupational Health and Safety (3)
Application of occupational safety and health principles. Student teams perform evaluations, assess production methods/processes and exposures, health and safety procedures and programs, and develop engineering and administrative controls. Students perform on a consulting project with a local company including budgeting, project reporting, and presentation. Offered: jointly with ENV H 559/IND E 567; Sp, even years.
NSG 506 Occupational Safety Management (4)
Explores industrial organization and methods of integrating safety and industrial hygiene programs with industrial operations. Investigates philosophic issues related to industrial safety and health such as responsibility for safety, dependency on safe practice, and hierarchy of prevention. Contains numerous case problems and student involvement opportunities. Offered: jointly with ENV H 560; Sp.
NSG 507 Technical Aspects of Occupational Safety (3)
Technical knowledge of safety equipment, hazard identification and control, understanding of regulations, and hands-on application of safety measures. Reviews federal OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and state WISHA (糖心原创 Industrial Safety and Health Act) standards. Explores the impact of these regulations on employers and employees in key industries. Offered: jointly with ENV H 562; Sp.
NSG 508 Introduction to Ergonomics (3)
Basic principles of ergonomics in work environment applied to problems of worker and management. Topics include measurement of physical work capacity, problems of fatigue and heat stress, applied biomechanics, worker-machine interactions and communication, design of displays and controls. Prerequisite: basic human physiology or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with ENV H 566/IND E 566; W.
NSG 511 Prevention Issues in Community Health (3)
An interdisciplinary overview of community health prevention approaches focusing on the social determinants of health and health disparity reduction among vulnerable populations. Analysis of community and population preventive strategies across the life course. Roles of advanced community health nurses as prevention leaders and consumers of prevention information are emphasized. Offered: Sp.
NSG 512 Prevention Critique in Community Health (3)
Critical examination of community health prevention programs that build community health capacity and show promise in facilitating long-term health equity among vulnerable populations. Focuses on the leading health disparities among U.S. racial and ethnic people of color, and how to be a critical program consumer, adopter, and adapter. Offered: A.
NSG 513 Psychopharmacology for Children and Adolescents (1)
Reviews pertinent issues in prescribing psychoactive medications to children and adolescents. Emphasizes empirical neuroendocrine bases, and nursing management relevant to these interventions. Examines legal and ethical issues pertaining to prescribing for children and adolescents. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: S.
NSG 516 Physiological Aspects of Aging (3)
Focuses on biological theories of aging, major physiological and pathophysiological changes that occur in human body systems with aging. Also addresses health considerations and individual adaptations based on current research. Offered: A.
NSG 520 Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Nursing Practice (3)
Application of principles of pharmacology as foundation for clinical decision making by advanced practice nurses for individuals and populations. Incorporates pharmacotherapy into advanced nursing therapeutics by addressing pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacogenetics as wells as patient-related factors that support selection of commonly used drugs. Selected drugs within categories are compared and contrasted. Prerequisite: enrollment in either Doctor of Nursing Practice or Graduate Certificate Program - Advanced Practice Nursing programs, or permission of instructor. Offered: W.
NSG 526 Introduction to Person Centered and Interprofessional Palliative Care (1-5)
Introduces fundamental concepts in narrative and person centered communication and interprofessional practice. Presents foundations for learning to apply an interdisciplinary approach to palliative care. Offered: jointly with B H 566/FAMED 531; A.
NSG 527 Advanced Topics in Person Centered and Interprofessional Palliative Care (1-5)
Interprofessional course presenting advanced concepts in narrative and person centered communication and interprofessional practice.
Requires admissions into the Palliative Care Graduate Certificate Program. Prerequisite: NSG 526 Offered: jointly with B H 567/FAMED 532; W.
NSG 528 Palliative Care: Quality Metrics and System Integration (1-5)
Prepares students to integrate team based palliative care into a larger system, introduces community engagement, and palliative care policy issues. Specific content includes building palliative care service, engaging leadership to support palliative care, and using quality metrics to leverage and support quality care.
Requires admissions into the Palliative Care Graduate Certificate Program. Offered: jointly with B H 568/FAMED 533; Sp.
NSG 530 Leadership, Communication, and Professional Identity (3)
Analyzes professional identity, transition to new roles and responsibilities, leadership approaches, and inter-professional teamwork skills needed to provide effective, efficient and patient/community-centered care. Covers advanced, multi-modal communication strategies specific to professional role certification, conflict resolution, professional communication, inter-professional teamwork and leadership using interactive, skills-based learning.
NSG 539 Management of Common Newborn Conditions (1-2, max. 2)
Focuses on evidence-based clinical-decision making and management of common newborn health conditions. Emphasizes concepts of health promotion and patient/family centered care. Provides a theoretical and conceptual foundation for clinical decision-making and critical appraisal of data to determine diagnosis and comprehensive, cost-effective plan of care. Prerequisite: NCLIN 502 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
NSG 540 Telehealth Systems and Applications (4)
Introduces challenges for designers and managers of telehealth and remote healthcare networks. Develops abilities of managers, leaders, and researchers of telehealth systems through exploration into systems components. Activities range from research to implementation of system design for applications that bridge geographic distance to the development of practical applications. Offered: S.
NSG 548 Basic Arrhythmia, Conduction Disturbance, and 12-Lead Electrocardiography Interpretation (2)
Covers the theory and practice of basic arrhythmia, conduction disturbance, and 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) interpretation, as well as selected pharmacologic and electrical management. Content is appropriate for primary care, and provides foundation for advanced interpretation for students in acute/critical care.
NSG 549 Complex Arrhythmia, Conduction Disturbance, and 12-Lead Electrocardiography Interpretation (2)
Covers the theory and practice of complex arrhythmia, conduction disturbance, and 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) interpretation, as well as selected pharmacologic and electrical management. Appropriate for acute/critical care. Prerequisite: NSG 548, or satisfactory pretest of basic ECG interpretation.
NSG 550 Seminar on Professional Issues in Nursing Education (3)
Seminar on role and related professional issues in nursing education. Prerequisite: either NSG 545, B NURS 513, or T NURS 513; either NSG 546, B NURS 511, or T NURS 511. Offered: jointly with B NURS 550/T NURS 550.
NSG 551 Health Politics and Policy (3)
Critically analyzes the politics of health policy in the United States. Examines leadership and advocacy in influencing politics and policy to address and influence health outcomes. Offered: W.
NSG 552 Social Determinants of Health and Health Equity (3)
Examines fundamental concepts, emerging theory, research, and intervention strategies regarding the influence and putative mechanisms of environment and societal factors on health at population, community, and individual levels. Emphasizes an interdisciplinary, multi-level socio-ecological perspective on health and illness with consideration of principles of equity and justice in societal contexts.
NSG 553 Foundations of Health Systems and Health Economics (3)
Examines health systems and care delivery in the context of principles of business, finance, and economics. Concepts applied in the design of cost and care effectiveness system-level health improvements. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
NSG 554 Population Health and the Environment (3)
Introduces core concepts and principles related to the science and practice of environmental and occupational health. Examines historical cases and current issues to illustrate how environmental conditions contribute to injury and illness among human populations. Explores health professionals' roles in actions that protect and promote healthy environmental and workplace settings. Offered: Sp.
NSG 555 Perspectives on Implementing Research in Advanced Nursing Practice (3)
Provides an overview of contemporary multidisciplinary perspectives, models and research approaches for advanced practice nursing. Focuses on understanding and applying science to practice, and practice to science. Emphasizes ethical practice, scientific responsibility, research curiosity and use.
NSG 556 Program Planning and Health Systems and Multicultural Communities (4)
Explores culture as it related to the program planning process, methods , theories, attitudes, and skills in health promotion and disease prevention through community engagement. Offered: W.
NSG 557 Physiology and Pathophysiology Across the Life Span (4)
Analyzes disordered physiologic responses in individuals within the context of lifespan physiology. Examines pathophysiologic principles and responses, using case studies as exemplars for selected concepts, and the relationship between physiologic and pathophysiologic principles and the evidence basis for current practice. Offered: A.
NSG 558 Occupational Health Nursing: Advanced Practice and Leadership in Program Development (3)
Examination of advanced professional practice and leadership in the context of occupational health and safety programs. Focuses on assessment, development, implementation, and evaluation of programs involving workplace health surveillance, case management, workers' compensation, and health promotion in consideration of political, economic, legal, ethical issues, and application of current research.
NSG 559 Prevention Effectiveness in Community Health (1)
Focuses on increasing effectiveness of organization- and community-level health promotion and prevention programs with multicultural communities. Includes web-based tool-kits pertaining to: cross-cultural adaptations of health promotion programs; mental health promotion in communities; institutional readiness to sustain prevention policies; and community engagement in health promotion efforts. Credit/no-credit only.
NSG 560 Pediatric Case Studies (2)
Focuses on integration and application of pediatric history-taking, diagnostic reasoning, behavioral and developmental assessment, health promotion, and management of common pediatric conditions in case-based scenarios. Prerequisite: NCLIN 502; NURS 518; NURS 529, any of which may be taken concurrently, or permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.
NSG 561 Community Health Systems for Equity (3)
Defines, evaluates, and synthesizes how community health systems promote health equity. Emphasizes how various systems, such as care, public health, governmental, tribal, family, and social-kin, nonprofit, faith-based, and business, inhibit or promote communal health. Highlights advanced practice, practice inquiry, and leadership implications. Offered: A.
NSG 562 Management of Adults I (2-3)
Focuses on evidence-based clinical-decision making and management of common adult health problems, emphasizing episodic and acute concerns. Emphasizes concepts of health promotion and patient/family focuses care. Provides a theoretical and conceptual foundation for clinical decision-making and critical appraisal of data to determine diagnosis and comprehensive, cost-effective plan of care.
NSG 563 Management of Adults II (3)
Focuses on evidence-based clinical-decision making and management of common adult health problems, emphasizing episodic and acute concerns. Emphasizes concepts of health promotion and patient/family focuses care. Provides a theoretical and conceptual foundation for clinical decision-making and critical appraisal of data to determine diagnosis and comprehensive, cost-effective plan of care. Offered: Sp.
NSG 564 Management of the Adult III (3)
Focuses on evidence-based patient-centered care of older adults with multiple chronic conditions across the continuum form outpatient to acutely or critically ill, including prevention and management of geriatric syndromes. Explores strategies for optimal transition across care settings and across the health continuum.
NSG 565 Primary Care Management Across the Lifespan (1)
Clinical application of theories of health promotion and chronic disease management in complex patients across lifespan, utilizing evidence-based approaches to health promotion, assessment, differential diagnosis and disease management. Emphasizes clinical decision-making, considering the chronic care model, coordination of care, poly-drug therapy, and information systems. Prerequisite: NCLIN 518, which must be taken concurrently; permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.
NSG 566 Pediatric Pharmacology (1-2, max. 2)
Focuses on clinical application of pharmacologic management in pediatric acute and chronic illnesses. Emphasizes pediatric pharmacotherapeutics including selection of therapeutic agents, indications, efficacy, therapeutic and adverse effects, monitoring parameters, and dosing principles. Includes didactic as well as case-based learning strategies. Offered: Sp.
NSG 567 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics in Complex Case Management (1)
Uses a case-based method to examine an evidence-based approach to pharmacotherapeutic management of complex chronic conditions across the lifespan. Incorporates examination of both pharmacologic factors and patient-related factors, such as age, socioeconomic status, and behavioral aspects that support the selection of commonly used drugs for patients of all ages across multiple settings. Prerequisite: PHARM 514; permission of instructor. Offered: A.
NSG 568 Infant Observation (1-, max. 4)
Includes observing an infant and parent in the first year of life and reflecting on observations. GCPAPN-IMH core course. Four quarter sequence begins each Autumn. Offered: AWSpS.
NSG 569 Pediatric Cardiac Anatomy, Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Management (2)
Explores anatomy and physiology of the normal heart, transition from fetal circulation, and pathophysiology of congenital and acquired cardiac conditions common in pediatric patients. Comprehensive care from diagnosis through medical and surgical management as well as appropriate follow-up care and potential long-term sequelae. Content appropriate for both primary and acute-care providers. Prerequisite: NCLIN 502 or permission of the instructor. Offered: S.
NSG 570 Management of Substance Use Disorders and Other Addictions (2)
Explores advanced concepts in prevention, diagnosis, and management of substance use disorders and other addictions, which include process addictions and common co-occurring conditions. Emphasizes care management across the lifespan for all people impacted by these disorders at individual, population, and system levels, as well as ethical and legal aspects of care. Offered: W.
NSG 571 Theory and Science of Population Health Nursing (3)
Covers foundational concepts, principles, and historical events related to population health. Examines the evolution and intersection of nursing and public health sciences as they shape contemporary nursing knowledge, competencies, practices, and roles. Considers multidisciplinary frameworks and perspectives to understand health needs and strategies for groups, communities, and populations. Offered: A.
NSG 572 Collaborating for Health Equity (3)
Evaluates models and approaches to effective collaboration with communities and other stakeholders toward advancing health equity. Emphasizes application of cultural humility in working across sectors, leveraging existing assets and other resources, and developing collective impact. Develops approaches to build community and organizational capacity, rectify power asymmetries, and institutionalize supportive practices for sustainment. Offered: A.
NSG 573 Systems Thinking for Population Health (3)
Develops systems-level thinking with emphasis on identifying, analyzing, and addressing factors relevant to improving population health. Reviews theories focused on approaches and actions to affect change for the utilization and delivery of health promoting services. Emphasis on developing a theory of action and multicultural considerations to transform the health status of underserved and marginalized communities. Prerequisite: either EPI 511; NSG 572; and NMETH 536, or permission of instructor. Offered: W.
NSG 574 Program Development and Evaluation to Improve Population Health (4)
Steps in developing population health interventions and programs, including assessment, prioritization, planning, and evaluation. Appraise best practices and evidence to inform the execution of strategies that improve health. Makes use of reliable data sources and stakeholder engagement, while considering ethical, political, and socio-cultural contexts. Prerequisite: either EPI 511, NSG 572, NMETH 536, or permission of instructor. Offered: W.
NSG 575 Leadership for Population Health (3)
Analyzes and applies leadership literature and models for advanced nursing practice in population health. Explores skills in organizational strategic planning and change, with emphasis on roles and responsibilities in advocacy, workforce development, operational management of organizations, and professional ethics. Emphasis on transforming organizations, communities, systems, and other contexts to advance the health of all populations. Prerequisite: NSG 571, or permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.
NSG 587 Physiology and Pathophysiology Across the Lifespan II (-2)
Analyzes disordered physiologic responses in individuals within the context of lifespan physiology. Examines pathophysiologic principles and responses, using exemplars for selected concepts, and the relationship between physiologic and pathophysiologic principles and the evidence basis for current practice. Prerequisite: NSG 557. Offered: Sp.