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NURS 201 Growth and Development through the Life Span (5) SSc
Focuses on processes of human growth and development from prenatal life to elder years. Emphasizes influence of growth and development on achievement of health, and how awareness of growth and development theories and research helps guide health promotional efforts directed towards persons of various ages and lifestyles. Open to non-majors. Offered: AWS.

NURS 204 The Science and Art of Wellness: Implementing Evidence-Based Principles to Enhance Wellness and Productivity (3)
Examines physiological and psychological connections of body, mind and spirit, as well as the epidemic of stressors challenging our health. Provides an overview of methods to respond to stress in health-producing ways. Covers the physiological basis of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration eight wellness dimensions. Applies these wellness principles using evidence-based responses to target stressors and increase wellness Offered: Sp.

NURS 205 Nursing as a Career in Contemporary Society (1)
Introduces an accurate description of nursing career, educational requirements and rationale, including advanced degree career possibilities. Explores breadth of nursing roles in promoting health to individuals, groups, and populations. Links historical development with contemporary practice. Explores factors that promote student and professional success in nursing. Credit/no-credit only.

NURS 211 Power, Oppression, and Social Justice in Health and Healthcare (3-5) SSc, DIV
Introduces concepts related to how social systems determine conditions that adversely impact wellness and result in illness. Critically examines historical and current examples to illustrate how societal inequities contribute to health inequalities. Students explore their intersectional identities and how this positions them to disrupt oppressive circumstances and work toward creating a just society that promotes positive health. Course overlaps with: T HLTH 320 and T NURS 407/THLEAD 407.

NURS 215 Disaster Management, Risk Reduction, and Health (5) SSc
Explores how disasters affect the health of individuals and populations both locally and globally. Covers common health problems associated with disasters and the health care provider's role during disasters. Topics include natural hazards, responses to disasters, communicable and non-communicable disease management, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), nutrition, policy, and personal and community preparedness. Offered: Sp.

NURS 301 General Anatomy (4) NSc
Introduces the student to general human anatomy, examining both cellular and gross anatomy. The relationship between structure and function is a central focus of course content. Course overlaps with: BIOL 413. Offered: jointly with B STR 301.

NURS 303 Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice (4)
Exploration of the profession of nursing, including past and present work of nurses, the experience of being ill and seeking healthcare, and the U.S. healthcare system.

NURS 304 Foundations in Pharmacotherapeutics and Pathophysiology (5)
Covers concepts of normal and pathophysiological responses to states of health and illness. Emphasizes the principles of pharmacology, drug therapy, pharmacologic-therapeutic classes of drugs, clinically important prototype drugs, and drug information resources. Nursing issues related to drug administration are discussed. Offered: A.

NURS 308 Human Responses II (3)
Examines normal and pathophysiological responses to states of health and illness. Examines internal and external defense systems, balance and regulation of body systems, and integration of these concepts in the assessment and management of patient problems. Offered: W.

NURS 309 Pharmacotherapeutics in Nursing Practice I (2-)
Emphasizes the principles of pharmacology, drug therapy, pharmacologic-therapeutic classes of drugs, clinically important prototype drugs, and drug information resources. Nursing issues related to drug administration are also discussed. First of a two-quarter sequence. Offered: A.

NURS 310 Pharmacotherapeutics in Nursing Practice II (-[2-3])
Emphasizes the principles of pharmacology, drug therapy, pharmacologic-therapeutic classes of drugs, clinically important prototype drugs, and drug information resources. Nursing issues related to drug administration are also discussed. Second of a two-quarter sequence. Offered: W.

NURS 401 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice for Illness Care I (6)
Examines pathophysiological responses to illness. Introduces major concepts relevant to the experience of acute and chronic illness, including physiological, pathophysiological, behavioral and experimental human responses, assessment of functional health status and interdisciplinary therapeutics in common alteration across the lifespan. First of a two-quarter sequence. Offered: W.

NURS 404 Gerontological Nursing (2)
Focuses on concepts and issues relevant to the nursing care of older adults across the care continuum. Major course themes include nursing assessment of the older adult, health promotion, patient safety, geriatric syndromes, gerontechnology and influence of payer systems on care for older adults. Prerequisite: NURS 310.

NURS 405 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice for Illness Care II (6)
Examines pathophysiological responses to illness. Introduces major concepts relevant to the experience of acute and chronic illness, including physiological, pathophysiological, behavioral and experimental human responses, assessment of functional health status and interdisciplinary therapeutics in common alteration across the lifespan. Second course of a two-quarter sequence.

NURS 407 Culture, Diversity, and Nursing Practice (3)
Analyzes the impact of cultural, social, and global factors on the health of multicultural and diverse groups at the individual, population, and systems levels. Students gain knowledge and skills to effectively respond to the healthcare needs of multicultural societies through non-discriminatory and culturally appropriate nursing care practice. Offered: Sp.

NURS 410 Legal and Ethical Issues in Clinical Practice (3)
Identification of ethical and legal issues and the ensuing dilemmas relevant to the profession of nursing and nurses as health professionals and citizens. Selected problems and dilemmas affecting nurses, nursing, and the delivery of healthcare analyzed using specific moral-ethical perspectives. Offered: AW.

NURS 412 Healthcare Systems (3)
Introduction to healthcare systems with emphasis on the political economy of health; access to, utilization and quality of healthcare services; health inequities and the social determinants of health; health insurance and reimbursement; global health issues and innovations; leadership and teamwork; and community-engagement/activism to ensure the best health outcomes for all.

NURS 413 Health in the Context of Culture (2-10, max. 24) SSc, DIV
Provides basic overview of health and healthcare challenges and opportunities in the U.S. or other countries. Examines socio-cultural, environmental, economic, political, and ecological factors that influence, health, health promotion, illness, disability, and death. Addresses responses to health issues both within and outside the health sector. May include study abroad.

NURS 415 Nursing Care of Childbearing Families (3)
Apply family and cultural competency concepts to nursing of childbearing families. Focus on family as context for care of individuals. Emphasizes use of physiological, psychological, developmental, cultural, and environmental concepts for health promotion, disease prevention, and nursing therapeutics. Uses current evidence-based research to guide best practices related to childbearing families. Offered: A.

NURS 417 Psychosocial Nursing in Health and Illness (4)
Examines psychosocial disorders/issues of life transitions from integrated perspective of biological, social sciences, nursing, and humanities. Emphasizes utilizing psychosocial nursing and interpersonal therapeutics for assessment, intervention, health promotion with individuals/families/groups at risk for experiencing psychosocial disorders. Prerequisite: NCLIN 418, which may be taken concurrently.

NURS 419 Transition to Professional Practice (3-5)
Focuses on critical examination, synthesis, and evaluation of professional nursing care. Emphasizes mastery, synthesis, and application of theory, research, and practice in relation to nursing management, leadership, and nursing care of individual clients or groups of clients and populations. Offered: SpS.

NURS 420 Community and Public Health Nursing (3) DIV
Community and public health nursing theory focused on populations. A synthesis of theory, practice, and research in relation to community/public health in informed by: 1) social justice framework, 2) social determinants of health, 3) community partnerships. and 4) culturally and linguistically appropriate population focused care. Theory class for NCLIN 420

NURS 422 Advanced Clinical Judgement (3)
Provides opportunity to advance clinical judgment skills of individual patients and groups of patients in preparation for practice. Focuses on prioritizing patient care, critical thinking, and delegation. Prerequisite: NURS 401; NURS 405; and NCLIN 407.

NURS 425 Health Equity (3) DIV
Focuses on understanding and addressing health inequities. Reviews theoretical frameworks and the root causes for health disparity. Discusses health inequities found among marginalized groups. Explores approaches, strategies, and tools that can be used to address health inequity.

NURS 431 Child Health (2)
Focuses on the core processes of growth and development from infancy to adolescence, highlighting the family as the context for care of individuals. Emphasizes use of physiological, psychological, developmental, cultural, and environmental theories for health promotion, disease prevention, and nursing therapeutics.

NURS 445 Special Topics in Nursing (1-10, max. 10)
Guided seminar that focuses on selected professional nursing and patient care topics.

NURS 452 Care Coordination and Transition Management (3)
Focuses on exploring the role, skills, and competencies related to care coordination and transition management across care continuum. Course themes include the role of the RN, models of care, evidence-based practice to support patient outcomes and cost savings, patient-centered care planning, collaboration and communication within and between settings/community, the role technology plays, and the structures for reimbursement for services. Prerequisite: NURS 412.

NURS 457 Seminar on Professional Nursing Topics in Research and Clinical Practice (3)
Focuses on selected professional nursing and patient care topics from both a clinical and research lens, with emphasis on timely issues of public health importance. Prerequisite: NMETH 450. Offered: Sp.

NURS 499 Special Electives (1-4, max. 15)
Seminars on selected nursing issues of clinical problems, with independent study option, under supervision of nursing faculty. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

NURS 500 Child Management II: Chronic Conditions (3)
Emphasizes health care approaches for the providers of children and adolescents with chronic physical, neuro-biological, developmental or psycho-social problems. Focuses on assessment and referral with select management strategies. Includes care coordination, culturally relevant, inclusive, family centered, and multidisciplinary approaches. Prerequisite: NURS 518. Offered: S.

NURS 501 Child Mental Health Assessment and Interventions (3)
Developmentally based assessment and therapeutic approaches relevant for children with psychosocial health problems. Consideration to matching therapeutic approaches with specific nature of symptomatology and other child, family, cultural, and environmental characteristics, including social and educational systems. Individual and group evaluation research emphasized.

NURS 505 Selected Topics in Child, Family, and Population Health Nursing (1-10, max. 10)
In-depth exploration of the major theoretical issues in psychosocial nursing. Seminar with analysis and discussion of selected topics and readings and implications for research and healthcare. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

NURS 507 Older Adult Mental Health Assessment and Intervention (3)
Examines the dynamics of mental health research and practice in normal, optimal and pathological aging. Focuses on psychosocial and environmental influences on mental health of older adults. Major topics include: models of aging, cognitive impairment, depression, severe mental illness and successful strategies to enhance mental health in older adults. Prerequisite: graduate standing; and either NURS 547 or permission of instructor. Offered: A.

NURS 509 Issues in Violence and Aggression for Health Professionals (3)
Focuses on research and theory of violent/aggressive behavior. Perspectives of victim, offender, family, community, society examined. Focus is recognition of violence against women. Designed to challenge students to clarify beliefs, values related to topics such as rape, homicide, domestic violence. Prerequisite: graduate nursing student or permission of instructor.

NURS 514 Physiologic Adaptations During Pregnancy and Postpartum (1-3, max. 6)
Analyzes the physiologic adaptations in the maternal-fetal-neonatal unit, fetal development, and developmental adaptations in children from infancy to adolescence. Implications of normal and altered physiologic functions for nursing practice and examination of the basis for selected nursing intervention strategies.

NURS 515 Common Adolescent Health Problems (2-3)
Focuses on assessment, clinical decision making, and management of common adolescent problems. Concepts and theories of health promotion, adolescent development, and intervention strategies are explored to provide a broad framework for caring for adolescents in primary settings.

NURS 517 Pediatric Pulmonary Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathphysiology: Clinical Applications (2)
Content includes normal pediatric lung development infancy through adolescence and explores evidence for diagnosis, management, and follow up of commonly encountered respiratory problems. Emphasizes coordination of care with multiple disciplines when diagnosing and treating children with special health care pulmonary needs and family centered care and professional leadership role. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.

NURS 518 Child Management I: Acute Conditions (3)
Focuses on use of clinical decision making framework to develop theoretically and empirically sound individualized management plans for the young child, with physical and behavioral symptoms of common pediatric illness, in the primary care setting. Prerequisite: PNP or FNP specialty, or permission of instructor.

NURS 520 Evaluation of Clinical Performance in Nursing (3)
For graduate students preparing for faculty or staff development positions in nursing. Theory and principles of evaluation. Instruments to appraise clinical nursing performance developed as part of course requirements. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor.

NURS 524 Conceptual Foundations for Healthcare Systems: Organizational Structure and Effectiveness (4)
Examines the healthcare delivery system and systems of care within it, including evolution and structure of organized healthcare in the United States, key drivers of organizational effectiveness, components of care systems, and Innovations in care system design and adoption. Explores use of various types of information technology to monitor and increase organizational effectiveness. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Offered: A.

NURS 525 Managing Quality Improvement, Access and Utilization (5)
Care-system practices for managing quality and process improvement, access, and utilization within health care systems. Emphasis on managing care systems with a focus on leadership, healthcare access and resource utilization among diverse populations, reimbursement models and team-based strategies, and impacts on healthcare delivery from policy, leadership, and practical perspectives.

NURS 529 Childhood Common Developmental and Behavior Issues (2)
Focus on common developmental and behavioral issues presented by children and their families in primary care setting. Emphasis on the developmental, family, and cultural aspects of assessment and management of the common issues.

NURS 534 Aging and Health in Contemporary Society (3)
Explores demographic, cultural, psychological, theoretical, political, and ethical context of aging and health in contemporary society. Content is based on empirical data and policy statements on aging. Analyzes healthcare delivery at an individual, community, and systems level to support optimal functioning across the health continuum for older adults. Offered: Sp.

NURS 535 Pharmacotherapeutics for Acute/Critical Illness (3)
Analysis of issues that impact the assessment, prescription, and evaluation of pharmacotherapeutic regimens for patients with acute/critical illness or injury. Current evidence together with pharmacotherapeutic principles are considered within the clinical context as the basis for decision-making in acute/critical care clinical practice. Prerequisite: PHARM 514 or equivalent Offered: Sp.

NURS 537 Symptom Science and Patient-reported Outcomes Research (3)
Focuses on research to understand symptom development and trajectories, design of interventions to prevent and treat symptoms and improve function and quality of life across diverse populations. Recommended: Graduate Student Offered: Sp.

NURS 539 Management of Patients with Acute/Critical Illness and Injury I (4)
Systematic inquiry into pathophysiology and management of the acute/critically ill or injured across the lifespan. Emphasizes evidence-based assessment, management, and evaluation strategies, including therapeutics and use of technology to support care. Highlights advanced practice provider role and multidisciplinary approach to management. Offered: W.

NURS 540 Special Topics in Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Informatics (1-6, max. 12)
Guided seminar that focuses on selected topics in omics methods/research, multi-level approaches, systems science, and career development. Offered: AWSp.

NURS 541 Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (2/3)
Examines advanced practice sexual and reproductive healthcare issues including health maintenance, contraceptive care, and diagnosis, and treatment of sexual and reproductive health problems across the lifespan. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: W.

NURS 542 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing: Childbearing I (1-4, max. 4)
Analyzes and applies concepts of advanced practice nursing/nurse-midwifery care, specific to the normal childbearing client during preconception, antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum. Examines primary care management of pregnant client within the context of the individual, family, socio-cultural environment, and healthcare system.

NURS 543 Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing: Childbearing II (3)
Analyzes and applies concepts of advanced practice nursing/nurse-midwifery care, specific to at-risk childbearing client during preconception, antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum. Examines primary care management of at-risk pregnant client within the context of the individual, family, socio-cultural environment, and healthcare system.

NURS 546 Interpersonal Therapeutics in Advanced Psychatric Mental Health Nursing: Current Perspectives (3)
Selected theories in relation to psychosocial development and adaptation across life span for individuals, families, and small groups and as explanatory models of major psychosocial disabilities. General and psychosocial nursing models evaluated for heuristic value for research and practice. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor.

NURS 547 Management of Psychiatric Disorders: Adult (3)
Addresses existing and emerging knowledge of neuroscience regarding gene-environment interactions. Examines complex population-based mental health features, pathologies, development, and courses of psychiatric disorders. Applies diagnostic features and evidence-based management strategies among adults at the individual, family, population-based, and system levels. Prerequisite: graduate standing in nursing or permission of instructor; recommended: NURS 546; NURS 549; and NURS 564

NURS 549 Assessment in Psychosocial Nursing (3)
Conceptual and clinical approaches to advanced-level data collection and diagnostic reasoning in psychiatric/psychosocial disorders. Synthesizes knowledge from psychosocial nursing and multiple allied fields to enhance learners' cognizance of principles for establishing accurate and comprehensive data bases and sound multifaceted diagnostic formulations. Emphasizes DSM diagnostic scheme.

NURS 552 Wellness, Health Promotion, and Disease Prevention (3)
Covers theoretical perspectives and evidence for wellness, health promotion, disease prevention, and risk reduction through the lifespan for advanced practice nursing. Examines issues impacting individual, family, population, and community health related to context and culture. Includes strategies for health promotion and behavior change at individual, family, population, and community levels.

NURS 554 Management of Psychiatric Disorders: Adult and Adolescent (3)
Focuses on advanced nursing management strategies for psychiatric disorders and primary mental health conditions. Emphasizes the synthesis and integration of scientific evidence to formulate psychiatric diagnoses, and select appropriate interventions for individuals, families, and communities. Measures outcomes through practice inquiry at both system and policy levels. Prerequisite: NURS 549.

NURS 557 Health, Culture, and Community (3)
A multidisciplinary approach to the development of leadership in personal and organizational cultural competence in community-based participatory research. Emphasizes understanding collaborative assessment, planning, and evaluation of health promotion and disease prevention programs to address the social determinants of health at the population level. Offered: jointly with HSERV 576; W.

NURS 560 Dynamics of Community Health Practice (3)
Analysis of principles of community health as applied to the delivery of clinical services in order to improve public health, reduce disparities, provide leadership in delivery of care, and synthesize one's clinical role with public health. Examines environmental, social, cultural, and behavioral determinants of health. Includes family, aggregates, and populations. Offered: jointly with HSERV 508.

NURS 561 Selected Topics in Comparative Nursing Care Systems (2/3, max. 10)
In-depth examination of the literature pertinent to major theoretical issues in cross-cultural nursing and healthcare systems. Seminar with analysis and discussion of selected topics and readings. Implications for research and healthcare stressed.

NURS 562 Clinically Applied Anthropology (3)
Anthropology as it relates to interdisciplinary delivery of culturally relevant healthcare. Cultural variation in illness beliefs and behavior, types of healing practices, illness prevention, social support networks. Prerequisite: graduate standing, permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with ANTH 562.

NURS 564 Biological Intervention in Advanced Practice Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing (4)
Focuses on the current literature of biological interventions in advanced practice psychiatric/mental health nursing. Applies a lifespan perspective to management of biological interventions including pharmacotherapy and other biological interventions. Examines the role of the advanced practice psychiatric/mental health nurse, including ethical and legal issues. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.

NURS 566 Work Stress and Health (3)
Delineates our understanding of the relationship between work-related stressors and worker health. Theoretical models of job-stress are considered and methodological issues examined. Uses social justice framework to explore worker stress and health disparities in immigrants and other disadvantaged populations. Offered: Sp.

NURS 568 History and Politics of Abortion and Family Planning (3)
Uses equity-driven approach to explore the complexities of abortion and family planning as political issues within a historical context. Reviews the history of abortion, contraception, and family planning policies in the United States up to the Dobbs decision (2022), public health implications of family planning policies up to Dobbs, and potential areas of common ground to bring people with differing personal beliefs closer together.

NURS 569 Management of Patients with Acute/Critical Illness and Injury II (2/3)
Continuing inquiry into pathophysiology and management of the acute/critically ill or injured patient across the lifespan. Emphasizes evidence-based assessment, management, and evaluation strategies, including therapeutics and use of technology to support care. The advanced practice provider role and multidisciplinary approach to management are emphasized. Prerequisite: NURS 539 or permission of instructor.

NURS 570 Systems Approach to Abortion Care (3)
Using a trauma-informed perspective, examines the history and current legal landscape of abortion practice for advanced practice clinicians in the United States. Discusses strategies for practice management and wellness, and legislation/regulation in this specialty area.

NURS 572 Advanced Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (3)
Explores advanced issues within sexual and reproductive health care. Includes complex management of contraception, public health and community-based sexual and reproductive healthcare models, post-sexual assault care, advanced management of sexually transmitted infections and genital infections, gender-affirming care, and fertility care. Prerequisite: NURS 541 or permission of instructor.

NURS 573 Foundational Seminar in Advanced Practice Nursing (1)
Explores specific advanced practice nursing roles and populations within the healthcare system. Links historical development and analysis of health care trends with contemporary specialty practice. Exploration of current issues and trends in the specialty. Credit/No Credit only. Credit/no-credit only.

NURS 576 Assessment and Collaboration with Communities and Systems (3)
Examines, critiques, and applies theory in assessing communities, populations, and systems cross-culturally. Focuses on advanced practice, executive leadership/policy, and practice inquiry; broad definition of community includes organizations. Emphasizes team work in assessment implementation, i.e., survey, interview, focus groups, observation/participant observation to advance understanding of social determinants of health.

NURS 577 Management of Abortion and Early Pregnancy Loss (4)
Covers diagnosis/assessment and management of medication and procedural abortion care for use with elective abortion and early pregnancy loss. Topics include values clarification; non-directive options counseling; trauma-informed care; pharmacology of abortion medications; and evidence-based management strategies of abortion and early pregnancy loss using medications, aspiration, dilation and evacuation, and induction. Prerequisite: either enrollment in the Graduate Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health, or by permission of Graduate Certificate lead.

NURS 579 Transcultural Nursing Practices (3)
Seminars examine four decades of nursing practice literature and other disciplines related to appropriate and competent care of diverse and multicultural populations. Concepts and methods from anthropology and other behavior sciences are considered in relationship with current health practice guidelines. Graduate standing or instructor permission.

NURS 580 Current Issues in Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2/4, max. 12)
Interdisciplinary seminar on current and emerging topics in the practice of environmental and occupational health. Faculty- and student-led presentations with an interdisciplinary focus, including occupational hygiene, nursing, and medical issues. Offered: jointly with ENV H 596; SpS.

NURS 581 Global Health Nursing (3)
Reviews global health topics and the complex local and global conditions that affect the health and illness of individuals, communities, and populations. Emphasizes the multi-faceted roles of health care providers. Offered: jointly with G H 574; A.

NURS 582 Culture, Society, and Genomics (3)
Examines social and cultural issues of human genome sequencing and control of genetic expression. Attitudes and behaviors toward health, illness, and disability are studied using historical, contemporary, and cross-cultural case study material. Offered: jointly with ANTH 574/PHG 521; Sp.

NURS 583 Emotions and Mental Health: From Adversity to Adaptation (3-4)
Provides an understanding of nature and function of emotions as well as relationship of emotion to mental health/illness. Emphasizes adversity arising from individual and community sources and its impact on emotional health. Addresses implications for interpersonal and social policy interventions.

NURS 584 Critical and Interdisciplinary Approach to Health Policy (3)
Advanced seminar to critically analyze various public health policies from a social justice framework.

NURS 587 Leadership and Team Science Seminar (1.5, max. 3)
Facilitates transition to graduate study and future professional roles. Addresses leadership and future roles, cross-disciplinary teamwork, positionality, diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as communication competencies. Topics include collaboration and facilitation, giving and receiving feedback, leadership, team science, organizational culture, change management, and career development strategies. Recommended: graduate student standing. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AW.

NURS 588 Philosophical Inquiry and Nursing Science (4)
Focuses on the epistemological and ontological basis of forms of inquiry for generating knowledge in nursing. Emphasizes approaches to knowledge development as applied to phenomena in nursing. Includes critique of conceptual issues among schools of thought and how philosophical underpinnings influence the generation of research questions. Prerequisite: matriculated student in PhD in Nursing Science Program. Offered: A.

NURS 589 Application of Theory and Evidence in Nursing Science (4)
Addresses the role of theory in guiding scientific inquiry in nursing. Examines concept and theory development, analysis, and critique as foundational to the scientific evidence that informs nursing inquiry, practice, and systems/contexts of health. Reviews distinct approaches for synthesizing and representing knowledge about health phenomena for their theoretical elements and contributions to the quality of evidence in nursing science. Prerequisite: NURS 588 or permission of instructor; recommended: matriculated student in PhD in Nursing Science program. Offered: W.

NURS 590 Ecology of Human Health (5)
Provides conceptual foundation for the study of human health ecology within nursing science. Frameworks for understanding human health as an outcome of individual, family, and group interactions and transactions with environments are applied. Provides the basis for evaluation and developing therapeutic approaches to improve health.

NURS 592 The Science of Therapeutics: Theoretical Foundations (4)
Addresses the state of the science of nursing therapeutics. Students examine the practices of nursing to promote, maintain, and restore human health from an ecological perspective. Therapeutics considered from the perspectives of the individual, family, and community systems. Prerequisite: NURS 590 or equivalent with permission of instructor.

NURS 595 Synthesis of Nursing Science (4)
Provides a forum for the development of a grant proposal in a focused area of nursing science including development of specific aims, background and significance, choosing a research design and method to answer research questions, choosing outcomes and measures, constructing the analysis plan, and addressing important human subject issues. Practice and participation in the peer review process via mock scientific reviews and written critiques. Prerequisite: successful completion of preliminary examination. Offered: W.

NURS 596 Colloquium, Scientific Conduct, and Dissertation Seminar (1, max. 6)
Provides students in the nursing science doctoral program with opportunity to share and discuss dissertation progress and challenges, including insight, accountability, and support for finishing their dissertation, as well as defining and seeking out next career steps. Credit/no-credit only.

NURS 597 Health in the Context of Culture (5-6, max. 24)
Provides basic overview of health and healthcare challenges and opportunities in other countries. Examines socio-cultural, environmental, economic, political, and ecological factors that influence, health, health promotion, illness, disability, and death. Address responses to health issues both within and outside the health sector. May include study abroad.

NURS 599 Selected Readings in Nursing Science (1-6, max. 18)
Analysis of synthesis of selected readings with faculty mentor. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

NURS 610 Teaching Practicum (3, max. 6)
Individualized project, under the direction of a faculty member, focused on issues of teaching/learning at the university level and designed to target specific teaching competencies enhancing the student's ability to make innovative contributions in teaching. Prerequisite: student in doctoral program; permission of faculty member Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.