Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
NCLIN 301 Practicum: Health Assessment and Foundational Skills for Nursing Practice (6)
Focuses on foundational nursing skills including health assessment, interviewing and communication, as well as psychomotor skills and critical thinking in the context of nursing care to individuals across the lifespan. Person-centered care and patient safety are emphasized through use of simulation.
NCLIN 302 Practicum: Health Assessment (3)
First in a series of clinical courses emphasizing beginning nursing skills. These skills will include health assessment of the individual and family, communication, and interviewing. Predominant themes include communication skills, physical and psychosocial assessment of the individual across the developmental life span. Offered: A.
NCLIN 306 Practicum: Foundational Skills for Professional Nurses ([1-3]-, max. 6)
This laboratory-based course focuses on psychomotor skills and critical thinking in the context of nursing care to individuals across the lifespan. Patient safety and quality; person-centered care are emphasized through use of simulation. Prerequisite: NCLIN 302, which may be taken concurrently. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.
NCLIN 403 Practicum: Pediatric Nursing (4)
Provides supervised acute/chronic illness nursing care to pediatrics clients. Emphasizes beginning skills in systematic health and developmental assessment, including person/environment fit, basic competency in selected nursing therapies, and developing role as care agent for pediatrics clients and their families. Prerequisite: NURS 401, may be taken concurrently. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: WSp.
NCLIN 407 Practicum: Nursing Care of Ill Adults (5)
Provides supervised nursing care to ill adults and their families. Emphasizes systematic assessment, including person/environment fit, developing competency in selected nursing therapies, and developing a role as a professional nurse. Prerequisite: NURS 401, which may be taken concurrently. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 409 Population Health Through Community Health Nursing Partnerships (4)
Analysis, application, and evaluation of community partnership process for health. Analysis of nursing role in community/public health, including community building, collaboration, policy. Development and formulation of community interventions to maintain/promote biopsychosocial health, and to promote health/prevention of injury and disease. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 411 Transition to Clinical Practice (7)
Capstone clinical in a specialty focusing on critical examination, synthesis, and evaluation of professional nursing care. Client populations include individuals and/or groups reflecting diverse settings, ages, and ethnic communities. Emphasis on mastering theoretical concepts, applying theory and research findings, improving skill competency, and developing leadership capabilities in the clinical setting. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 416 Practicum: Care of Childbearing Families (2)
Provides the opportunity for supervised nursing of childbearing families and individuals. Emphasizes expanding nursing process skills, especially health promotion, with individuals and families during childbearing. Prerequisite: NURS 415, which may be taken concurrently. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: WSp.
NCLIN 418 Practicum: Psychosocial Nursing (3-4)
Provides supervised psychosocial nursing care to individuals/families/groups/communities with threats to or alterations in psychosocial health. Emphasizes increasing skill in systematic assessment, developing competency in selected psychosocial nursing interventions, and evaluation of treatment outcomes. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AW.
NCLIN 422 Practicum: Ambulatory Care (3)
Provides opportunity for simulated and supervised nursing of individuals in a variety of ambulatory care settings. Discussion of organization of ambulatory care within the health care system and role of professional nursing. Emphasizes concepts of episodic care, triage, health promotion and education, interdisciplinary communication, care coordination, and resource and environmental management. Prerequisite: NCLIN 407. Offered: A.
NCLIN 475 Foundations of Interprofessional Practice ([0-1]-, max. 3)
Team-based training in healthcare team functioning for professional nursing students. Students work and co-learn with other health sciences students in applying knowledge of evidence-based practice, quality improvement principles, and informatics to patient-centered care situations. The course will provide careful attention to development of intra- and interprofessional roles and professional identity. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.
NCLIN 490 Special Laboratory Elective (1-4, max. 4)
Provides supervised laboratory experience to enhance and document clinical skills and decision making. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 499 Clinical Practicum Elective (1-5)
Provides opportunities to develop nursing skills in the care of individuals, groups, communities, or care-systems. Individually arranged with faculty member for application of theory and principles to direct care, consultation, education, or care coordinator roles. Prerequisite: NCLIN 302; NCLIN 306; NCLIN 402; NCLIN 406.
NCLIN 500 Comprehensive Health Assessment (3)
Uses didactic and experimental learning to develop evidence-informed advanced assessment skills including systematic collection, organization, interpretation, and communication of data reflecting the health status of adolescents/adults/older adults. Emphasizes a holistic analysis of developmental, familial, physiological, psychosocial, occupational, environmental, functional, nutritional, and cultural aspects of health. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWS.
NCLIN 501 Diagnostic Health Assessment (1-5, max. 5)
Examines evidence-informed clinical decision-making in the advanced assessment of symptoms experienced by adolescents/adults/older adults. Uses didactic and experimental learning in the systematic collection, integration, analysis, interpretation, and communication of focuses subjective and objective data, including formulation of diagnostic hypotheses. Prerequisite: NCLIN 500, which may be taken concurrently. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWS.
NCLIN 502 Pediatric Diagnostic Health Assessment ([1-4]-, max. 4)
Uses didactic and experimental learning to develop evidence informed advanced assessment skills including systematic collection, organization, interpretation, integration, and communication of data reflecting health status of children from birth to adolescence. Emphasizes holistic analysis of development, familial, physiological, psychosocial, environmental, functional, nutritional, and cultural aspects of health. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.
NCLIN 503 Advanced Fieldwork Community Health Nursing (2-6, max. 12)
Guided experience in delineating nursing roles in community settings. Development of a philosophy of community health nursing. Application of core concepts pertaining to health, ethics, care, and community. A minimum of four hours of guided experience weekly. Prerequisite: graduate standing and permission of instructor.
NCLIN 505 Diagnostic Management and Decision Making (2-5)
Examines diagnostics pertinent to adult and geriatric illnesses from individual and population perspectives in the context of evidence, risk/benefits, equity, cost, access and care quality. Case analyses integrate health assessment and differential diagnoses into selection of appropriate tests. Includes didactic and laboratory/simulation components. Prerequisite: NCLIN 501 or equivalent. Offered: W.
NCLIN 508 Seminar in Group Treatment (1)
Seminar on the theoretical basis for working with various treatment groups. Analysis of selected approaches to group treatment. Analysis of leader responsibilities and functions in the development of therapeutic group experiences.
NCLIN 510 Group Work with High-Risk Youth (3-6, max. 6)
Theory and application course in group counseling for high-risk youth. Central theme is group leader effectiveness in helping young people increase school performance, decrease drug involvement, and increase emotional well-being. Open to graduate students in nursing, education, and related human services professions.
NCLIN 511 Introduction to Perinatal Care for Advanced Practice (1)
Provides an introduction to women's health and prenatal care visit structure, documentation, and skill development necessary to be successful in advanced practice clinical practicum. Both didactic and experiential learning will be used to prepare students for the systematic collection of subjective and objective data and clinical decision-making in the clinical setting. Intended for NM and PNS students. Prerequisite: permission of track lead. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.
NCLIN 512 Advanced Practicum in Family and Child Nursing I (2-12, max. 35)
Clinical seminar and practicum provide opportunities to develop advanced nursing practice competencies in the care of women, families, children, and/or adolescents. Focuses on the application of theory and principles when providing direct patient care, patient education, and the collaboration of care with individuals and/or groups. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 514 Seminar in Home Care for Chronic Illness (3)
Home-care services as component of community health nursing. Understanding effects of direct nursing functions on care of chronically ill persons and their families. Selected field study experiences in community health settings. Prerequisite: NURS 563, graduate standing, and permission of instructor.
NCLIN 516 Advanced Clinical Practicum I (4/5)
Clinical practicum and seminar providing opportunities to develop advanced nursing practice competencies with targeted populations. Focuses on the application of theory and principles when providing care, education, and collaboration with individuals and groups. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: Sp.
NCLIN 517 Advanced Clinical Practicum II (5-7)
Clinical practicum and seminar providing opportunities to develop advanced nursing practice competencies with targeted populations. Focuses on the application of theory and principles when providing care, education, and collaboration with individuals, groups, and systems. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: S.
NCLIN 518 Advanced Clinical Practicum III (5-7)
Clinical practicum and seminar providing opportunities to develop advanced nursing practice competencies with targeted populations. Focuses on the application of theory and principles when providing care, education, and collaboration with individuals, groups, and systems. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.
NCLIN 519 Newborn Assessment for Advanced Practice (1)
Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 520 Clinical Reasoning and Assessment Across the Lifespan (2)
Provides the framework to begin evidence-informed clinical decision-making in the advanced assessment of patients across the lifespan. Includes didactic and experiential learning in systematic collection, integration, analysis, interpretation, and communication of focused subjective and objective data, including formulation of diagnostic hypotheses. Emphasizes a holistic approach. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.
NCLIN 521 Diagnostic Decision Making and Clinical Skills Laboratory (2)
Designed to enhance student's knowledge, performance, and interpretation of various diagnostic tests and clinical procedures in multiple settings. Includes skills across the age span. Skill demonstration and validation occur in the lab classroom. Co-requisite: NCLIN 516; permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 532 Advanced Practice in Community Health Systems Nursing: Overview (3)
Seminar and practicum focusing on evidence-based approaches to community health systems nursing, integration and application of theories, and content related to social determinants of health and social justice. Emphasizes the development of advanced practice, leadership, and practice inquiry competence. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.
NCLIN 533 Advanced Practice in Community Health Systems Nursing: Culture (3)
Seminar and practicum focusing on evidence-based approaches to community health systems nursing, integration and application of theories, and content related to cultural issues affecting the health of individuals, populations, and communities. Emphasizes the development of advanced practice, leadership, and practice inquiry competence. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.
NCLIN 534 Advanced Practice in Community Health Systems Nursing: Assessment (3)
Seminar and practicum focusing on evidence-based approaches to community health-systems nursing. Includes integration and application of theories and content related to the assessment and appraisal of communities and populations. Emphasizes the development of advanced practice, leadership, and practice inquiry competence. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: Sp.
NCLIN 535 Advanced Practice in Community Health Systems Nursing: Policy (4)
Seminar and practicum focusing on evidence-based approaches to community health-systems nursing. Includes integration and application of theories and content related to health-related organizational and public policy that promotes health equity. Emphasizes the development of advanced practice, leadership, and practice inquiry competence. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.
NCLIN 536 Advanced Practice in Community Health Systems Nursing: Health Systems (4)
Seminar and practicum focusing on evidence-based approaches to community health-systems nursing. Includes integration and application of theories and content related to systems-level models of practice to service delivery among communities and populations. Emphasizes the development of advanced practice, leadership, and practice inquiry competence. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.
NCLIN 540 Infant Mental Health Practice: Parent Child Relationships and Intervention ([3-6]-, max. 18)
Focuses on reflective practice, relationship-based consultation, and therapeutic interventions with infants/toddlers and caregivers. Students complete required clinical practicum at assigned community sites for three quarters. Prerequisite: admission to Infant Mental Health certificate program. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.
NCLIN 541 Advanced Practice Specialist Clinical Practicum (1-10, max. 10)
Apply, synthesize, evaluate, and communicate knowledge about a specific domain of advanced medical/surgical or forensics nursing practice. Emphasis is on specialization and role development. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 542 Advanced Practice Specialist Clinical Practicum II (1-10, max. 10)
Apply, synthesize, evaluate, and communicate knowledge about a specific domain of advanced medical/surgical or forensics nursing practice. Fieldwork emphasizes greater depth/complexity/independence in specialization and role development. Seminars emphasize critical analysis of role-related issues. Capstone experience for clinical practicum. Prerequisite: NCLIN 541. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 543 Advanced Practice Specialist Clinical Practicum III (1-10, max. 10)
Apply, synthesize, evaluate, and communicate knowledge about a specific domain of advanced medical/surgical or forensics nursing practice. Role development within specialty context. Emphasis is on critical analysis of leadership-related issues. For students in final clinical, serves as capstone. Prerequisite: NCLIN 542. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 544 Advanced Practice Specialist Clinical Practicum IV (1-10, max. 20)
Apply, synthesize, evaluate, and communicate knowledge about a specific domain of advanced medical/surgical or forensics nursing practice. Fieldwork serves as capstone experience. Seminar emphasis is on consultation and collaboration. Prerequisite: NCLIN 543. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 549 Nurse Practitioner Clinical Practicum I: Adults/Older Adults (1-10, max. 10)
Clinical fieldwork and seminar in advanced nursing practice with individual/groups. Students practice under clinical preceptor supervision. Focuses on data collection/critical thinking related to health status and threats to health, incorporating knowledge from the biological, behavioral, and social sciences. Prerequisite: permission of instructor, or NCLIN 501 or equivalent. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 550 Nurse Practitioner Clinical Practicum II: Adults/Older Adults (1-10, max. 10)
Clinical fieldwork and seminar in advanced practice nursing. Builds on NCLIN 549, emphasizing critical thinking related to the differential diagnosis/management of health problems and human responses. Students practice under clinical preceptor supervision. Addresses selected role issues in advanced practice nursing. Prerequisite: NCLIN 549 or permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 551 Advanced Practice Nursing Clinical Practicum III: Adults/Older Adults (1-10, max. 10)
Clinical fieldwork and seminar in advanced practice nursing. Builds on NCLIN 550, emphasizing the integration and application of previous learning in the care of people with multiple health problems. Students practice under preceptor supervision. Addresses selected role issues in advanced practice nursing. Prerequisite: NCLIN 550 or permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 552 Nurse Practitioner Clinical Practicum IV: Adults/Older Adults (1-10, max. 10)
Intensive clinical experience in which students integrate previous learning to assume responsibility for care of older adults and/or adults with multiple health problems. Students practice as an advanced practice nurse supervised by a preceptor, assuming increasing responsibility for planning/implementing therapies and for documenting/evaluating outcomes. Prerequisite: NCLIN 551. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 562 Professional Interpersonal Styles of Communication with Families to Enhance Health Outcomes (3)
Complex communication processes evaluated and applied to the family as unit of interaction within interdisciplinary context. Empirical based communication practices analyzed considering family variables adherence, satisfaction, health outcomes, and cost effectiveness. Engagement in experiential learning through challenging clinical scenarios. Emphasizes cultural competencies. Prerequisite: DNP nursing student or permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 567 Advanced Practice Clinical Practicum (1-6, max. 22)
Practicum used to expand, deepen, or enrich advanced practice skills relevant to area of specialty preparation. Uses clinical activities to reflect an integration of advanced practice, leadership, and practice inquiry. Emphasizes self-directed learning, in-depth clinical skill building and decision-making, continuity of care, and inter professional collaboration. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 579 Clinical Practicum in Sexual and Reproductive Health (1/2, max. 2)
Provides hands-on learning of medication and procedural abortion skills. Prepares students to independently perform both of these skill sets for abortion and/or early pregnancy loss, and manage most complications that may arise. Prerequisite: NURS 577 and permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 599 Independent Study Clinical Practicum (1-12, max. 25)
Clinical practicum to develop advanced-practice nursing skills in care of individuals, groups, communities, or care systems. Individually arranged with faculty member for application of theory and principles to direct care, consultation, education, or care coordinator roles. Prerequisite: matriculated MN, DNP students, or post-master's student, and permission of academic adviser and instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.
NCLIN 798 Tripartite Immersion Practicum ([1-5]-, max. 5)
Practicum to synthesize and expand knowledge and skills in application of tripartite role of advanced practice, inquiry, and leadership. Analysis of practice issues including reflective practice, collaboration, health systems, technology, ethics, and policy. Prerequisite: permission of instructor and Supervisory Committee. Credit/no-credit only.
NCLIN 801 Advanced Clinical Practicum Immersion (7-9)
Immersion clinical practicum and seminar providing opportunities to integrate advanced nursing practice competencies, leadership, professional role, and collaboration with targeted populations. Focuses on the application of theory and principles when providing care, education, and collaboration with individuals, groups, and systems. Offered: AW.