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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

OHS 201 Planning a Career in Dentistry for the Future (2)
Future-oriented overview of important concepts in dental science, contemporary modes of patient treatment, and dental-care delivery systems. Provides exposure to dentistry as a career and prerequisite materials in oral anatomy, epidemiology, and other basic sciences subjects. Open to all second-, third, and fourth-year undergraduate students. Offered: Sp.

OHS 449 Undergraduate Research Topics in Oral Biology (*, max. 30)
Individual research on topics selected in collaboration with a faculty member. Offered: AWSpS.

OHS 501 Critical Thinking in Oral Health Sciences: Craniofacial Biology and Oral Health Span (2)
Builds critical thinking and peer review skills in oral health sciences through reading and evaluating oral health literature, specifically craniofacial biology and oral health span. Offered: A.

OHS 502 Critical Thinking in Oral Health Sciences: Oral Microbiome (2)
Builds critical thinking and peer review skills in oral health sciences through reading and evaluating oral health literature, specifically oral microbiology. Offered: W.

OHS 503 Critical Thinking in Oral Health Sciences: Clinical Dental Research (2)
Builds critical thinking and peer review skills in oral health sciences through reading and evaluating oral health literature, specifically dental public health and clinical research. Offered: Sp.

OHS 550 P-Directed Studies in Dental Public Health Sciences (*, max. 17)
Students and faculty members who have common academic interests can pursue them together within the curriculum by means of independent study and a tutorial student-faculty relationship. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

OHS 561 Oral Tissue Development, Structure, and Function (3, max. 6)
Selected readings and discussions explore recent advances in cellular and molecular biology relevant to oral biology and medicine. Special emphasis on craniofacial and dental development, oral mucosa and periodontal tissues, salivary gland function, and olfaction and gustation. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: WSp.

OHS 562 Supervised Teaching in Oral Health Sciences (1-5, max. 10)
Directed and guided experience in selected topics in teaching techniques, teaching philosophy, and design of courses given by the Department of Oral Health Sciences. Students are required to participate in lecture and laboratory teaching under the supervision of the course director. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

OHS 568 Biostatistics in Dentistry (3)
Introduction to concepts and methods of descriptive and inferential statistics with applications in dentistry emphasized. Topics include comparison of means and proportions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, non-parametric methods, linear regression, and correlation. Prerequisite: enrollment in School of Dentistry or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with BIOST 510; S.

OHS 569 Advanced Oral Microbiology (2)
Viral, bacterial classification; physiology; toxicity mechanisms reviewed. Formation and composition of plaque and calculus, and chemical methods of control discussed. Specific microbial floras of acute and chronic gingivitis, early onset forms of periodontitis, and adult periodontitis studied. Principles of antibiotic use reviewed. Offered: W, even years.

OHS 571 Clinical Epidemiology and Study Design in Dentistry (2)
An introduction to epidemiological methods as they relate to dental research. Topics covered include the estimation of dental disease occurrence at patient level and site level and the design and analysis of clinical trials with special emphasis on designs unique to dentistry, such as split-mouth designs. Offered: S.

OHS 575 Oral Health Sciences Seminar (1-3, max. 30)
Presentation and discussion of current research problems by members of the staff, investigators from other departments in the University, visiting scientists, and trainees. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: AWSp.

OHS 578 Research Techniques in Oral Health Sciences (2-4, max. 15)
Introduction to biochemical, analytical, or morphological techniques employed in biochemical cytology or molecular pathology as well as in vitro techniques of tissue and organ culture. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

OHS 579 Molecular Biology (2)
Applications of molecular biology and recombinant DNA methodologies to oral health science topics of interest in dental sciences. Prerequisite: BIOC 405 or BIOC 406 or equivalent, and permission of instructor. Offered: S.

OHS 580 Introduction to Molecular Biology Laboratory (4)
Includes laboratory experiences involving use of restriction enzymes, cloning of DNA into plasmid vectors and plasmid DNA isolation, RNA isolation from cells and tissues, PCR, DNA sequence analysis, and web-based DNA, and protein sequence analysis. Prerequisite: either BIOC 405, BIOC 406, or permission of instructor. Offered: A, even years.

OHS 581 Secretory Process in Exocrine Glands (1-3, max. 3)
Biostructural, physiological, and biochemical aspects of individual secretory systems as integrated units. Faculty members with appropriate expertise participate in discussions and presentations during each of the three quarters. Offered: Sp.

OHS 584 Craniofacial Research Seminar (1)
This survey course presents a framework for basic and clinical craniofacial research and an overview of the translation spectrum of craniofacial research from basic science and clinical research to product development. Recommended: A background in the conduct of biomedical research would be helpful. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: S.

OHS 591 Advanced Topics in Oral Biology I - Teeth and Bones (1-2, max. 2)
Covers aspects of biology basic to the dental sciences. Focuses on developmental biology of the craniofacial region, structure and function of teeth, bone, and the periodontium, and dental/oral sensation and pain. Offered: jointly with ORTHO 591; A.

OHS 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

OHS 650 P-Community Dentistry Clinical Electives (*, max. 12)
Credit/no-credit only.

OHS 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.

OHS 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.