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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

PERIO 449 Directed Studies in Periodontics (*)
See DPHS 449 for course description. Credit/no-credit only.

PERIO 550 P-Directed Studies in Periodontics (*, max. 6)
See DPHS 449 for course description. Credit/no-credit only.

PERIO 561 Periodontal Case Management (2-, max. 8)
Didactic presentation of clinical periodontics to provide a comprehensive view of the field and a grasp of modern therapeutics. Offered: AWSp.

PERIO 566 Practice Management (1)
Aspects of setting up and administering a private periodontal practice. Financing, insurance, office design, equipment, employees, professional forms, marketing strategies, and patient management. Prerequisite: PERIO 561. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: S.

PERIO 574 Periodontal Microbiology (2)
Viral, bacterial classification; physiology; toxicity mechanisms reviewed. Formation and composition of plaque and calculus, and chemical methods of control discussed. Specific microbial floras of acute and chronic gingivitis, early onset forms of periodontitis, and adult periodontitis studied. Principles of antibiotic use reviewed. Offered: A.

PERIO 575 Immunologic Aspects of Oral Diseases (2)
Acquaints students with basic concepts of immunology and immunopathology. Topics include elements of innate and acquired immunity, genetic bases of antibody structure and function, immunopathologic mechanisms, transplantation immunology, immunologic manifestations in mucocutaneous oral lesions, caries and periodontal disease, principles of vaccination, and critical evaluation of the dental stem cells potential for oral tissue engineering. Offered: A.

PERIO 576 The Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Periodontium (2)
Nucleic acid, protein, and carbohydrate biochemistry reviewed. Roles of collagens and proteoglycans in gingival tissues and the organization of oral epithelia discussed. Structures of human and animal periodontal lesions compared. Cellular and molecular inflammatory and immunological mechanisms in periodontal disease discussed. History, classification, and epidemiology of periodontal diseases described. Offered: Sp.

PERIO 577 Review of Literature (2, max. 16)
Concise review of the scientific periodontal literature with specific focus on studies of periodontal diagnosis, wound healing, periodontal regeneration, microbiology, and implant procedures. Offered: AWSpS.

PERIO 578 Implant Literature Review (1)
Reviews several topics related to dental implantology such as: history of dental implants, osseointegration, properties of materials, bone healing, bone augmentation procedures, success rates, pathogenesis of implant failures, and aesthetics in implantology. Discusses the relationship between surgical and restorative treatment phases. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

PERIO 580 Foundations in Implant Dentistry (1)
Details the core surgical and prosthetic considerations in dental implant patient care. Topics include case planning, anatomy, radiography, surgery, componentry, occlusion, and applications for implant dentistry. Offered: S.

PERIO 582 Periodontic Treatment Planning Seminar (1-, max. 12)
Weekly seminar involved with the presentation, discussion, and tentative solution of moderate to complex problems in diagnosis and treatment. Offered: AWSpS.

PERIO 585 Periodontal Therapy Seminar (1-, max. 12)
Weekly seminar utilizing the case review method and dealing with the treatment of moderate to advanced periodontal disease. Offered: AWSpS.

PERIO 586 Longitudinal Evaluation of Periodontal Therapy (1-, max. 9)
Helps to develop in-depth knowledge and analytical skills in estimating prognosis, assessing comprehensive treatment plans, evaluating long-term treatment outcomes, and evidence-based clinical decision making. Offered: AWSp.

PERIO 592 Prescription Surgery (1-, max. 3)
Clinical course in periodontal surgery in which surgical procedures are performed on prescription basis for patients undergoing therapy in the undergraduate dental clinic. Exposes student to a wider spectrum of patients and simulates an environment in which the student can encounter the problems in communication and patient management that occur in the private sector.

PERIO 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of Graduate Program Adviser.

PERIO 651 Surgical Periodontics - Selective (2)
This course gives students a greater exposure to comprehensive periodontal diagnosis and treatment planning with an evidence-based rationale, increased exposure to periodontal surgical procedures, and an overview of the specialty as a whole. Pre-approval from the Periodontics Department is required for this course. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

PERIO 655 Peer Mentor Periodontics - Selective (1, max. 12)
Senior dental students participate as Peer Mentors for 1st and 2nd year dental students in various pre-clinical Periodontics courses. This experience builds upon, enhances and refines the students in Peer Mentoring. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

PERIO 659 P-Periodontics Extended Learning (*, max. 4)
Supplemental work in periodontics to correct an area of student deficiency. Credit/no-credit only.

PERIO 660 Clinical Periodontics ([2-6]-, max. 60)
Clinical experience in diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease.

PERIO 661 Advanced Root Preparation (1)
Advanced skill development in the use of the periodontal probe, gracey curettes, files and instrument sharpening. Includes laboratory sessions on dentoforms leading up to treatment of initial therapy patients. Offered: S.

PERIO 662 Stomatology Clinic (1, max. 4)
The diagnosis and treatment of oral and perioral lesions including history taking, biopsies, hematological laboratory tests and chemotherapy. Periodontal therapy in medically compromised patients in the hospital setting. Microscopic review of biopsy specimens. Offered: AWSpS.

PERIO 663 Pre-Prosthodontics Clinical Periodontics (*)
Clinical diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease for nonperiodontics student. Prerequisite: permission of department chairperson. Credit/no-credit only.

PERIO 665 Clinical Practice Teaching (*, max. 9)
Supervised experience in teaching clinical periodontics to undergraduate dental students.

PERIO 685 Hospital Periodontics (1)
Preparation in periodontics to practice in hospital situations, including experience in operation of nitrous oxide analgesia, general anesthesia, intravenous premedication, treating of out- and inpatients.