Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
PCEUT 201 Drug Discovery, Development and Beyond: Careers and Controversies (3) NSc
Introduces students to drug development from discovery to drug approval with an emphasis on careers and the scientific and ethical issues at each stage. Recommended for undergraduate health science majors and non-science majors. Recommended: basic high school knowledge of general chemistry and biology. Offered: W.
PCEUT 451 Introduction to Drug Discovery and Development (2)
Covers the process of drug discovery and development with a specific emphasis on current trends and hot topics in the pharmaceutical sciences. Recommended: coursework in biology and biochemistry. Offered: W.
PCEUT 499 Undergraduate Research (1-6, max. 12)
Research problems in drug disposition, drug targeting, and drug development. Prerequisite: cumulative GPA of 2.50 and permission of instructor.
PCEUT 501 Pharmacometrics (3)
Compartmental (rich and sparse data) pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic and physiologically-based pharmacokinetic models. Evaluates how well models fit data. Advantages and disadvantages of various modeling and simulation approaches. Prerequisite: PCEUT 506 and PCEUT 532. Offered: Sp, even years.
PCEUT 502 Drug Disposition Science (2)
Introduction to drug metabolism and transport pharmacokinetics. Topics include basic processes of drug absorption, distribution and elimination, enzyme/transporter kinetics, associated experimental methodologies for generating kinetic parameter estimates, and principles of drug-drug interactions and other sources of inter-individual variability. Covers experimental rigor and reproducibility and research ethics. Recommended: biochemistry. Offered: A.
PCEUT 503 Principles of Drug Transport (3)
Provides an advanced understanding of major solute carrier (SLC) and ATP-binding cassette (ABC) drug transporters and their roles in drug absorption, distribution and excretion. Topics include major drug transporter families, transport processes in drug disposition organs, experimental approaches to study transporters, and application of drug transporter research in drug development and drug-drug interaction evaluation. Prerequisite: either PCEUT 502, PCEUT 532, or permission of the instructor. Offered: Sp, odd years.
PCEUT 505 Concepts in Pharmaceutical Sciences I (2)
Provides the student with foundational knowledge of drug properties and interaction with physiology upon administration in vivo, and an understanding of pharmaceutical formulation which is a key disciplinary area within the pharmaceutical sciences and its application to small molecules and protein-based therapeutics. Offered: A.
PCEUT 506 Concepts in Pharmacokinetics (3)
Theory and practice. Includes principles of physiological basis of pharmacokinetics, a mechanistic understanding of pharmacokinetic parameters, and the ability to derive basic pharmacokinetic equations and concepts. Prerequisite: PCEUT532, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: Sp.
PCEUT 507 Advanced Pharmacokinetics (3)
Includes absorption kinetics, bioavailability, multi-compartment kinetics, non-linear clearance, pharmacokinetics of biologics, and animal and clinical study design. Prerequisite: either PCEUT 506 and PCEUT 532, or permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.
PCEUT 510 Drug Interactions (3)
Covers common pharmacokinetic mechanisms underlying clinically important interactions between drugs, and patient- and drug-related factors that predispose a patient to adverse drug effects. Includes case-based discussion of approaches to identification, clinical evaluation, and clinical management of drug-drug interaction risk. Prerequisite: PHARM 558; PHARM 559; PHARM 560; PHARM 561; PHARM 563; PHARM 564, and PHARM 565.
PCEUT 513 Basic Concepts in Pharmacogenetics and Toxicogenomics (3)
Addresses current technologies for DNA sequencing, genotyping, RNA and epigenetic analysis and basic concepts of pharmacogenetics and toxicogenomics. Emphasis placed on applications of genomic technologies to the understanding of "gene-environment interactions" that cause variability in drug treatment responses, as well as diseases of public health importance, including cancer, chronic neurological diseases, and adverse drug reactions. Offered: jointly with ENV H 513/PHG 513; W.
PCEUT 520 Seminar (1, max. 30)
Graduate students attend seminars and make one formal presentation per year while in residence; maximum of three presentations. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with MEDCH 520.
PCEUT 531 Pharmaceutical Formulation: Principles and Dosage Forms (4)
Provides knowledge base for subsequent pharmacy courses and professional practice. Theory and problems involved in incorporating drugs into stable dosage forms suitable for human use and intended routes of drug administration. Fundamentals of safe and appropriate handling and use of dosage forms. Common dosage forms and basic compounding skills. Recommended: general chemistry. Offered: A.
PCEUT 532 Clinical Pharmacokinetics (4)
Covers basic principles of pharmacokinetics and their application to the clinical setting. Includes the design of an appropriate dosing regimen, such as single-dose intravenous and oral administration, multiple dosing, nonlinear pharmacokinetics, metabolite kinetics, pharmacodynamics, inter-individual variability and the physiological basis of pharmacokinetics. Prerequisite: PCEUT 531. Offered: W.
PCEUT 534 Principles of Precision Medicine (2)
Variation in drug absorption, distribution, elimination, and response, with emphasis on pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationships. Includes pharmacogenetics, drug-drug interactions, as well as ontogenic and disease state effects and associated precision testing platforms. Uses case studies to integrate possible sources of variation and impact on individual therapeutic decisions. Prerequisite: either MEDCH 501; PCEUT 531; and PCEUT 532, or permission of instructor; recommended: basic understanding of pharmacokinetics and principles of drug absorption, distribution and elimination and drug response. Offered: Sp.
PCEUT 537 Chemical and Molecular Pharmacology III: Cancer Treatments and Biotherapeutics (4)
Cancer biology and agents used in cancer treatment and supportive care. Mechanisms of action and toxicities of agents. Formulating and optimizing dosage forms for small molecules and protein drugs. Major biopharmaceutical products (e.g., monoclonal antibodies, endogenous protein replacement) and their unique characteristics. Prerequisite: either PCEUT 531; PCEUT 532; and MEDCH 501, or permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.
PCEUT 540 Master's Thesis Workshop (1-, max. 2)
Provides interactive support and guidance for students to plan and execute the writing of their thesis research project. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: WSp.
PCEUT 551 Introduction to Drug Discovery and Development (2)
Covers the process of drug discovery and development with a specific emphasis on current trends and hot topics in the pharmaceutical sciences. Recommended: coursework in biology and biochemistry. Offered: W.
PCEUT 570 Advanced Research Topics (1, max. 15)
Combines a discussion of the practical aspects and experimental techniques used to address the questions relating to drug disposition with comprehensive theoretical treatment of pharmacokinetic principles. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
PCEUT 580 Current Trends in Pharmacy Science and Practice (1, max. 2)
Builds on fundamental and foundational knowledge of advanced professional pharmacy students. Research in pharmacy sciences: translational, clinical, outcomes, or related to scholarship within the School of Pharmacy, or related department and institutions. Prerequisite: School of Pharmacy professional or graduate student standing. Undergraduate students with permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.
PCEUT 583 Topics in Pharmaceutics (1, max. 30)
Discussion of pertinent articles from current literature and recent laboratory results. Credit/no-credit only.
PCEUT 586 Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutics (2-3)
Current topics in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology focusing on transforming small molecules, proteins, and genes into therapeutic products. Includes new drug therapies, drug design, pharmacogenomics, molecular modeling, high throughput screen, production and stability considerations, and delivery systems of protein and gene therapeutics in relation to pharmacokinetic and therapeutic responses.
PCEUT 598 Independent Research (*, max. 24)
Basic and clinical research problems in drug disposition and effect. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.50 GPA and permission of instructor.
PCEUT 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.
PCEUT 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.
PCEUT 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.