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PHG 200 Implications of Public Health Genomics for the Modern World (3) NSc/SSc
Introduces the field of public health genomics through examples of genetic, ethical, political, and social issues emerging in the wake of the Human Genome Project. Students develop the skills to analyze and critique public health, clinical, personal, and social implications resulting from emerging genomic technologies. Offered: A.

PHG 301 Introduction to Genetic Epidemiology (5) NSc/SSc
Explores basic approaches that are used to identify genetic and environmental factors in health and disease, and how application of this information can be used to improve population health. Discusses the relevant ethical, legal, and social implications that occur in research and translation to practice. Offered: Sp.

PHG 302 Forensic Genetics (3) NSc/SSc, RSN
Introduces the field of forensic genetics through discussion of genetic and statistical issues emerging since the introduction of DNA profiling. Students develop the skills to interpret the evidence of matching genetic profiles; to understand calculations relevant for parentage determination; the identification of remains; the use of genetic genealogy, and to consider the implications of familial searching of DNA databases. Recommended: GENOME 371 or equivalent. Offered: jointly with BIOST 302; Sp.

PHG 303 Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing: Uses and Issues (5-) SSc/NSc
Surveys current genetic tests offered directly to customers (including all types of genomic data generated, and interpretations in health and ancestry). Investigates current use of personal genomics in forensic and political realms, as well as marketing and regulation of these tests. Ethical, legal, and social implications covered in lectures, debates, and case studies. Recommended: prior exposure to basic genetics (at any level). Offered: Sp.

PHG 401 Computational and Applied Genetic Epidemiology (5) RSN
Advanced topics in genetic epidemiology for undergraduate students, focusing on hands-on introduction to computational analysis of population genetics and individual health data using R programs. Students will investigate how genes and environment interact to cause disease and health-states and to inform public health interventions. Recommended: PHG 301 or prior background in basic genetics and statistics. Offered: jointly with BIOST 401/EPI 410; Sp.

PHG 501 Computational and Applied Genetic Epidemiology (5)
Topics in genetic epidemiology and its application in public health practice. Provides hands-on introduction to computational analysis of population genetics and individual health data using R programs. Students investigate how genes and environment interact to cause disease and health-states and to inform public health interventions. Recommended: prior background in basic genetics and statistics. Offered: jointly with EPI 508; Sp.

PHG 511 Genetic Epidemiology (3)
Research methods for evaluating genetic influences on disease and risk factors and for assessing genetic-environment interactions. Study designs and statistical methods that are covered include twin studies, family-based studies, genome-wide association studies, rare variant association studies and Mendelian randomization studies. Prerequisite: either EPI 511 or equivalent; either BIOST 511 or equivalent; and either BIOST 509, experience with R programming language, or experience with other programming software; recommended: either GENOME 371 or equivalent. Offered: jointly with EPI 517; Sp.

PHG 512 Legal, Ethical, and Social Issues in Public Health Genetics (3)
Equips the student to anticipate and assess potential legal, ethical, and social barriers complicating the incursion of new genetic advances, information, and technologies into public and private healthcare delivery efforts. Prerequisite: GENOME 361, GENOME 371, or equivalent. Offered: jointly with B H 514/GCNSL 512/LAW H 504; A.

PHG 513 Basic Concepts in Pharmacogenetics and Toxicogenomics (3)
Addresses current technologies for DNA sequencing, genotyping, RNA and epigenetic analysis and basic concepts of pharmacogenetics and toxicogenomics. Emphasis placed on applications of genomic technologies to the understanding of "gene-environment interactions" that cause variability in drug treatment responses, as well as diseases of public health importance, including cancer, chronic neurological diseases, and adverse drug reactions. Offered: jointly with ENV H 513/PCEUT 513; W.

PHG 519 Statistical Methods in Genetic Epidemiology (3)
Theory and application of statistical techniques used in genetic epidemiology. Includes discussion of association studies, linkages and segregation analyses. Examples stressed with reference to assumptions and limitations. Prerequisite: either BIOST 513 or BIOST 518; PHG 511/EPI 517; or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with BIOST 516/EPI 535.

PHG 521 Culture, Society, and Genomics (3)
Examines social and cultural issues of human genome sequencing and control of genetic expression. Attitudes and behaviors toward health, illness, and disability are studied using historical, contemporary, and cross-cultural case study material. Offered: jointly with ANTH 574/NURS 582; Sp.

PHG 523 Genetics and the Law (3)
Explores legal issues arising from genetic and genomic research, practice and policy. Analyzes implications of constitutional, contract, tort, criminal, employment, insurance, intellectual property, and family law using multiple sources of law, including statutes, regulations, and cases. Offered: jointly with LAW H 520; W.

PHG 527 Social Science Research Methods (3)
Introduces students to research methods in bioethics, ranging from qualitative to quantitative: interviews, focus groups, surveys, and experimental and observational designs. Students write research questions, match research methods to research questions, and conclude with a proposal that uses a social sciences empirical approach to address their research question. Offered: jointly with B H 527; Sp.

PHG 536 Bioinformatics and Gene Sequence Analysis (3)
Nature and relevance of molecular sequence information, computer-based protein, and DNA sequence analysis, molecular sequence and genomic databases, and methods for database accession and interrogation. Prerequisite: background in molecular biology and permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with PABIO 536; Sp.

PHG 544 Ethical Implications of Emerging Biotechnology (3)
Introduces students to select biotechnology innovations and invites consideration of the ethical and policy implications surrounding their development and potential use. Offered: jointly with B H 544; W.

PHG 545 Biostatistical Methods for Big Omics Data (3)
This "hands-on" course introduces statistical methods for high-dimensional omics data, as well as the R programming language and the Bioconductor project as tools to extract, query, integrate, visualize, and analyze real world omics data sets. Prerequisite: BIOST 512, 514, or 517. Offered: jointly with BIOST 545/GENOME 545.

PHG 580 Interactive Seminar (1, max. 30)
Seminar series on topics related to public health genetics, including current bioethical, legal, medical, biotechnology, and public policy issues. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with LAW H 579; AWSp.

PHG 590 Selected Topics in Public Health Genetics (1-6, max. 6)
Tutorials are arranged for a small number of students for in-depth examination of an area of public health genetics, usually of a current nature.

PHG 595 Master's Practicum (1-12, max. 12)
Supervised practice experience providing students an opportunity to learn how genetics is applied in a public health setting and in the formulation and application of public health policy. Prerequisite: practicum agreement.

PHG 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.

PHG 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.

PHG 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Credit/no-credit only.