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P BIO 375 Human Physiology in Health and Disease (4) NSc
Structure and function of the human body with emphasis on pathophysiology and disease treatment. Introduces the basic concept of homeostasis and focuses on the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, endocrine system, and immune system. Prerequisite: BIOL 220; and either CHEM 155 or CHEM 162; recommended: knowledge of basic cell biology and biochemistry. Offered: A.

P BIO 376 Human Physiology in Health and Disease (4) NSc
Structure and function of the human body with emphasis on pathophysiology and disease treatment. Focuses on the digestive system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, renal system, and reproductive system. Prerequisite: P BIO 375; recommended: knowledge of basic cell biology and biochemistry. Offered: W.

P BIO 498 Undergraduate Thesis (*, max. 35)
Offered: AWSpS.

P BIO 499 Undergraduate Research (*, max. 35)
Offered: AWSpS.

P BIO 504 Biophysics of Nerve, Muscle, and Synapse (3)
Introduces biophysical properties of nerve and muscle cells. Topics include intrinsic electrical properties of neurons, ion channels, receptor signaling, calcium signaling, contraction of muscles, and synaptic function. Offered: jointly with NEURO 504.

P BIO 505 Human Physiology (4-)
Provides an introduction to the study of human physiology. Covers the physiology of excitable cells, muscle physiology, renal physiology, gastrointestinal physiology, and the physiology of the central nervous system. Offered: A.

P BIO 506 Human Physiology (-4)
Provides an introduction to the study of human physiology. Covers cardiovascular physiology, respiratory physiology, acid base balance, neuroendocrinology, and reproductive physiology. Prerequisite: P BIO 505, or equivalent with permission of instructor. Offered: W.

P BIO 508 Introduction to Laboratory Research in Physiology (1-5, max. 15)
Students participate in the performance of ongoing projects in designated research laboratories. Emphasis is on experimental design, methodology, and techniques. For first- and second-year graduate students in physiology and biophysics to provide a basis for future independent research. Offered: AWSpS.

P BIO 509 Neuroendocrinology (3)
Emphasizes the cellular and molecular aspects of several topics in neuroendocrinology, including neuropeptide genes, reproduction, steroid hormone regulation of gene expression, mechanisms of hormone action, endocrine rhythms, and neural oscillations. Prerequisite: BIOL 220; BIOC 442 or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with NEURO 541; W, even years.

P BIO 513 Practicum in Teaching Physiology and Biophysics (4)
Students undertake instructional material development, presentation of materials, and develop problem-solving techniques. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AW.

P BIO 519 Membrane and Muscle Biophysics Seminar (1)
Lectures on current research topics in cell membrane function and muscle contraction with emphasis on presentation skills. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: Sp.

P BIO 520 Physiology Seminar (*)
Selected topics in physiology. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

P BIO 521 Biophysics Seminar (*)
Selected topics in biophysics. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

P BIO 522 Selected Topics in Respiratory Physiology (1-3, max. 3)
Advanced seminar on selected topics, including pulmonary mechanics, gas exchange, lung fluid balance, regulation of breathing, pulmonary circulation, respiration in the neonate, liquid breathing, airway dynamics, lung structure and development, cardiopulmonary interactions, exercise physiology. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

P BIO 523 Heat Transfer and Temperature Regulation (2-5, max. 5)
Thermal exchange between the body surface and the environment. Heat production and distribution within the body. Properties of cutaneous and deep temperature receptors. Neural integration and homeothermy. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.

P BIO 525 Readings in Advanced Physiology and Biophysics (*)
Guided study of the experimental literature of physiology and biophysics. Essays are written and discussed with the staff. Emphasis is placed on critical analysis, accuracy of expression, bibliographical technique, and other factors of good scholarship. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: A.

P BIO 526 Readings in Advanced Physiology and Biophysics (*)
Guided study of the experimental literature of physiology and biophysics. Essays are written and discussed with the staff. Emphasis is placed on critical analysis, accuracy of expression, bibliographical technique, and other factors of good scholarship. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: W.

P BIO 527 Readings in Advanced Physiology and Biophysics (*)
Guided study of the experimental literature of physiology and biophysics. Essays are written and discussed with the staff. Emphasis is placed on critical analysis, accuracy of expression, bibliographical technique, and other factors of good scholarship. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: SpS.

P BIO 540 Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiac Remodeling and Heart Failure (1)
The mini-course discusses recent progress on novel molecular mechanisms underlying cardiac hypertrophy, myocardial remodeling, and heart failure development. Novel methodologies in basic and translational cardiovascular research will also be discussed.

P BIO 545 Quantitative Methods in Neuroscience (3)
Provides exposure to a variety of quantitative methods that are applicable to the study of the nervous system, and an intensive tutorial on mathematical methods and their application to neuroscience research. Format revolves around computer exercises and discussion of journal papers. Topics may include linear systems theory, Fourier analysis, ordinary differential equations, stochastic processes, signal detection theory, and information theory. Offered: jointly with NEURO 545.

P BIO 548 Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Plasticity (2)
Discusses recent primary literature on the molecular mechanisms underlying structural and functional changes of dendritic spines and synapses in the mammalian brain as result of synaptic activity and experience. Offered: jointly with NEURO 548; Sp, even years.

P BIO 550 Biophysics of Calcium Signaling (1)
Introduction to cellular calcium signaling including theoretical and technical issues of calcium signal detection and biological conclusions. Prerequisite: CONJ 531. Offered: jointly with NEURO 550; Sp, odd years.

P BIO 554 Motor Learning: Cellular and Network Mechanisms (1)
Five-week mini-course reviews the current state of research on cellular and network mechanisms of motor learning. After an introductory overview of behavioral and physiological examples of motor learning in various species and systems, students choose specific topics for discussion, using the primary literature as a source. Offered: jointly with NEURO 554.

P BIO 555 Sensory Receptors (1)
Five-lecture mini-course examines how different kinds of sensory receptors detect and respond to different modalities of sensory stimuli. Discussion focuses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the underlying transduction processes and the experimental evidence that they are based on. Offered: jointly with NEURO 555.

P BIO 556 Axon Pathfinding Mechanisms (1)
Examines mechanisms governing axon growth cone behavior during embryonic development and during regeneration in the injured adult. Discusses approaches employing both invertebrate and vertebrate model systems. Offered: jointly with NEURO 556.

P BIO 557 Ion Channel Gating (1)
Compares and contrasts mechanisms of gating in ligand-gated and voltage-gated ion channels. Covers basics of ligand gating and voltage gating, kinetic schemes, inactivation and desensitization, gating currents and partial agonists, and ion channel structure. Offered: jointly with NEURO 557.

P BIO 558 Concepts and Mechanisms in Mitosis (2)
Examines how the miotic spindle organizes and separates duplicated chromosomes during cell division. Overview of spindle components and key mechanistic concepts. Discusses recent or classic papers from the primary literature.

P BIO 559 Neurobiology of Disease (3)
Introduces medically important neurological and psychiatric diseases and experimental approaches to understanding the basis for diseases and their treatments. Covers stroke, epilepsy, autoimmune diseases of the CNS, neurodegenerative diseases, autism, psychosis, anxiety disorders, and mood disorders. Offered: jointly with NEURL 559/NEURO 559.

P BIO 561 From Biophysics to Neural Computation (2)
Introduces the mathematics and methods of neuronal modeling. Develops, compares, and relates dynamical systems approaches and empirical characterizations of neuronal function. Includes lectures, student-led journal paper discussions, biweekly computational workshops on neuronal modeling packages, and a computations project. Offered: jointly with NEURO 561; Sp.

P BIO 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Offered: AWSp.

P BIO 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.

P BIO 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.