Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
SCAND 100 Introduction to Scandinavian Culture (5) SSc/A&H
The Scandinavian experience from the Viking Age to the present day. Covers the background for contemporary Scandinavian democracy with major emphasis on the cultural, political, and religious development of the Scandinavian countries. Offered: S.
SCAND 150 Norwegian Literary and Cultural History (5) A&H
A survey of Norwegian literary and cultural history from the Vikings to the present. Authors read include Bjornson, Ibsen, Hamsun, and Roolvaag.
SCAND 151 Finnish Literary and Cultural History (5) A&H
A survey of Finnish literature and cultural history during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Authors studied include Lonnrot, Snellmann, Kivi, Sodergran, Linna, Haavikko, and Kaurismaki.
SCAND 152 Latvian Literary and Cultural History (5) A&H
Survey of Latvian literary and cultural history from the nineteenth century to the present. Authors include Pumpurs, Rainis, Aspazija, Blaumanis, Nesaule, Bels, and Zalite.
SCAND 153 Introduction to Lithuanian Literary and Cultural History (5) A&H
Surveys Lithuanian literary and cultural history from the Medieval period to the present. Authors include Dauksa, Maironis, Biliunas, Ciurloinis, Boruta, Granauskas, Aputis, Vilimaite, Milosz, and others.
SCAND 154 Estonian Literary and Cultural History (5) A&H
Surveys Estonian literary and cultural history from the prehistoric period to the present. Authors, musicians, artists, and filmmakers include Kaplinski, Koidula, Kreutzwald, Vilde, Part, Tormis, Meri, Parn, Pollu, and others. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 154; AWSpS.
SCAND 155 Danish Literary and Cultural History (5) A&H
Introduces the literary and cultural history of Denmark. Focuses on several major literary works and cultural moments from the Viking Age, the Enlightenment, nineteenth-century Romanticism, twentieth-century Modernism, and current Danish literature, journalism, and film.
SCAND 156 Introduction to Swedish Literary and Cultural History (5) A&H
Introduction to modern Swedish literature, culture, and contemporary discourses on race, multiculturalism, gender equality, and LGBTI. Offered: WSp.
SCAND 175 Nobel Prize in Literature (3) A&H
Studies institution of Nobel prize, with focus on literature and Nobel-prize winners' works. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.
SCAND 200 Scandinavia Today (5) SSc/A&H
Examines the distinctive policies, institutions, and social norms, and cultures of contemporary Scandinavian societies. Topics include: the development of a "middle way" between capitalism and socialism, the welfare state, social policy, Scandinavia in the international system, and contemporary debates about market deregulation and immigration. Course uses examples from policy debate and culture as objects of study.
SCAND 230 Introduction to Folklore Studies (5) SSc/A&H
Folkloristics combines the methods and ideas of Literature Studies and Anthropology. Folktales (fairy tales), legends, jokes, songs, proverbs, customs and other forms of traditional culture are studied together with the living people and communities who perform and adapt them. Students learn the folklorist's methods of fieldwork (participant observation), ethnography, comparative analysis, and interpretation. Offered: jointly with C LIT 230; AWSpS.
SCAND 232 Hans Christian Andersen and the Fairy Tale Tradition (5) A&H
Influence of Hans Christian Andersen and the fairy tale on modern Scandinavian tales and stories. Investigates the significance of the fairy tale in the modern world, with attention to writers such as Isak Dinesen, Knut Hamsun, Villy Sorensen, William Heinesen.
SCAND 251 Holberg and His Comedies in English (2) A&H
Holberg and his major dramas, with attention to the comic tradition in the Scandinavian theatre.
SCAND 270 Sagas of the Vikings (5) A&H
Icelandic sagas and poetry about Vikings in the context of thirteenth-century society.
SCAND 271 Film Analysis: Northern Perspectives (5) A&H
Tools and perspectives for exploring cinema, focusing on films from the circumpolar region. Objectives: (1) learning a set of key terms for the study of film and television; (2) gaining an understanding of film and television as cultural productions; (3) doing a sequence analysis. Recommended: first-year composition. Offered: W, even years.
SCAND 275 Crime Scenes: Investigating the Cinema and Its Cultures (5) A&H
Teaches how to analyze film by closely studying crime scenes from historical and contemporary German and Scandinavian cinema. Directors studied include Fritz Lang, Carl Th. Dreyer, Billy Wilder, and Lars von Trier. Offered: jointly with GERMAN 275.
SCAND 280 Ibsen and His Major Plays in English (5) A&H
Reading and discussion of Ibsen's major plays.
SCAND 310 Tove Jansson and Moominvalley in English (5) A&H
Surveys Finnish-Swedish author Tove Jansson's literary production. Focuses on the imagined world Moominvalley depicted in her novels. Offered: W, even years.
SCAND 312 Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature (5) A&H
Major works of Scandinavian literature by selected authors.
SCAND 315 Scandinavian Crime Fiction (5) A&H
Studies Scandinavian crime-fiction literature and cinema since 1965, approaching crime fiction as a changing cultural artifact. Analyzes major issues and texts in the genre and its public status, while also training students in critical approaches to study of popular literature and culture. Offered: jointly with JSIS D 317; Sp.
SCAND 316 Child and School in Scandinavia (5) SSc/A&H
The child and school in Scandinavia as constructed and represented in film and literature. Approaches child and school through key cultural examples and scholarly studies of these topics. Focal areas include changing historical notions of childhood and youth, schooling, the welfare state, and Finnish schools. Offered: Sp.
SCAND 326 Scandinavia in World Affairs (5) SSc
Introduction to the foreign relations of Scandinavia with a focus on Nordic security, international economic pressures, and global conflict resolution. Includes a survey of the national settings for international involvements and highlights the dilemmas for industrial societies exposed to the pressures of interdependence. Offered: jointly with POL S 326.
SCAND 327 Women in Scandinavian Society (5) A&H/SSc
Examines the changing position of women in Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden from the 1880s to the contemporary period. Readings in literature and political science.
SCAND 330 Scandinavian Mythology (5) A&H
Integrative study of religious life in the pre-Christian North. Emphasis on source materials, including the Prose Edda and Poetic Edda. Discussion of historical, archeological, and folkloric evidence. Offered: AWSpS.
SCAND 331 Folk Narrative (5) A&H
Survey of various genres of folk narratives studied in performance contexts to reveal their socio-cultural functions in a variety of milieux. Theory and history of folk narrative study, taxonomy, genre classification, and interpretative approaches. Offered: jointly with C LIT 331.
SCAND 334 Immigrant and Ethnic Folklore (5) A&H/SSc
Survey of verbal, customary, and material folk traditions in ethnic context. Theories of ethnic folklore research applied to the traditions of American communities of Scandinavian, Baltic, or other European ancestry. Offered: jointly with C LIT 334.
SCAND 335 Scandinavian Children's Literature (5) A&H
The history, forms, and themes of Scandinavian children's literature from H. C. Andersen to the present. Exploration of the dominant concerns of authors, adult and non-adult audiences, and the uses to which juvenile and adolescent literature are put. Film adaptations and Scandinavian-American materials included.
SCAND 340 Kalevala and the Epic Tradition (5) A&H
An interdisciplinary approach to the Finnish national epic Kalevala, Estonian Kalevipoeg, and Saami Peivebarnen suongah jehtanasan maajisn. Discussion of traditional worldview, cultural revitalization, and emergent nationalism in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Finland, Estonia, and Saamiland.
SCAND 341 Sami Culture and History (5) SSc/A&H, DIV
An interdisciplinary look at the culture of the indigenous Sami people in Scandinavia from the earliest archeological and textual evidence to the present day. Focus on indigenous modes of expression and worldview, as well as contemporary cultural and political activism. The course pays special attention to the history of institutional racism, which has impacted the Sami people since the 18th century. Offered: Sp.
SCAND 344 The Baltic States and Scandinavia (5) SSc
Survey of the cultures and history of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania from the Viking Age to the present, with particular attention to Baltic-Scandinavian contacts. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 344.
SCAND 345 Baltic Cultures (5) SSc/A&H
Cultures and peoples of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Baltic literature, music, art, and film in social and historical context. Traditional contacts with Scandinavia and Central and East Europe. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 345.
SCAND 350 Environmental Norms in International Politics (5) SSc
Surveys development of international environmental consciousness from 1960s to present. Models of "green development"; ways in which norms for resource use have entered global politics. Patterns of state compliance with international environmental agreements, and why states fall short of meeting their international obligations. Offered: jointly with ENVIR 360/JSIS B 350.
SCAND 351 Scandinavia, the European Union, and Global Climate Change (5) SSc
Reviews the history of climate change, the role of Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius in defining greenhouse effects, Scandinavian policy response, and the role of the European Union in global climate change. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 351; WSp.
SCAND 352 Innovation in Scandinavia (5) SSc
Innovation, the introduction of something new, an idea, a method, a device or product, is underexplored in the Humanities and Social Science literature. Reviews the major writers in the innovation literature. Innovation crosses disciplines, and creates wealth and employment from Scandinavian to North American neo-liberal capitalism, where ideas seek investment capital in a competitive, Darwinian environment. Offered: W.
SCAND 355 Literatures of the Arctic (5) A&H/SSc, DIV
Primary emphasis on Scandinavian and Sami literature. Comparative consideration of texts by Canadian, Inuit, and Greenlandic authors. Includes literary representations of Arctic landscapes, culture, and history; climate change; indigenous and colonial encounters; survival and resilience; and environmental and political issues. Offered: W.
SCAND 360 Scandinavian Cinema (5) A&H
Major Scandinavian films and film directors from the 1920s to the present.
SCAND 361 Danish Cinema (5) A&H
Studies Danish Cinema from its first major director Carl Th. Dreyer to contemporary directors, such as Lars von Trier and Susanne Bier, as well as trends and forms, such as Art House, Popular Cinema, and TV-Series. Offered: AWSp.
SCAND 365 Finnish Popular Culture (5) A&H
Intensive exploration of Finnish culture. Popular culture is a window to the multilayerdness of a society: tradition and innovations, international and national, high and low cultures, mainstream and underground, majorities and minorities, and different media and genres. Recommended: SCAND 151; FINN 101; and FINN 102. Offered: Sp, odd years.
SCAND 367 Sexuality in Scandinavia: Myth and Reality (5) A&H/SSc
Examines selected Scandinavian literary and socio-political texts, films, and art to manifest the reality behind the myths of sexual freedom in Scandinavia.
SCAND 370 The Vikings (5) A&H/SSc
Vikings at home in Scandinavia and abroad, with particular emphasis on their activities as revealed in archaeological finds and in historical and literary sources. Offered: jointly with HSTAM 370.
SCAND 372 Old Norse-Icelandic (5) A&H
Grammar and vocabulary for translating standardized Old Norse to American English. Introduces medieval textual and literary genres, including historical chronicles, mythology, runestones, skaldic poetry, and Viking sagas.
SCAND 375 Vikings in Popular Culture (5) A&H
Explores media representations of "the Vikings" in popular culture over the past 200 years in Europe and the United States, including advertising, comics, film, literature, music, poetry, propaganda, television series, and video games. Compares these modern artistic productions with their medieval counterparts, and examines how the Vikings have functioned as vessels for a variety of cultural fantasies about gender, class, race, and religion.
SCAND 380 History of Scandinavia to 1720 (5) SSc
Scandinavian history from the Viking Age to 1720, with an emphasis on the political, social, and economic development of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment. Offered: jointly with HSTEU 380.
SCAND 381 History of Scandinavia Since 1720 (5) SSc
Scandinavian history from the Enlightenment to the Welfare State with emphasis on the political, social, and economic development of the modern Scandinavian nations of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland. Offered: jointly with HSTEU 381.
SCAND 399 Foreign Study in Scandinavia (1-5, max. 20)
Pan-Scandinavian coursework in Scandinavia, including courses in English.
SCAND 402 International Political Economy and Scandinavia (5) SSc
Overview of the most prominent theoretical approaches to the study of international political economy. Evaluates competing theories and applies these to explain contemporary problems in international political economy. Readings include examples from Scandinavia's experience.
SCAND 427 Scandinavian Women Writers in English Translation (5) A&H, DIV
Selected works by major Scandinavian women writers from mid-nineteenth-century bourgeois realism to the present with focus on feminist issues in literary criticism. Offered: jointly with GWSS 429.
SCAND 430 Readings in Folklore (5) A&H
Exploration of theoretical and methodological issues in folklore studies through independent reading of journal articles published during the last five years. Offered: jointly with C LIT 430.
SCAND 431 The Northern European Ballad (5) A&H
Integrative study of the Northern European Ballad, with an emphasis on texts, performance, context, history, theory, genre classification, and interpretive approaches. Offered: jointly with C LIT 431.
SCAND 437 Politics in Scandinavia (5) SSc
Twentieth-century politics in Scandinavia. How Scandinavian countries have been governed. Costs and consequences of their governmental style and its uncertain future. Optimal size of polities, problems of mature welfare states, process of leadership and representation in multiparty systems, decline of political parties. Offered: jointly with POL S 437.
SCAND 445 War and Occupation in Northern Europe: History, Fiction, and Memoir (5) SSc/A&H, DIV
The study of literary representations (fiction, memoirs, and personal narratives) dealing with World War II and the occupation of the Nordic and Baltic countries. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 442.
SCAND 450 Scandinavian Literary History (3) A&H
Survey of Scandinavian literary history.
SCAND 454 Baltic History (5) SSc
Overview of the history of the area occupied by the Baltic countries of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. Emphasizes their emergence as modern European nation-states. Era from World War I to present treated in depth, including the historical role and present situation of non-Baltic peoples, particularly Russians. Offered: jointly with HSTEU 454.
SCAND 455 Baltic Politics and Society Today (5) SSc
Intensive interdisciplinary survey of current social, political, and economic developments in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 455; AWSp.
SCAND 460 History of the Scandinavian Languages (5) A&H
Development of languages from common Scandinavian to contemporary Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Faroese, and Icelandic.
SCAND 462 Isak Dinesen and Karen Blixen (5) A&H
The fiction of Isak Dinesen (pseudonym for Karen Blixen) reevaluated in light of current issues in literary criticism, particularly feminist criticism. Close readings of selected tales, essays, and criticism. Offered: jointly with GWSS 462.
SCAND 465 Translation Workshop in Nordic and Baltic Languages (5) A&H
Examines translation theories and god practices within the field of translation. Introduces the most common translation tasks within pragmatic text translation and literary translation. Provides students opportunities to strengthen their professional skill set and get feedback from professional translators. Language of instruction and target language for translations is English.
SCAND 470 Scandinavian Auteurs (5, max. 10) A&H
Studies the body of work of Scandinavia's auteur filmmakers. Introduces the theory and history of auteur cinema, with special attention to Scandinavian filmmakers' contribution. Offered: jointly with C LIT 474; AWSp.
SCAND 479 Eco-Capitalism (5) SSc
Explores the idea of environmentalism and sustainability across societies. Compares and contrasts how prominent authors in the field assess the risks and opportunities of human effects on climate and ecology. Questions explored include: will ecological solutions be critical to the revival of the global economy? Why do place such as Europe adapt more readily to environmental challenges? Offered: jointly with JSIS A 429.
SCAND 480 Kierkegaard and the Existentialist Tradition (5) A&H
Explores core texts by Danish philosopher Soren Aabye Kierkegaard in conversation with the work of European writers in modern existentialist and literary traditions. Includes selected works of J. P. Sartre, Albert Camus, and Simone de Beauvoir, and investigates the relationship between existentialism and the literary fiction of modern Scandinavian writers. Offered: W.
SCAND 481 August Strindberg and European Cultural History (5) SSc/A&H
Examines the work of Swedish dramatist, novelist, and painter August Strindberg, in the context of European literary movements and history of ideas from 1880 to 1912, and Strindberg's influence on twentieth-century drama and film. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 481.
SCAND 482 Knut Hamsun and Early European Modernism (5) A&H
Reading and discussion of significant novels by Knut Hamsun, whose oeuvre is considered in the context of works by other European modernist writers. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 482.
SCAND 490 Special Topics (1-5, max. 15)
Special topics in Scandinavian art, literature, culture, and history. Course offerings based on instructor's specialty and student demand.
SCAND 495 Foreign Study: Research Project (1-5, max. 10)
Research on approved topic.
SCAND 498 Senior Capstone Project (3/5)
Undergraduate research and the preparation of a capstone project in Scandinavian area studies. Recommended: Completion of majority of major requirements. Typically taken winter or spring quarter of senior year. Offered: AWSpS.
SCAND 499 Independent Study or Research (1-5, max. 10)
Independent study or research in Scandinavian area studies. May be done in a Scandinavian language or in English.
SCAND 500 Introductory Readings in Old Icelandic (5)
Systematic study of the grammatical structure of Old Icelandic and the reading of several short prose works.
SCAND 501 Old Icelandic Language and Literature (5)
Reading of a major work in Old Icelandic literature as a vehicle for discussions about literary history and genre, narrative, and rhetorical strategies.
SCAND 503 Methods of Scandinavian Studies (5)
Introduction to Scandinavian studies on the graduate level with emphasis on Scandinavian literature, folklore, history, and politics.
SCAND 504 Contemporary Literary Theory (5)
Contemporary literary theory and its application to Scandinavian texts. Prerequisite: graduate student standing or permission of instructor.
SCAND 505 Topics in Scandinavian Drama and Film (5, max. 15)
Seminar on a selected topic in Scandinavian drama or film, such as an author (Holberg, Ibsen, Strindberg, Bergman), a period, a genre, or a movement.
SCAND 508 Topics in Scandinavian Prose (5, max. 15)
Seminar on various topics in Scandinavian prose, including shorter prose texts, as well as a selection of the significant novels of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
SCAND 510 Archives in Scandinavian Studies (5, max. 10)
Investigates either actual archives (in buildings or online) in or related to the Nordic and Baltic regions; or, practices and methods of archival research; or, the archive as a theoretical concept. This concept refers to preservation, history, and memory, and also evokes law, authority, and social order. Offered: AWSp.
SCAND 511 Books in Scandinavian Studies (5, max. 10)
Literary texts, genres, movements, themes, authorships, and/or the material culture of texts significant to the field which challenge categorizations of literary scholarship. Topics drawn from Nordic and Baltic literature. Offered: AWSp.
SCAND 512 Institutions in Scandinavian Studies (5, max. 10)
Cultural, educational, governmental, or social institutions significant to the Nordic and Baltic region; or, practices and methods of research on institutions; or, representation of the institution in literature and film. Role of cultural institutions and the arts in shaping public discourse. Offered: AWSp.
SCAND 513 Methods in Scandinavian Studies (5, max. 10)
Emphasis on cultural-studies approaches to cinema, folklore, language, literature, politics, and society. Investigates methods of Scandinavian Studies by exploring the critical theory of various sub-disciplines and examples of current scholarship. Offered: AWSp.
SCAND 514 Media in Scandinavian Studies (5, max. 10)
Cinematic texts, genres, movements, themes, authorships, and technologies significant to the field. Theories of film authorship. Applying theoretical understanding to the study of Scandinavian film, television, and online media. Topics drawn from Nordic and Baltic media. Offered: AWSp.
SCAND 515 Translation in Scandinavian Studies (5, max. 10)
Literary and technical translation from Scandinavian, Finno-Urgric, and Baltic languages into English. Key translation theories and their applications. Exercises language skills by practicing and making use of different translation techniques. Offered: AWSp.
SCAND 518 Foreign Language Teaching Methodology (2)
Current foreign language teaching methods and approaches. Learning and teaching strategies and techniques for the four skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening) including cultural notions. Current and future trends in pedagogy and technology. Offered: jointly with GERMAN 518/SLAVIC 518; A.
SCAND 519 Modern Scandinavian Politics (5)
Analyzes the political, economic, and historical development of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and Finland from World War II to the present. Readings focus on domestic and foreign policies that distinguish these countries from other advanced industrial societies. Offered: jointly with POL S 519.
SCAND 520 Topics in Scandinavian Poetry (5, max. 15)
Seminar on selected periods of Scandinavian poetry: romanticism, symbolism, modernism, and contemporary poetry. Poetry examined in relation to the literary canon of each country and to Scandinavian literature as a whole. International influences also discussed.
SCAND 525 Topics in Scandinavian History (5, max. 15)
Seminar on selected topics in Scandinavian history.
SCAND 530 Old Norse Literature (3)
Studies in the poetry and prose tradition of medieval Iceland and Norway.
SCAND 533 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Community in Scandinavia (5)
Humanistic examination of community creation, maintenance, and change in the Nordic region. Examples drawn from folklore, literature, activism, popular culture, history. Focus on issues of gender, belief, and art in relation to community. Coursework includes both individual and collaborative assignments.
SCAND 543 Folk Literature (5)
This course surveys theories and methods for interpreting folk literature (folk tales and legends) in a variety of contexts, from oral performance through modern literary and film adaptations.
SCAND 565 Translation Workshop in Nordic and Baltic Languages (5)
Examines translation theories and god practices within the field of translation. Introduces the most common translation tasks within pragmatic text translation and literary translation. Provides students opportunities to strengthen their professional skill set and get feedback from professional translators. Language of instruction and target language for translations is English.
SCAND 570 Scandinavian Auteurs (5, max. 10) A&H
Seminar on auteur filmmakers in Scandinavian cinema, studying specific auteurs' bodies of work, theories of auteur cinema, and the history of auteurism in Scandinavian cinema. Offered: jointly with C LIT 574; AWSp.
SCAND 579 Eco-Capitalism (5)
Explores the idea of environmentalism and sustainability across societies. Compares and contrasts how prominent authors in the field assess the risks and opportunities of human effects on climate and ecology. Questions explored include: will ecological solutions be critical to the revival of the global economy? Why do place such as Europe adapt more readily to environmental challenges? Offered: jointly with JSIS A 529.
SCAND 580 Kierkegaard and Decadence in European Literature (5)
Examines Kierkegaardian thought and the literary practice of various writers of Scandinavian and European decadence. Offered: Sp.
SCAND 581 August Strindberg and European Cultural History (5)
Seminar on Swedish dramatist, novelist, scientist, and painter August Strindberg (1849-1912), on of Europe's most influential artists, and on of the most important innovators of modern drama. Offered: Sp.
SCAND 582 Knut Hamsun and Early European Modernism (5)
Examines Knut Hamsun's early works and their relationship to early European modernist literature. Offered: W.
SCAND 590 Special Topics in Scandinavian Literature (1-5, max. 15)
SCAND 594 Modern Methods and Materials in Teaching Scandinavian and Baltic Languages (3)
Theory and practice of communicative language teaching; current developments in foreign-language teaching; evaluation of teaching materials; includes attendance at the departmental and university-wide fall orientation; required for beginning teaching assistants of Scandinavian and the Baltic languages. Cannot be taken if credit received for GRDSCH 615. Prerequisite: GERMAN 518/SCAND 518/SLAVIC 518. Credit/no-credit only.
SCAND 595 Teaching Assistant Workshop (1)
Focuses on topics in language pedagogy. Required for continuing teaching assistants in Scandinavian studies. Includes participation in the departmental and University-wide fall orientation teaching workshops. Prerequisite: SCAND 518; SCAND 594. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.
SCAND 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
SCAND 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
SCAND 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)