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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

SOC WL 515 Community Service Practicum (3, max. 6)
Development of skills on working in partnership with community institutions in the role of researcher or scholarly collaborator, through ongoing reflection and consultation with a faculty member. Uses a learning contract to focus specific activities. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

SOC WL 552 Seminar in Contemporary Social Welfare Policy (3)
Critical review of contemporary American income maintenance and related social welfare policies, and the economic, political, and social factors that affect their development, implementation, and effectiveness. Evaluation of their effects on poverty, income inequality, and related social outcomes, including international comparisons. Assessment of proposals for reform. Closely linked to SOC WL 553.

SOC WL 553 Policy Implementation and Organizations (3)
Examines divers organization theories relevance to policy implementation, translational research, and practice interventions within health and human service settings. Emphasizes multilevel models and integrative frameworks that take into account individual, group, and organizational factors, recognizing outcomes as embedded phenomenon nested within organization, community, and societal contexts. Offered: Sp.

SOC WL 554 Analytical Perspectives on Social Welfare Policy (3)
Broad overview of the social welfare policy process, including epistemological issues, content on social problem construction and definition, policy agendas and case study methodology. Introduction to analytical tools and concepts needed to take a proactive role in policy development, advocacy, implementation, and policy research.

SOC WL 556 West Coast Poverty Center Seminar Series (1, max. 15)
Presents cutting-edge research on poverty, inequality, and public policy. Offered: AWSp.

SOC WL 557 Dissertation and Career Seminar (1-, max. 3)
Multi-quarter seminar intended to provide doctoral students in their last years of the social work doctoral program with information and support for finishing their dissertation, defining and seeking out next career steps, successfully graduating, and entering into teaching and research careers. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

SOC WL 558 Integrative Seminar (1, max. 6)
Topic-driven seminar targeting professional development of the first and second years (scholarship, research, teaching). Active participation expected in discussions and reflective papers. May require preparation for presentation or demonstration. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

SOC WL 559 Preparing to Teach: Instructional Theory and Practice (3)
Teaching conceptualized as professional practice. Focuses on integration of theory, research and educational strategies, techniques, and skills into students' practice as educators. Classroom discussions and activities promote reflection, exploration, critical analysis, and experimentation.

SOC WL 573 Proseminar: Cross-Cohort Impact Science Career Development (1, max. 9)
Year long course reserved for social welfare doctoral students toward building a cross-cohort collegial support community. Topical foci are broadly: (1) transdisciplinary collaboration skills; (2) translational dissemination and science communication skills; (3) social justice and equity driven aims in scholarship; and (4) stakeholder engagement, co-production of research models and strategies. Credit/no-credit only.

SOC WL 577 Promoting Well-Being among At-Risk Groups through Prevention Research (3)
Interdisciplinary overview of major concepts and methods in health promotion and prevention research, with emphasis on at-risk populations. Attentive to health disparities, collaboration with diverse communities and biobehavioral advances in addition to application of theory and prevention-science framework. Encourages interdisciplinary participation and supporting students in articulating their research perspectives.

SOC WL 578 Seminar in Special Topics for Prevention Research (1, max. 30)
Interdisciplinary overview of major concepts in promotion of mental health and prevention of mental distress with prevention science as framework. Provides conceptual foundations for advanced study in specialized aspects of mental health prevention research. Credit/no-credit only.

SOC WL 579 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Prevention Science: Children and Adolescents (3)
Overview of theory, research, and practice in prevention science. Developmental perspective examining factors that promote or inhibit health development at different stages and during transitions (focus on birth through age 21). Designed for interdisciplinary dialogue, and includes guest faculty from around the University who are specialists in course topics. Credit/no-credit only.

SOC WL 580 Quantitative Research Methods and Design (3)
Logic, terminology, and methods of quantitative social science approaches to correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental, survey, and program evaluation research. Components of the research process (problem definition, concept explication, ethical evaluating, and designing defensible quantitative research studies).

SOC WL 581 Qualitative Research Methods and Design (3)
Theoretical and methodological foundations of a range of qualitative methods relevant to social welfare and social science research. Fundamentals of qualitative research design and implementation, including framing research questions, sampling, data collection, analytical methods, and quality criteria. Focus on ethics, cultural sensitivity, and community-based research with vulnerable populations.

SOC WL 582 Research Practicum (3-)
Development of specific methodological skills in social welfare research through participation in an ongoing research project. Learning contract used to target specific research competencies. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: ASpS.

SOC WL 583 Research Practicum (-3)
Development of specific methodological skills in social welfare research through participation in an ongoing research project. Learning contract used to target specific research competencies. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: ASpS.

SOC WL 584 Teaching Practicum (3)
Supervised teaching of a required course or teaching as a co-instructor with a faculty member. Learning contract used to target specific teaching competencies, e.g., assessing and evaluating student outcomes, identifying class session goals and objectives, tailoring instruction methods to diverse learning styles. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

SOC WL 585 Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research I (3)
The first in a two-quarter sequence offering intensive experience in the theory and application of qualitative and ethnographic research methods. Prepares students for conducting qualitative studies and for combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. Focuses on applications especially relevant to social welfare.

SOC WL 586 Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research II (3)
The second in a two-quarter sequence offering intensive experience in the theory and application of qualitative and ethnographic research methods. Prepares students for conducting qualitative studies and for combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. Focuses on applications especially relevant to social welfare.

SOC WL 589 Multivariate Data Analysis for the Social Sciences (4, max. 8)
Multivariate analysis aims to summarize and describe patterns among multiple observed characteristics. Explores theoretical introduction and practical skills to carry out multivariate analysis methods such as cluster analysis, principal components, factor analysis, and latent class analysis. Prerequisite: SOC 504; SOC 505; and SOC 506/CS&SS 507. Offered: jointly with CS&SS 589; Sp.

SOC WL 590 Topics in Advanced Research Methods (3)
Special topics in social and behavioral research design for advanced graduate students. Topics vary and focus on community-based research methods and measurement construction for culturally diverse populations. Prerequisite: doctoral student in social welfare or related discipline; advanced master's level students by permission of instructor.

SOC WL 591 Seminar on Topics in Social Welfare (1-5, max. 15)

SOC WL 592 Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis For Social Sciences (4)
Addresses statistical methodology for using longitudinal data to answer research questions about changes over time including exploratory analysis tools, and random coefficient, growth curve, multi-level and hierarchical models, and their extensions. Course overlaps with: BIOST 540. Prerequisite: SOC 504; SOC 505; SOC 506/CS&SS 507; and a solid knowledge of linear regression. Offered: jointly with CS&SS 592; W.

SOC WL 594 The Embodiment of Risk, Health Disparities, and Stress Mechanisms (3)
Interdisciplinary course focused on multi-level exposure to and impacts of stress, integrating social determinants and life course development perspectives. An overview of theory and research integrating biological and psychosocial processes with emphasis on vulnerable populations and disparities. Encourages interdisciplinary engagement and supporting students in articulating their research perspectives. Offered: A.

SOC WL 598 Theory and Metatheory in Social Research (3)
Explores the nature and role of theory in social research, theoretical and metatheoretical foundations of major social science research paradigms, and interdisciplinary perspectives on the socially constructed nature of theory and definitions of social "problems." Encourages critical, collaborative reflection on the role of theory in contemporary interdisciplinary research environments.

SOC WL 599 Theory Development for Social Research (3)
Assists students in applying theory in building an original conceptual model. Emphasizes critical and integrative thinking derived from a social justice framework. Encourages students to examine the ideological, political, methodological, and ethical principles shaping theories, models, and concepts in contemporary social science and social welfare research. Open to interdisciplinary students with instructor permission. Prerequisite: admission to social welfare PhD program or permission of instructor.

SOC WL 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Prerequisite: approval of a well-specified plan by the instructor and program director. Includes a written product. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

SOC WL 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.