Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
T BUS 101 Introduction to Business (5) SSc
T BUS 102 Business and Society (5) SSc
Facilitates a better understanding of the complex relationship between private enterprise and society at large; how business influences society and is influenced by society. Focuses on the obligations business has to its nonmarket stakeholders.
T BUS 300 Managing People (5) SSc
Focuses on how managers can effectively work with and through other people. Examines evidence-based principles of managing people, emphasizing topics such as decision-making, team building, motivation, self-management, and performance. Provides opportunities to apply research and develop competencies related to critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and ethical decision-making. Prerequisite: either T CORE 101, TWRT 112, TWRT 121, TWRT 211, TWRT 291, TWRT 331, TWRT 388, ENGL 111, ENGL 121, ENGL 131, ENGL 141, ENGL 182, ENGL 197, ENGL 198, ENGL 199, B WRIT 134, or B WRIT 135.
T BUS 301 Quantitative Analysis for Business (5) NSc, RSN
Provides statistical tools to analyze business problems and enhance decision-making. Utilizes an applied approach to organize, explore, and analyze data, design experiments, and surveys, understand estimations and significance tests, and use quantitative methods. Prerequisite: either STAT 290, or a minimum grade of 2.0 in either TMATH 110, T BGEN 200, T URB 225, TSOCWF 351, QMETH 201, STAT 220, or STAT 311.
T BUS 310 Effective Managerial Communications (5) A&H/SSc
Focuses on oral and written communication skills in an organizational environment. Provides opportunities to communicate clearly and concisely in writing, make persuasive presentations, negotiate effectively, listen to the ideas and opinions of others, provide and receive constructive feedback, explore new communication technologies, and understand the impact that globalization has on organizational communication. Prerequisite: either T CORE 101, TWRT 112, TWRT 121, TWRT 211, TWRT 291, TWRT 331, TWRT 431, ENGL 111, ENGL 121, ENGL 131, ENGL 141, ENGL 182, ENGL 197, ENGL 198, ENGL 199, B WRIT 134, or B WRIT 135
T BUS 320 Introduction to Marketing Management (5) SSc
Introduces the major principles and practices that are used by marketing managers in analyzing marketing problems and developing appropriate solutions. Examines how marketing operates within the global, social, and economic environment. Prerequisite: either T CORE 101, TWRT 112, TWRT 121, TWRT 211, TWRT 291, TWRT 331, TWRT 431,ENGL 111, ENGL 121, ENGL 131, ENGL 141, ENGL 182, ENGL 197, ENGL 198, ENGL 199, B WRIT 134, or B WRIT 135.
T BUS 330 Introduction to Information Technology (5)
Introduces techniques that managers use to locate, organize, distribute, and use information for decision making and strategic advantage. Addresses tools for managing information, including computer hardware, software, telecommunication networks, and various information system components. Includes a computer laboratory component in which students address organizational and managerial information requirements. Prerequisite: either T CORE 101, TWRT 112, TWRT 121, TWRT 211, TWRT 291, TWRT 331, TWRT 431, ENGL 111, ENGL 121, ENGL 131, ENGL 141, ENGL 182, ENGL 197, ENGL 198, ENGL 199, B WRIT 134, or B WRIT 135.
T BUS 350 Business Finance (5)
Focuses on understanding the sources, uses, costs, and control of funds in business organizations. Key topics include managing cash flow, evaluating the time value of money, capital budgeting, evaluating stocks and bonds, and determining the financing mix. Explores the organizational, ethical, and economic consequences of financial decisions. Course equivalent to: B BUS 350. Course overlaps with: TMATH 316; FIN 350; and STMATH 330. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 1.7 in T BUS 301, or minimum grade of 2.0 in either TMATH 124, MATH 112, or MATH 124
T BUS 400 Business Policy and Strategic Management (5)
Examines policy making and the role of strategy in the general management of a business organization. Students will learn strategy formulation, implementation, and application in complex situations. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of 1.7 in T BUS 300; T BUS 301; T BUS 310; T BUS 320; and T BUS 350. T BUS 330, or T ACCT 330 may be taken concurrently with T BUS 400.
T BUS 468 Internship (3-10, max. 10)
Provides opportunity to gain experience in a business organization to apply and experience concepts taught in the traditional classroom. Develops links between the community and the classroom. Prerequisite: Any three of T BUS 300, T BUS 301, T BUS 310, T BUS 320, T BUS 330, T BUS 350, or T ACCT 330. Credit/no-credit only.
T BUS 469 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 15)
Provides opportunity to explore a specific management or marketing topic, idea, project, or research interest that extends previous knowledge and broadens experience. Proposals and course criteria are developed in cooperation with specific faculty members prior to course registration.
T BUS 490 Special Topics (1-5, max. 15)
T BUS 500 Data Analysis for Managers (4)
Examines practical data analysis principles for informed business decision making. Topics include statistical inference, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis, with an emphasis on economic applications, predictive modeling, and data driven insights.
T BUS 501 Managerial Finance (4)
Develops the theory and application of financial tools including the time value of money and risk and return into valuation principles so as to integrate business knowledge into managerial action that enhances the market value of the firm. Prerequisite: T BUS 500 and T BUS 510; recommended: coursework in mathematics; quantitative methods; accounting; and economics.
T BUS 503 Financial Reporting and Analysis (4)
Focuses on the process by which firms report economic information to users outside the firm (e.g., current and potential shareholders, creditors, regulatory agencies). Introduces the concepts of financial accounting including preparation and analysis of financial statements. Prerequisite: T BUS 500 and T BUS 510.
T BUS 504 Strategic Marketing Management (4)
Explores the processes by which organizations create value for customers. Focuses on marketing decision making, including situation analysis, targeting and positioning strategies, product/brand management, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and integrated marketing communications.
T BUS 506 Strategy, Value, and Sustainability (4)
Provides multiple perspectives to implementing, analyzing, and formulating strategy. Examines how to create value for society and to maintain sustainability for the organization via strategic choices. Considers how to generate a competitive advantage via strategic development and implementation.
T BUS 507 Leading People, Teams, and Culture (4)
Explores individual and team dynamics in organizations with the goal to build healthy, sustainable, and inclusive workplaces. Focuses on evidence-informed principles of managing people, emphasizing topics such as organizational culture, motivation, influence, decision-making, and team building. Provides opportunities for mindful reflection and application of knowledge to foster problem-solving, critical thinking, and leadership skills. Recommended: T BUS 510 or T MGMT 516.
T BUS 508 Systems Thinking (4)
Introduces Systems Thinking as a way to manage a business in an interconnected world of growing complexity. Examines how to see problems holistically and to implement solutions that integrate interpersonal, ethical, environmental, technological, economic, and market factors. Synthesizes knowledge accumulated from across all MBA coursework to better understand the complexity and consequences of managerial decisions.
T BUS 510 Quantitative Lab (3)
Provides a foundation in the quantitative skills necessary for success in the MBA program. Students will refresh their math and statistical knowledge, gain an understanding of regression analysis, and learn the basics of economics and accounting. Credit/no-credit only.
T BUS 511 Leadership Lab (1)
Explores the skills required to lead creatively, collaboratively, strategically, and inclusively. Considers the importance of self-reflection, compassion, and evidence in developing one's own leadership style. Examines how to both lead and work meaningfully with others using a variety of experiential exercises. Credit/no-credit only.
T BUS 512 Introduction to Health Policy (4)
Examines selected topics from literature to identify the structure of healthcare systems; need and access to care; availability and organization of health resources; and quality assessment and improvement. Identifies contemporary policy issues as case studies; and examines the strengths and weaknesses of healthcare system. Offered: S.
T BUS 520 Microeconomics for Managers (4)
Examines ways to apply tools of intermediate microeconomic theory to issues of interest to managers. Topics include market processes, consumer theory, firm behavior in competitive and imperfectly competitive markets, product pricing, and strategic behavior.
T BUS 530 Operations Management (4)
Examines essential topics in operations management, including operations strategy and planning; process and service design; supply chain and inventory management; quality management and statistical quality control; and forecasting and scheduling. Emphasizes concepts and skills essential for operations management in manufacturing and service firms from a strategic, operational, and analytic perspective.
T BUS 569 Analytical Research (2-4, max. 4)
Provides an opportunity to work independently exploring specific business topics in greater depth. The students must develop a research proposal and make arrangements with a faculty member to supervise the project prior to course registration. Prerequisite: Tacoma MBA student and permission of instructor.
T BUS 570 Driving Change and Innovation (4)
Provides a multiple perspectives approach to implementing change. Examines how to manage change and innovation via research on change, influence, and creativity, as well as experiential exercises. Considers how and why change occurs, individual perceptions of change, sources of resistance to change, and how to generate innovative changes that are both novel and useful.
T BUS 590 Special Topics in Business (1-4, max. 12)
Advanced offerings designed to respond to faculty and student interests and needs.