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TCE 291 Engineering and Technology Seminar (2, max. 6)
Enhances leadership skills for success in collaborative, diverse, and dynamic professional environments for engineering and technology students. The course offers a comprehensive exploration of leadership concepts through interactive methods such as lectures, group discussions, case studies, and hands-on activities. Credit/no-credit only.

TCE 304 Civil Engineering Systems (3)
Introduces a systems-level approach to the civil engineering profession with examples drawn from urban infrastructure, including transportation, water, energy, and safety. Emphasis will be placed on understanding both the historical context of civil engineering systems and innovative responses to emerging challenges, including energy transitions and climate change. Course overlaps with: CEE 390.

TCE 305 Computer Aided Design for Civil Engineers (3)
Provides an introduction to engineering drafting and graphical communication. Includes application of drafting standards and structure as well as creating and modifying basic drawings in 2D and 3D drafting in AutoCAD. Introduces reading plan sets and creating portions of plan sets applied to civil and environmental engineering fields. Course overlaps with: CEE 291.

TCE 307 Construction Engineering (5)
Introduces construction engineering including construction methods, contracts, project delivery methods, plan and specifications, scheduling, estimating, productivity, environmental regulations, safety and green construction. Uses scheduling and estimating software tools and emphasizes communication of engineering information. Course equivalent to: CEE 307.

TCE 309 Geographic Information Systems for Civil Engineers (4)
Covers GIS in civil engineering applications. Topics covered include geographic and spatial data types and acquiring considerations, data models and structures, projections and transformations, attribute-based operation and spatial operations, and surfaces and near neighbors. Course overlaps with: CEE 424.

TCE 327 Transportation Engineering (5)
Introduces vehicle dynamics, geometric design traffic flow concepts, level of service analysis, traffic signal control, and travel demand forecast methods. Additional topics such as pavement design, safety, public transit, and intelligent transportation systems will also be presented. Course equivalent to: CEE 327.

TCE 337 Construction Materials (5)
Covers the physical and mechanical properties and engineering behavior of metallic and nonmetallic materials. Steel, aluminum, aggregates, Portland cement concrete, bituminous materials, asphalt concrete, wood. Sustainability issues including recycling, energy requirements, and greenhouse gas production associated with the materials. Course equivalent to: CEE 337. Course overlaps with: CM 313 and CM 323.

TCE 347 Fluid Mechanics (5)
Introduces the mechanics of incompressible fluids and their applications. Hydrostatic pressure forces. Kinematics, potential flows, and the Bernoulli equation. Conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. Laminar and turbulent flows. Flow in pipes, pipe networks, and open channel flows. Course overlaps with: TME 332; CEE 347; M E 333; and B ME 332.

TCE 357 Environmental Engineering (5)
Describes water and air resources, parameters that characterize their quality, and how their use alters their properties. Study elements of hydrology, mass and energy balances as applied to environmental systems, global environmental change. Learn about basics of aquatic chemistry and microbiology applied to municipal water and wastewater treatment operation including groundwater contamination and treatment. Course equivalent to: CEE 357. Prerequisite: a minimum of grade of 2.0 in TCE 347.

TCE 367 Geotechnical Engineering (5)
Covers fundamental engineering properties of soil and rock; depositional processes and physical characteristics, hydro-conductive properties and advective flow; volume change characteristics including short-term and long-term deformation; shear strength properties; and applications of basic concepts to practical problems such as foundation design and slope stability. Includes Laboratory. Course equivalent to: CEE 367.

TCE 377 Introduction to Structural Analysis (5)
Analysis and design of basic structural forms such as beams, trusses, and frames. Classical deflection techniques such as direct integration and virtual work; indeterminate analysis techniques such as the force method and displacement methods are used to determine forces and deflections in elastic structures. Structural analysis computer programs are introduced and directly applied in the solution of graded analysis and design problems. Course equivalent to: CEE 377.

TCE 390 Undergraduate Seminar in Civil Engineering (2)
Enhances problem-solving skills. Includes lectures and problem sessions in mathematics, programming, problem solving and Civil Engineering applications. Credit/no-credit only.

TCE 401 Engineering Project Management (3)
Provides engineering students with a comprehensive understanding of how to plan, optimize and efficiently manage projects (or tasks) to implement products, services or developments. This includes building the structure, processes, components and linkages with a team for successful project delivery within schedule, budget and quality requirements.

TCE 402 Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review (1)
Review of core requirements including: engineering math, probability and statistics, computational tools, economics and ethics. Review of civil engineering fundamentals including statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, materials, and fluid mechanics. Review of core civil engineering areas. Testing of student competence in all these topics. Credit/no-credit only.

TCE 411 Traffic Engineering (4)
General review of the fundamentals of traffic engineering, including their relationship to transportation operations management and planning, with emphasis on calculations and procedures in the Highway Capacity Manual. Course overlaps with: CEE 410. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 327.

TCE 416 Urban Transportation Modeling (4)
Overview of the urban transportation planning process, estimation of the travel demand models of trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and traffic assignment, and the forecasting of travel patterns using travel-demand models. Course overlaps with: CEE 416. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 327; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in TME 351.

TCE 417 Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (4)
Covers the principles and procedures for the geometric design of highways and streets, consideration of traffic, land use, and aesthetic factors. A combination of classroom presentations and design tasks will be used to present the materials. Some of the classes will be utilized to demonstrate the use of a software to design and prepare drawings of a realistic roadway design project. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 327.

TCE 429 Sustainability in Building Infrastructure (4)
Introduction to the latest planning methods and regulatory requirements; green building assessment systems. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) focus; Interdisciplinary aspect of green building design process (including sustainable site, water efficiency, energy efficiency, indoor environmental qualities, and innovations) and green building implementation through operations and green building economics. Course overlaps with: CEE 429. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 307.

TCE 436 Foundation Design (4)
Covers fundamental principles of geotechnical foundation design including site investigations, selection of foundation types, performance requirements, stability and settlement of deep and shallow foundations, post-liquefaction foundation analysis, ground improvements, and stability of earth-retaining structures. Course overlaps with: CEE 436. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 367.

TCE 451 Design of Metal Structures (4)
Introduction to the design and behavior of metal structures using Load And Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) concepts. Application of design methods and codes to columns, beams, frames, connections, and tension members. Course overlaps with: CEE 451. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 377.

TCE 452 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures (4)
Covers fundamentals of design of buildings in reinforced concrete in accordance with current codes and practices. Course overlaps with: CEE 452. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 377.

TCE 473 Hydraulic Engineering and Hydrology (5)
Covers basic engineering hydrology including precipitation, infiltration, runoff, flood routing, statistical measures and water resources planning. Design of water distribution systems, pipe networks, and open channels; selection of pumps and turbines; hydraulics of wells. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 347.

TCE 480 Air Pollution Control (4)
Covers fundamental concepts of air pollution control including emission sources, atmospheric dispersion, ambient concentrations, and emission standards, with emphasis on processes and equipment for controlling emissions. Course overlaps with: CEE 494/CHEM E 468/M E 468. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 357.

TCE 482 Water Quality Engineering (4)
Topics covered in the course are water quality criteria and fundamentals of acceptability, natural purification of surface waters, processes employed in the treatment of water and wastewater. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 357.

TCE 484 Sustainable Environmental Systems (4)
Provides students with concepts and tools in systems thinking and modeling for planning and managing environmental engineering systems. Qualitative and quantitative system dynamics modeling are applied within the context of case studies at various spatial scales focusing on water quality and treatment, water resources management, and environmental health. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 357.

TCE 488 Senior Project I (2)
Covers the preparation for conducting the senior project systems analysis and design, and implementation, testing, and delivery. Includes case studies of engineering projects. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 327; a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 357; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 377.

TCE 489 Senior Project II (5)
Project teams will implement, test, and deliver project deliverables (product), completing the Senior Design requirement for the degree. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in TCE 488.

TCE 490 Topics in Civil Engineering (1-5, max. 5)
Examines current topics and issues associated with civil engineering.

TCE 497 Internship in Civil Engineering (1-5, max. 5)
Gives experience working in a real-world environment. Demonstrates how engineering processes are conducted within an organization. Prerequisite: a minimum of 2.0 in either TCE 307, TCE 327, TCE 357, or TCE 367.

TCE 498 Directed Readings in Civil Engineering (1-5, max. 5)
Facilitates pursuit of knowledge in a specific area through readings of technical publications as specified in an agreement with the faculty supervisor.

TCE 499 Undergraduate Research in Civil Engineering (1-5, max. 5)
Provides opportunities to pursue research in an area that is of interest. Gives experience specifying, designing, implementing, and evaluating a research project.