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T CRIM 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice (5) SSc
Examines the history, structure, operations, and problems with the American criminal justice system. Analyzes general and specific topics associated with the contemporary criminal justice system in order to develop a critical perspective on the nature of justice and society's response to criminal behavior.

T CRIM 155 Media, Crime, and Justice (5) SSc
Investigates interrelationships between crime, justice, and mass media. Explores representations of crime, offenders, victims, police, courts, and incarceration systems as portrayed by television, film, music, news, and electronic media and considers the impacts of these portrayals. Examines how media inform, interpret, distort, and filter understandings of crime and justice.

T CRIM 156 Criminal Justice and the War on Drugs (5) SSc
Investigates how criminal justice policymaking, policing, legal, and correctional agencies articulate and execute the U.S. War on Drugs. Critically analyzes drug prohibition and enforcement practices, and examines the relationship between drug policy, enforcement, mass incarceration, and inequality. Explores changing perspectives on and approaches to drug prohibition in the U.S.

T CRIM 157 Miscarriages of Justice (5) SSc
Explores various types of miscarriages of justice in the U.S. criminal justice system, with significant focus on case studies of the wrongfully convicted and exonerated. Examines research conducted on the causes of wrongful convictions including eyewitness misidentification, flawed forensics, forced confessions, prosecutorial misconduct, ineffective assistance of counsel, and others.

T CRIM 158 Hate Crime and Organized Hate in America (5) SSc
Explores the definitions and causes of bias-motivated crime in the U.S and the individual, community, and social consequences of hate crime. Critically analyzes ideologies, recruitment tactics, subcultures, and criminal activities of organized hate movements and examines formal legal and collective social efforts to confront hate crime and organized hate groups.

T CRIM 222 United States Federal Law Enforcement (5)
Examines the structures, jurisdictions, and functions of federal law enforcement. Explores and assesses ethical and legal imperatives to balance civil liberty protections. Analyzes mandates to address national security and criminal activity within the United States and globally. Critically analyzes the actions of federal law enforcement through a social justice lens.

T CRIM 225 Diversity and Social Justice in Criminology (5) SSc, DIV
Explores definitions and implications of diversity and social justice theory. Applies principles of social justice to criminal justice contexts within the United States. Analyzes social positons in relation to relative privilege and power. Emphasizes experiential and reflective learning.

T CRIM 271 Introduction to the Sociology of Deviance and Social Control (5) SSc
Examination of deviance, deviant behavior, and social control. Deviance as a social process; types of deviant behavior (e.g., suicide, mental illness, drug use, crime, "sexual deviance," delinquency); theories of deviance and deviant behavior; nature and social organization of societal reactions; and social and legal policy issues. Course equivalent to: SOC 271.

T CRIM 272 Restorative Justice (5) SSc
Explores the philosophical underpinnings of restorative justice as well as its application as a complementary and alternative approach to criminal justice processing. Analyzes the effectiveness of restorative justice for resolving harm through directly engaging victims, offenders, and communities.

T CRIM 275 White Collar Crime (5) SSc
Employs social scientific and legal approaches to examine crime committed by corporations and individuals in white-collar occupations. Explores social definitions, perpetrators and victims of white-collar crimes. Critically examines which social contexts promote such crime and analyzes how society and the criminal justice system respond to them.

T CRIM 276 Mass Shootings in the United States (5) SSc
Examines the causes and prevention of mass shootings in the United States. Analyzes social, cultural, psychological, and political factors that contribute to this phenomenon, and the impact of these events on individuals, communities, and society. Explores historical context, motivations, current trends, media coverage, legal and policy issues, and potential solutions.

T CRIM 277 Settler Colonial Crimes Throughout U.S. History (5) SSc
Explores the range of settler colonial crimes committed against Indigenous peoples throughout the U.S. and its territories. Analyzes the doctrines and ideologies enabling crimes. Examines damage through the perspectives of law, human rights, and social harm. Analyzes Indigenous philosophies and practices of resistance.

T CRIM 352 Women in the Criminal Justice System (5) SSc
Explores the history, societal impact, and future of women within the U.S. criminal justice system. Focuses on factors which contribute to female incarceration including poverty, physical and sexual victimization, chemical dependency, and major mental illness. Gender-responsive strategies designed for advocacy and empowerment address major economic and social justice issues.

T CRIM 360 Youth and Juvenile Justice Systems (5) SSc
Focuses on juveniles as both legal offenders and crime victims from an ecological perspective. Emphasizes juvenile criminal offense theories, the continuum of legal responses, and the consequences on youth, families, and society.

T CRIM 361 Mental Health, Substance Use and the Criminal Justice System (5) SSc
Examines the intersection of mental health, substance use, and the criminal justice system. Focuses on the interaction of mental health and criminal justice practice. Explores the prevalence of mental health and substance use and best practices for treatment. Offered: jointly with TSOCWF 361.

T CRIM 362 Criminological Theory (5) SSc
Surveys the major schools of thought related to the causes of criminal behavior, positions theories in their historical contexts, discusses each perspective's assumptions about human nature, outlines current debates and critiques, and explores the policy implications of each theoretical perspective.

T CRIM 363 The Criminalization of Immigration (5) SSc, DIV
Examines the criminalization of immigration in the United States and globally and the ways in which social institutions have implemented immigration policies. Analyzes the unintended consequences of criminalizing policies and practices. Explores psychosocial effects on the lives of diverse immigrants, their families, and ethnic minority communities. Offered: jointly with TSOCWF 363.

T CRIM 364 Criminal Justice and the LGBTQ Experience (5) SSc, DIV
Examines experiences of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered, queer (LGBTQ) people through the stages of criminal justice systems. Explores the history of the LGBTQ movement through policy and law. Examines criminal justice organizations and their treatment of LGBTQ people. Examines the consequences of discrimination toward LGBTQ people throughout the criminal justice process.

T CRIM 365 Facing Harm: Victim Offender Dialogue (5) SSc
Examines the relationship between restorative justice theory and practice. Develops skills in facilitating several models of victim offender dialogue (VOD). Articulates the benefits and risks of VOD for justice stakeholders. Critically examines the effectiveness of VOD as a response to crime and violence. Cultivates a practitioner identity.

T CRIM 370 Police and Society (5) SSc
Examines the role of law enforcement offices within American society, emphasizing history, public perceptions, administration, organizational culture, ethics, and police deviance.

T CRIM 371 Helping Skills in Criminal Justice (5) SSc
Focuses on skills needed to establish constructive helping relationships with individuals involved directly and indirectly in the criminal justice system. Skills include empathy, active listening, boundary setting, maximizing strengths, positive conformation and challenges, and the basics of cognitive and systemic change. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in T CRIM 225.

T CRIM 372 Adult Corrections (5) SSc
Focuses on the history, structure, operations, and problems within the corrections component of the criminal justice system. Explores practice and policy issues relevant to the contemporary adult corrections system. Examines the nature of community and institutional corrections settings and offender populations.

T CRIM 373 Criminal Evidence and Investigation (5) SSc
Examines scientific crime detection, techniques for case management and documentation, the concept of proof, the impact of emergent technology on the investigative process, interacting with victims and witnesses, and interviewing suspects. Emphasizes the investigation of particular crimes, such as, homicide, sex offences, child abuse, and hate crimes.

T CRIM 374 Human Trafficking (5) SSc
Examines domestic and international human trafficking, recruitment, and control methodologies. Considers labor and sexual exploitation and examines existing laws and services to combat trafficking. Analyzes the role of demand in perpetuating trafficking and the victims' trauma. Applies best practice solutions. Offered: jointly with TSOCWF 374.

T CRIM 375 Men, Masculinities, and Criminal Justice (5) SSc
Explores issues related to men and masculinities in the criminal justice system. Examines the various conceptions of masculinities that increase the risk of criminality, and how men "perform" masculinities within the criminal justice system and to the provision of services.

T CRIM 376 Harm Reduction (5) SSc
Examines the history and development of harm reduction approaches to drug use, sex work, and other related issues, and how these strategies can reduce harms and further complications for individuals and communities. Identifies controversies, successes, and challenges and analyses examples of innovative harm reduction policies, practices, and services. Offered: jointly with TSOCWF 376.

T CRIM 377 Reentry Success: Exploring Experiences and Programs for Returning People (5) SSc
Examines the numerous challenges to successful reentry and integration into the community, after serving sentences in carceral facilities. Provides in-depth exploration of the issues impacting the reentry of returning people. Explores possible solutions to create successful reentry processes and outcomes. Offered: jointly with TSOCWF 377.

T CRIM 390 Introduction to Criminal Justice Research (5)
Introduces the logic of the scientific method as applied to criminal justice, to the design and conduct of a research study, and to data collection and summarization. Develops skills in critical consumption of criminal justice research. Course overlaps with: TSOCWF 390 and SOC WF 390. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in either QMETH 201, STAT 220, STAT 221/CS&SS 221/SOC 221, STAT 311, TSOCWF 351, TMATH 110, or T URB 225.

T CRIM 395 American Criminal Courts (5) SSc
Examines the background, legal principles, and structures that underlie the courts component of United States criminal justice systems. Focuses on the roles of court actors, the procedures through which criminal courts uphold and/or threaten basic rights and liberties, and contemporary issues. Applies a critical, social justice lens to United States criminal courts.

T CRIM 409 Advanced Readings in Criminal Justice (1-5, max. 15)
Student-initiated, individually contracted course of study targeted at developing greater mastery of a specific area within criminal justice under the supervision of a social work faculty member with expertise in a related area of criminal justice. Focuses on individualized student-centered learning with emphasis on achievement of stated student learning objectives.

T CRIM 427 Disproportionality Across Systems (5) SSc
Examines disproportionate representation of people of color in the child welfare, criminal justice, economic, education, health, juvenile justice, and mental health systems. Focuses on how each of these systems interacts with the criminal justice system where disproportionality is a particularly serious problem. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 490. Offered: jointly with TSOCWF 427.

T CRIM 428 Policy and Practice with Sexual Offenders (5) SSc
Develops understanding of sex crimes and the people who commit them. Addresses the theoretical explanations of, and policies regarding treatment for offenders. Analyzes laws related to sex offenders, their constitutional legitimacy, and the difficulty in balancing offender and community rights. Offered: jointly with TSOCWF 428.

T CRIM 430 Children of Incarcerated Parents (5) SSc
Examines the impact of parental incarceration on the psychological, social, physical, and biological development of children. Focuses on issues of loss, trauma, attachment, and ways to address such issues. Offered: jointly with TSOCWF 430.

T CRIM 433 Crisis and Trauma Interventions with Crime Victims (5) SSc
Provides an overview of victimology and teaches practice skills for working with victims of crime and their families. Examines the efficacy and application of interventions that try to alleviate the impact of crime on victims, facilitate victims' mental health recovery, and assist in system navigation. Offered: jointly with TSOCWF 433.

T CRIM 434 Criminal Homicide (5) SSc
Examines the causes, forms, and consequences of homicide offending and victimization. Explores the patterns and characteristics of various forms of homicide. Analyzes the effectiveness of solutions and interventions both within and beyond criminal justice systems. Course overlaps with: SOC 275.

T CRIM 435 Terrorism and Criminal Justice Systems (5) SSc
Explores terrorism and counterterrorism organizations from a criminal justice perspective. Traces the evolution of domestic and international terrorism organizations and networks within the United States and globally, including their motivations and tactics, and counterterrorism strategies used by law enforcement. Analyzes the social construction of terrorism in academic and popular discourses.

T CRIM 436 Contemporary Social Work in Criminal Justice Settings (5) SSc
Focuses on social work practice with justice-involved individuals in criminal justice settings including juvenile justice, specialty courts, community corrections, jail and prison. Describes social work roles at multiple levels and examines contemporary issues that impact social work practice. Explores promising social work interventions and what is needed for effective practice. Offered: jointly with TSOCWF 436.

T CRIM 437 Abolitionism and Revolutionary Criminology (5) SSc
Examines meanings of abolitionism and debates over dismantling the prison industrial complex. Compares criminal justice reforms to more revolutionary transformation of systems. Explores the liberating potential of abolitionist solutions to problems of crime, oppression, and injustice. Imagines transformative alternatives to build humane systems that address harms in the collective interest.

T CRIM 440 Fundamental of Criminal Law (5) SSc
Examines the historical, constitutional, and legal principles applicable to substantive criminal law. Analyzes the definition of criminal law, elements of major crimes, general principles of criminal responsibility, punishment, and the conditions that may excuse an individual from criminal liability or mitigate punishment.

T CRIM 441 Senior Seminar: Professionalism and Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice (5) SSc
Examines the interaction between ethics and criminal justice practice, including application of ethical theory to criminal justice issues. Topics include ethical response to police brutality and corruption in criminal justice systems, development of professional identity, and promotion of professional conduct. Prerequisite: a minimum grade of 2.0 in T CRIM 371; and a minimum grade of 2.0 in TSOCWF 390 or T CRIM 390.

T CRIM 450 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (1-15, max. 15) SSc
Examines the design, function, and legal basis for non-United States criminal justice systems. Engages cross-cultural analyses of the connection between government, political, demographic, and economic factors in explaining historical and contemporary trends. Compares and contrasts non-United States and United States criminal justice systems. Includes a study abroad component.

T CRIM 490 Independent Research in Criminal Justice (1-3, max. 12)
Student-initiated, individually contracted research with a faculty member to engage the design and implementation of original empirical research. Training and supervision in some or all aspects of criminological/criminal justice research. Active participation as member of research team, with emphasis on achievement of state student learning objectives.

T CRIM 498 Criminal Justice Internship (5) SSc
Applies academic knowledge to further develop professional competencies critical to a successful career within the criminal justice field. Provides experiential learning in criminal justice.