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TECON 101 Understanding Economics (5) SSc, RSN
Examines fundamental concepts of economic analysis with application to contemporary problems. Cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been earned for TECON 200 or TECON 201 (or equivalents).

TECON 200 Introduction to Microeconomics (5) SSc, RSN
Analysis of markets: consumer demand, production, exchange, the price system, resource allocation, government intervention. Course equivalent to: TBECON 220; ECON 200; and B BUS 220/BIS 200.

TECON 201 Introduction to Macroeconomics (5) SSc, RSN
Analysis of the aggregate economy: national income, inflation, business fluctuations, unemployment, monetary system, federal budget, international trade and finance. Course equivalent to: TBECON 221; ECON 201; and B BUS 221/BIS 201.

TECON 305 Ethics and Economics (5) SSc
Examines ethics and economic theory, and explores the areas where they intersect. The goal is to develop an understanding of what it means to live well, how we should treat others, and how to evaluate the progress of our society. We will also discuss the rise of "ethical egoism" and the spread of "market norms" into everyday life. Throughout the course, we will stress the application of these concepts to contemporary policy debates.

TECON 310 Research Seminar in Economics (5) SSc
Covers essential skills and tools needed to succeed in 400-level economics courses, especially the capstone class. Explores future employment and graduate school options and opportunities. Prerequisite: T PHIL 251.

TECON 316 Current Issues in U.S. Public Policy (5) SSc
Develops student's analytical and conceptual understanding of current key federal public policy issues and reform proposals. Examines the economic role of the government versus the private sector in the U.S. economy, and analyzes issues surrounding the appropriate size and role of the public sector.

TECON 320 Gender and Development (5) SSc
Applies economic concepts to examine the role of gender in economic and social change. Examines critical debates surrounding households, particularly decisions about land, labor, resource allocation, bargaining power, and education; and the role of internal organizations, laws, and corporations in women's access to economic opportunity and political power.

TECON 321 Economics of Education (5) SSc
Examines topics in the economics of education including how schools re financed and why; what determines the amount and distribution of individual educational obtainment; debate over school vouchers; and the economic returns to education.

TECON 325 Contemporary Issues in International Political Economy (5) SSc
Investigates pressing issues confronting both industrialized and underdeveloped societies. Includes topics such as the international debt crisis, the changing international division of labor, poverty and inequality in the world economy, liberation movements, internationalization of production and regional disruptions in the U.S.

TECON 350 Law and Economics (5)
Introduces students to an economic analysis of the law. Examines the behavioral consequences of legal rules, and investigates the effectiveness of law in meeting social goals. Applies economic analysis to common law (property, tort and contracts), criminal law, and constitutional law. Course overlaps with: ECON 408 and BISLEP 301.

TECON 360 Poverty in Developing Countries (5) SSc
Examines the economic, social, and political factors that explain extreme poverty around the world. Examines patterns of extreme poverty, the relationship between domestic policies and poverty, and the role international factors play in contributing to and alleviating poverty in developing countries.

TECON 361 Current Issues in the Chinese Economy (5) SSc
Explores the most important economic challenges facing China today. Combines lecture with site visits and interactions with local business leaders and policymakers, allowing students the opportunity to study the Chinese economy with firsthand knowledge of experts living and working in China today. Offered: S.

TECON 362 China's Rise and its Global Economic Implications (5) SSc
Explores and evaluates the implications of China's growth and management of its economy for both Chinese citizens as well as the global economic system. Develops the analytical background necessary to understand the recent rapid emergence of China.

TECON 370 Economics and Social Mobility (5) SSc
Explores the relationship between inequality and social mobility. Investigates factors related to social mobility and examines how it has changed over time and across countries. Engages in an analysis of the features of society that help explain the degree to which societies have a level playing field. Prerequisite: T PHIL 250 or T PHIL 251.

TECON 410 Economics of Public Policy (5) SSc
Applies economic analysis to public issues, policies, and programs. Provides a theoretical understanding of markets and government policies to examine existing and alternative public policies. Analyzes case studies of government policies, and evaluates and critiques current public policies and alternatives. Prerequisite: TECON 200 or TBECON 220.

TECON 418 Urban Problems and Policies (5) SSc
Develops and applies economic analyses to an understanding of the dynamics and underlying structure of urban economies and urban problems. Draws examples from the local economy and local problems. Prerequisite: Either TECON 200 or TBECON 220.

TECON 421 Environmental Policy (5) SSc/NSc
Examines tradeoffs between the formal economy and the environment, and assesses current environmental policy. Places particular emphasis on examining and understanding local environmental issues. Prerequisite: TECON 200 or TBECON 220.

TECON 430 Behavioral Economics (5) SSc
Examines psychological regularities in people such as over-confidence, desires for fairness and revenge, addictions, self-serving biases, trust, herd behavior, loss-aversion, and procrastination. Incorporates these into economic models to develop theoretical understanding of economic anomalies. Prerequisite: either TECON 200 or TBECON 220.

TECON 441 International Economics (5) SSc
Examines theory, institutions, and case studies in international economics. Covers theory of international trade and international finance, and analyses of government trade and finance policies. Analyzes role of international institutions. Prerequisite: Either TECON 200, TBECON 220, or ECON 200; and either TECON 201, TBECON 221, or ECON 201.

TECON 450 Labor Economics and Policy (5) SSc
Analyzes of determinants of labor markets outcomes, and the effect of labor market policy in advanced capitalist economies, with primary reference to the United States. Prerequisite: TECON 200 or TBECON 220; and TECON 201 or TBECON 221

TECON 470 Economics of Health and Health Policy (5) SSc
Explores health, the healthcare sector and health policy issues from an economics perspective. Covers the demand for healthcare, health insurance markets, managed care, medical technology, government insurance programs, healthcare reform, and the pharmaceutical industry. Prerequisite: either TECON 200 or TBECON 220.

TECON 480 Seminar in Economic Analysis (5) SSc
Covers the principles and concepts of cost-benefit analysis and undertakes an application to a current issue in the region. Explores the building of a microeconomic model to evaluate the effects of a potential project or policy. Develops students' ability to communicate the results to stakeholders. Prerequisite: either TECON 200, TBECON 220, or ECON 200; and TECON 310.

TECON 496 Internship in Economics and Policy Analysis (5-15, max. 15) SSc
Offers experience applying economics in a policy-setting environment. Engages students with a public interest organization to complement traditional classwork. Develops professional experience, and exposes students to potential career opportunities.