Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
TEDADM 570 Curriculum and Instruction (4-)
Focuses on curriculum: knowledge and strategies for selecting new and/or implementing current district academic programs, and instruction: envisioning and enabling instructional and auxiliary programs for improvement of teaching and learning.
TEDADM 571 Introduction to Leadership (2-)
Begins the academic, exploratory, and experiential process of leadership in educational settings. Introduces students to the key components of leadership in academic settings and begins the process of cohort formation that establishes the learning environment for the program.
TEDADM 572 School Law for Educational Administrators (3-)
Explores federal and state law that principals and district administrators are responsible to know and administer, including special education.
TEDADM 573 Supervision of Instruction (3-)
Advances the knowledge of curriculum and instruction models into the domain of supervision of individuals and groups of staff in instruction. Assists staff in designing and implementing professional self-improvement goals.
TEDADM 574 Equity Focused Leadership (3)
Focuses on contemporary issues confronting school building or district educational leaders, such as educating increasing numbers of students who are at-risk, advancing social justice in the schools, ensuring safe and orderly school environments, crisis management, and conflict resolution.
TEDADM 575 Leadership in a Changing Society (3-)
Addresses the issue of how one in a position of educational leadership understands and copes with changes in cultures, and socio-political environments as they impact schools.
TEDADM 576 School-Wide Assessment (3-)
Surveys breadth of assessment issues in school administration, including the role of assessment in the reform movement and school-wide improvement initiatives, classroom-based assessment, the importance of accurate and timely data collection, interpretation and communication about assessment in the school community, and reducing achievement gaps in diverse populations.
TEDADM 577 School Finance and Educational Policy (3-)
Addresses issues of school finance from national, regional, and local perspectives. Deals with district and school budgeting, fund raising, levies, ASB and athletic funding issues, as well as legislative relations.
TEDADM 578 Group Leadership in Educational Administration (3-)
Focuses on the topics of group dynamics, group facilitation, meeting design, oral communications, and the art of persuasion. Topics include group leadership strategies and skills necessary to lead organizational change efforts, to effectively elicit and manage creativity and diversity, and to manage conflict.
TEDADM 579 Human Resources (4-)
Addresses critical role of management of human resources that is key to effective educational administration. Topics include hiring, mentorship, collective bargaining, strategic staff planning, communication patterns, justice issues, and evaluation of staff.
TEDADM 580 Reflective Seminar for Administrators (1-, max. 4)
All interns meet and reflect on field experience, providing insight and support for one another as well as referring to evidenced based best practices discovered through the literature. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.
TEDADM 581 Internship for Administrators ([2-4]-, max. 14)
Field-based practicum which focuses on the application of theoretical and research knowledge in instruction, management, and leadership.