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T EDSP 441 Reading Methods and Interventions (3)
Utilizes theory, research, and validated methods for designing literacy instruction. Focuses on effective teaching for beginning and struggling readers. Includes instructional design, assessment, and monitoring progress with additional attention to reading in special education contexts. Recommended: at least one college-level course focusing on education, learning, or teaching. Offered: jointly with T EDUC 441; Sp.

T EDSP 443 Math Methods and Interventions (3)
Utilizes theory, research, and validated methods for designing effective mathematics instruction for academic interventions and support for students struggling in mathematics. Includes instructional design, assessment, and monitoring progress with additional attention to math learning in special education contexts. Recommended: at least one college-level course focusing on education, learning, or teaching. Offered: Sp.

T EDSP 444 Special Education Assessment and Evaluation (3)
Prepares special educators for ethical and culturally sensitive academic assessment. Focuses on the appropriate selection, administration, and scoring of individually administered academic assessments, progress monitoring tools, and other academic assessments for diverse student populations. Interpretation within the context of other data collected and school-based interventions. Recommended: at least one course focusing on education, learning, or teaching. Offered: Sp.

T EDSP 447 Special Education And The Law (3)
Examines the complex set of laws, regulations, and court cases that govern the education of students with disabilities. Comprehensive introduction to the legal issues in special education, approached through the larger context of education law. Recommended: at least one college-level course focusing on education, learning, or teaching. Offered: Sp.

T EDSP 448 Special Education Classroom Management with Empathy, Equity and Justice (3)
Explores theory and research-based methods to create safe and equitable classrooms that promote social-emotional wellbeing and academic success. Emphasizes culturally responsive, multi-tiered systems of prevention for creating inclusive, equity-centered school environments. Emphasizes legal and ethical practices for behavior intervention planning and provision of specially designed instruction in social emotional learning and positive behavior. Course overlaps with: T EDUC 448. Recommended: at least one college-level course focusing on education, learning, or teaching. Offered: A.

T EDSP 450 Special Education Principles and Practices I (3)
Provides an in-depth exploration of exceptionalities with emphasis on the etiology of high-incidence exceptionalities. Covers theoretical, conceptual and empirical bases to meet the needs of diverse students. Addresses federal and state legislation for individuals with exceptionalities in school settings. Part 1 of 2. Course overlaps with: EDSPE 304. Recommended: at least one college-level course focusing on education, learning, or teaching. Offered: W.

T EDSP 451 Special Education Principles and Practices II (3)
Provides the knowledge and skills to design research-based program options for students with disabilities and to evaluate the efficacy of a continuum of service delivery options. Includes issues unique to special educators such as development and implementation of individual education and transition plans, scheduling, and working with paraprofessionals. Part 2 of 2. Recommended: at least one college-level course focusing on education, learning, or teaching. Offered: Sp.

T EDSP 513 Issues in Autism for Educators (3)
Prepares general and special education teachers to sere children who are diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in a variety of settings with a specific focus on inclusion and positive behavior supports. Offers specific and evidence-based information relevant to assessing, planning, and implementing interventions for children with ASD.

T EDSP 520 Multicultural Issues in Special Education (3)
Provides an analysis of multicultural and bilingual perspectives in education with an emphasis on issues relevant to special education. Addresses issues and trends affecting the education of diverse students in special education. Emphasizes research based practices for serving culturally and linguistically diverse students.

T EDSP 539 Introduction to Exceptionalities (3)
Provides overview of educationally-related exceptionalities with focus on recognized categories for special education eligibility. Examines the nature of exceptionalities and intersections with facets of identity including social, cultural, race, gender, and linguistic differences. Critiques and evaluates theory and practice as related to equity, culturally responsive programming, advocacy, collaboration, and service delivery options.

T EDSP 541 Reading Methods and Interventions (3)
Utilizes theory, research, and validated methods for designing literacy instruction. Focuses on effective teaching for beginning and struggling readers. Includes instructional design, assessment, and monitoring progress with additional attention to reading in special education contexts. Offered: jointly with T EDUC 541.

T EDSP 542 Classroom and School Behavior Support Systems (3)
Provides theory and research-based methods for creating safe and equitable classroom and school environments that support wellbeing and academic engagement. Emphasizes multi-tiered systems of prevention that are culture and identity-affirming. Builds the capacities of educators to develop equity-centered classroom management structures and collaborate in school teams that promote an environment in which all students thrive. Offered: jointly with T EDUC 542.

T EDSP 543 Math Methods and Interventions (3)
Utilizes theory, research, and validated methods for designing effective mathematics instruction for academic interventions and support for students struggling in mathematics. Includes instructional design, assessment, and monitoring progress with additional attention to math learning in special education contexts. Offered: jointly with T EDUC 543.

T EDSP 544 Special Education Assessment and Evaluation (3)
Focuses on the appropriate selection, administration, and scoring of individually administered academic assessments, progress monitoring tools, and other academic assessments for diverse student populations. Emphasizes interpretation within the context of other data collected and school-based interventions. Prepares school psychologists and special educators for ethical and culturally sensitive academic assessment.

T EDSP 545 Individualized Supports for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Challenges (3)
Provides theoretical basis for supporting youth with emotional and behavioral challenges. Biological, cultural, developmental, and social influences are addressed. Includes evidence-based strategies to support academic and social learning, functional behavior assessment and individualized positive behavior intervention plans. Strategies for engaging with families to enhance outcomes for students are discussed.

T EDSP 546 Collaborative Consultation with Schools, Communities, and Families (3)
Provides theory and research in school-based consultation at the individual and organizational levels. Emphasizes collaborative models that are culturally responsive, equity-centered, and grounded in a data-informed, problem-solving process. Emphasizes relationships that empower staff, families, and communities. Applies communication, teaming, and coaching skills that facilitate implementation of evidence-based strategies and interventions.

T EDSP 547 Special Education And The Law (3)
Examines the complex set of laws, regulations, and court cases that govern the identification and education of students with disabilities. Provides a comprehensive introduction to various legal issues in special education through the larger context of education, law, equity, and inclusion frameworks. Course overlaps with: EDLPS 516/EDSPE 504.

T EDSP 548 Special Education Classroom Management with Empathy, Equity and Justice (3)
Explores theory and research-based methods to create safe and equitable classrooms that promote social-emotional wellbeing and academic success. Emphasizes culturally responsive, multi-tiered systems of prevention for creating inclusive, equity-centered school environments. Emphasizes legal and ethical practices for behavior intervention planning and provision of specially designed instruction in social emotional learning and positive behavior.

T EDSP 550 Special Education Principles and Practices I (3)
Provides in-depth exploration of disabling conditions with emphasis on the etiology of high incidence disabilities. Covers theoretical, conceptual and empirical bases to meet the needs of diverse students. Addresses legislation including the IDEiA, Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, and the 糖心原创 Administrative Code: Special Education Rules and Regulations.

T EDSP 551 Special Education Principles and Practices II (3)
Provides the knowledge and skills to design research-based program options for students with disabilities and to evaluate the efficacy of a continuum of service delivery options. Includes issues unique to special educators such as development and implementation of individual education and transition plans, scheduling, and working with paraprofessionals.

T EDSP 556 Social and Emotional Learning (3)
Prepares teacher to meet the social and emotional needs of primary and secondary students. Provides in-depth exploration of theory and practice including evidence-based assessment and supports across the universal, targeted, and intensive levels of prevention. Geared toward teachers interested in working with students who lack critical skills necessary for resiliency. Offered: jointly with T EDUC 556; Sp.

T EDSP 583 Induction Seminar II (3)
Focus on research supporting and reflection on the evaluation criteria for 糖心原创 State teachers. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with T EDUC 583; W.

T EDSP 584 Induction Seminar III (3)
Focuses on continued induction for beginning teachers including reviewing the research supporting and reflection on the evaluation criteria for 糖心原创 State teachers. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with T EDUC 584; Sp.

T EDSP 587 Special Education Field Experience and Reflective Seminar I (1-5, max. 5)
Observation and evaluation of research-based practices in assigned public school classrooms under University supervision with accompanying guided inquiry into the nature and social context of teaching and learning. Reflective seminar component draws heavily upon observations and experiences from interns' site placements.

T EDSP 588 Special Education Field Experience and Reflective Seminar II (1-5, max. 5)
Observation and participation practicum in assigned public school classrooms under University supervision with accompanying guided inquiry into the nature and social context of teaching and learning. Reflective seminar integrates evidence-based practices with experiences from interns' site placements. Prerequisite: T EDSP 587.

T EDSP 589 Special Education Field Experience and Reflective Seminar III (1-12, max. 12)
Culminating classroom internship in assigned public school classrooms under University supervision with accompanying guided inquiry into the nature and social context of teaching and learning. Experiences in the site placements focus on synthesis of planning, management, teaching and assessment of the learning environment. Prerequisite: T EDSP 588 or permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.

T EDSP 590 Special Education Reflective Seminar (1-3, max. 3)
Provides guided inquiry into the nature and social context of teaching and learning in the special education classroom, as contrasted with the more pragmatic content of other components of the Teacher Certification Program.

T EDSP 591 Special Topics in Education (1-9, max. 9)
Offered: jointly with T EDUC 591.

T EDSP 592 Independent Study (1-9, max. 9)
Faculty-supervised independent study or readings in areas of education of special interest or need to the student. Topics vary. Prerequisite: permission of instructor and approved program of study or readings. Offered: jointly with T EDUC 592.

T EDSP 594 Special Education Seminar II: Collaboration In The Education Community (3)
Explores several avenues to successful collaborative problem-solving approaches to meeting the needs of students with disabilities who are receiving their instruction in the general-education classroom.

T EDSP 595 Induction Seminar For Special Educators (3)
Analyzes retention issues affecting beginning special education teachers. Synthesizes research-based skills and knowledge. Evaluates procedures for finding a mentor and best practices for long-term success. Examines support systems for special educators with regard to expectations of schools, legal expectations, and the needs of students in today's K-8 schools.